you can try Kvic-z SsdPmEnabler macOS Big Sur recently updated bug fixes for 2015 15" MBP.No luck for me either on Big Sur but I didn’t try that hard since it wasn’t doing anything for me when I was on Catalina anyway (ADATA SX8200Pro).
you can try Kvic-z SsdPmEnabler macOS Big Sur recently updated bug fixes for 2015 15" MBP.No luck for me either on Big Sur but I didn’t try that hard since it wasn’t doing anything for me when I was on Catalina anyway (ADATA SX8200Pro).
The new boot rom should support power management. So why would you want to install NvmeFix?Hello everybody, merry christmas!
I've just got an early christmas present, Sabrent Rocket 1TB with phison e12s controller.
My current setup was Sabrent Rocket 512 GB with Phison E12 and macOS Catalina + NVMeFix installed - everything worked as charm and battery was awesome.
So I decided to make an upgrade and also install new macOS Big Sur 11.1.
After clean install of macOS Big Sur (Apple SSD), my bootroom got upgraded to 425. (Macbook Pro 15 Mid 2015). Then I've tried to install Lilu with NVMeFix kexts via Hackintool (SIP disabled), but have no luck. My system got stuck on restart loop and only solution was do PRAM reset (enable SIP) and then system boots normal.
So my question is:
Is there anybody that have successfully installed Lilu and NVMeFix on macOS Big Sur 11.1?
Thank you!
How do you know that?The new boot rom should support power management. So why would you want to install NvmeFix?
Very good question. I don’t know it for certain. But it’s likely:How do you know that?
This may not be true. Bootroom update resolves 2013-2014 macbooks hibernate problems not power management and apst troubles.The new boot rom should support power management. So why would you want to install NvmeFix?
Thanks for going through this. Do you ever see gradations of power reported by istats, between 0.00 and 0.17 (on 11.1) or is it just one or the other? Does it jump up to .17 from 0, or is it more like (0.0, 0.03, 0.10, 0.17, 0.40)?Very good question. I don’t know it for certain. But it’s likely:
660p SSD with Catalina, iStat menus showed 0.17A / 0.17 for battery / adapter. With nvmefix 0.00 / 0.17.
With big sur and bootrom 186 (old): 0.17 / 0.17. With big sur and new bootrom (425): 0.00 / 0.17 .
Why not certain? I don’t now whether iStat menus is reliable. The Intel 660p datasheet specifies 0.012A (0.04W) for idle, so I would expect that iStat reports 0.01.
@vince22 has your Sabrent Rocket 1TB. He got it idle at 0.02A (0.03A before..and 0.05A before that)!This is not true. Bootroom update resolves 2013-2014 macbooks hibernate problems not power management and apst troubles.
For Sabrent istat shows 0.12 A at idle vs 0.20 A without nvmefix (0.0 is probably wrong).
So it has definitely worked at Catalina. But as far as I know Big Sur brings changes to the system extension and kext installation procedure so I guess there is a problem. There is need to know how to install kexts and system extensions under Big Sur because both kexts has been updated and should work under Big Sur.
Here are some screenshots of mine with kvic's SsdPmEnabler installed. Been running it for 2 days and haven't seen any side affects other than lower power consumption.These are my results (since Catalina). Now I am running Big Sur 11.1 with BootRom 429.0.0.0 on a Macbook Pro 15" mid-2014 + Silicon Power A80 (Phison E12) 1Tb. The minimum is at 0.16A. I don't use any kext.
There must be.. I got it to read SOMETHING when I disconnected power just once.. Every other time almost the whole bottom section of data drops to 0..I highly suspect there is. On Macbook pro 11'5 I never see 0A readings on the ssd , and yet others here are posting accounts of that on their MBA's. Its possible the sensor systems are different between models. Also the specifications that the manufacturer give for various ssd power draws don't necessarily mean that thats what Istats will report even if your drive is working correctly.
