There's a...I don't know if I'd call it a glitch,'s an oddity.
Typically when driving on local roads, with the camera positioned in the "behind you", birds-eye view, the camera is typically behind you and slightly to the left, like a 3/4 view. But if you select the the "Overview" view, which zooms out to show you the entire route, and then select "Detail" to zoom back in to the previous view, the camera will now be positioned directly behind the vehicle position on the map, so you're looking straight ahead. It's really weird, and it feels like one of these is wrong.
Also, when driving on local roads, typically the camera position lets you see the horizon. But on certain local roads, the camera is pointed more down, and you can't see the horizon. I've been trying to figure out what types of local roads this occurs on, and so far it seems this occurs on local roads that have a State Route or County Road designation. It's not 100% consistent, however.