Yes, did a small experiment. Started Windows 10 via VMWare Fusion. Stopped Windows. Disconnected power connector. It then takes long before the current drops to 0.00A. That might make sense, because the image needs to be written to disk?Thanks for going through this. Do you ever see gradations of power reported by istats, between 0.00 and 0.17 (on 11.1) or is it just one or the other? Does it jump up to .17 from 0, or is it more like (0.0, 0.03, 0.10, 0.17, 0.40)?
When I have a moment, I'll update to the new bootrom and see whats going on.
I removed nvmefix and lilu before the upgrade to big sur (afraid for instability). The reading of 0.00 is likely right. Because in the idle state the power should be max. 0.030 Watt. (3.3V, so 0.009A). We can assume that iStat doesn’t round to the least significant digit, therefore max. 0.009 will be displayed as 0.00A.This is not true. Bootroom update resolves 2013-2014 macbooks hibernate problems not power management and apst troubles.
For Sabrent istat shows 0.12 A at idle vs 0.20 A without nvmefix (0.0 is probably wrong).
So it has definitely worked at Catalina. But as far as I know Big Sur brings changes to the system extension and kext installation procedure so I guess there is a problem. There is need to know how to install kexts and system extensions under Big Sur because both kexts has been updated and should work under Big Sur.
No value between 0.00 and 0.17. Did see values in the range from 0.17 to 0.23 and in the area around 0.45 .Thanks for going through this. Do you ever see gradations of power reported by istats, between 0.00 and 0.17 (on 11.1) or is it just one or the other? Does it jump up to .17 from 0, or is it more like (0.0, 0.03, 0.10, 0.17, 0.40)?
When I have a moment, I'll update to the new bootrom and see whats going on.
Yes, this is what interests me. On my model (15in 11’5) there are gradations from the base score all the way up to full power. Without any modification the 660p has a base idle of .17A then moves to .20, .25, .42 and back as it needs.No value between 0.00 and 0.17. Did see values in the range from 0.17 to 0.23 and in the area around 0.45 .
Photo: started windows client, some small actions in Windows, stopped windows client.
Much higher. About 10 to 12 watts with brightness 100%. Only connected a Nifty disk (micro SD card). MBP 13” 12,1 (2015) 2.9 GHz.Curious, what is your system total at idle?
View attachment 1701159
Thanks a lot ! I’ve tried your ssdpmEnabler and it just works. I’ve got even lower power consumption in comparison with nvmefix kext used on Catalina.@vince22 has your Sabrent Rocket 1TB. He got it idle at 0.02A (0.03A before..and 0.05A before that)!
What kind of MacBook do you have ? Because your istat show “SSD 3.3V”. Maine (mbp 15 mid 2015) shows only “SSD”. After you’ve upgraded to Big Sur, how did you get lilu and nvmefix working again ?I removed nvmefix and lilu before the upgrade to big sur (afraid for instability). The reading of 0.00 is likely right. Because in the idle state the power should be max. 0.030 Watt. (3.3V, so 0.009A). We can assume that iStat doesn’t round to the least significant digit, therefore max. 0.009 will be displayed as 0.00A.
Oh I see, the screenshot was with brightness at 25%. I turned it up to 100% just now and it fluctuates from 10 to 15 watts. Don't know what my point was for asking in the first place, LOL.Much higher. About 10 to 12 watts with brightness 100%. Only connected a Nifty disk (micro SD card). MBP 13” 12,1 (2015) 2.9 GHz.
Guess my MBP was still busy doing maintenance after the upgrade to big sur 11.1 . With brightness 50% the overall power usage is 7.xx Watts. MBP 2015 13”, CPU: I5 2.9 GHz.Much higher. About 10 to 12 watts with brightness 100%. Only connected a Nifty disk (micro SD card). MBP 13” 12,1 (2015) 2.9 GHz.
Mbp 2015 13” i5 2.9 GHz. Not any special .kext anymore. SIP is fully enabled (csrutil). Big sur 11.1What kind of MacBook do you have ? Because your istat show “SSD 3.3V”. Maine (mbp 15 mid 2015) shows only “SSD”. After you’ve upgraded to Big Sur, how did you get lilu and nvmefix working again ?
/usr/libexec/firmwarecheckers/eficheck/eficheck --integrity-check | grep "EFI Version"
EFI Version: MBP112.88Z.F000.B00.2012022043
# Store ZIP file path to variable (handle unpredictable file name)
ZIP_FILE=`ls /Volumes/Shared\ Support/com_apple_MobileAsset_MacSoftwareUpdate/*.zip`
# List firmware files in ZIP file
unzip -l-qq "$ZIP_FILE" AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/*
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBA71.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MB81.fd
8520304 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBA61.scap
8520304 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBP111.scap
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MB91.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBP131.fd
8520304 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/IM151.scap
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBP121.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/IM183.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/IM161.fd
8520304 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MM71.scap
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/IM171.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBP141.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBP114.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/IM162.fd
16777216 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/IM191.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/IM181.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBP142.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBP133.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MB101.fd
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBP132.fd
8520304 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/IM144.scap
8388608 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBP143.fd
8520304 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MP61.scap
8520304 12-08-2020 02:17 AssetData/boot/EFI/EFIPayloads/MBP112.scap
--------- -------
219025680 26 files
FIRMWARE_FILE=<firmware file path here>
unzip -j "$ZIP_FILE" $FIRMWARE_FILE -d ~/Desktop/
sudo /usr/sbin/bless -firmware ~/Desktop/<firmware file name here> --verbose --recovery
sudo /usr/sbin/bless -firmware ~/Desktop/MBP112.scap --verbose --recovery
Password: *****
EFI found at IODeviceTree:/efi
Will need to copy 8523776 bytes to EFI system partition
No auxiliary booter partition required
System partition found
Preferred system partition found: disk0s1
Returning booter information dictionary:
<CFBasicHash 0x7fd05f600550 [0x7fff83dc3c30]>{type = mutable dict, count = 4,
entries =>
0 : <CFString 0x10aba83c0 [0x7fff83dc3c30]>{contents = "Data Partitions"} = (
1 : <CFString 0x10aba79a0 [0x7fff83dc3c30]>{contents = "Preboot Volumes"} = (
2 : <CFString 0x10aba83e0 [0x7fff83dc3c30]>{contents = "Auxiliary Partitions"} = (
3 : <CFString 0x10aba7be0 [0x7fff83dc3c30]>{contents = "System Partitions"} = (
Mounting at /Volumes/bless.5nQf
Executing "/sbin/mount"
Returned 0
Creating /Volumes/bless.5nQf/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE if needed
Deleting previous contents of /Volumes/bless.5nQf/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE
Deleting /Volumes/bless.5nQf/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE/MBP112.scap (8520304 bytes)
Opened dest at /Volumes/bless.5nQf/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE/MBP112.scap for writing
preallocation not supported on this filesystem for /Volumes/bless.5nQf/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE/MBP112.scap
/Volumes/bless.5nQf/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE/MBP112.scap created successfully
Relative path of /Volumes/bless.5nQf/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE/MBP112.scap is \EFI\APPLE\FIRMWARE\MBP112.scap
IOMedia disk0s1 has UUID E0D1A18E-BE5A-4756-A31A-EA2CA48410AF
Executing "/sbin/umount"
Returned 0
Write to RTC: 0
Setting EFI NVRAM:
<CFBasicHash 0x7fd05f600dc0 [0x7fff83dc3c30]>{type = mutable dict, count = 1,
entries =>
2 : <CFString 0x10aba7c20 [0x7fff83dc3c30]>{contents = "efi-apple-recovery"} = <CFString 0x7fd05f502d60 [0x7fff83dc3c30]>{contents = "<array><dict><key>IOMatch</key><dict><key>IOProviderClass</key><string>IOMedia</string><key>IOPropertyMatch</key><dict><key>UUID</key><string>E0D1A18E-BE5A-4756-A31A-EA2CA48410AF</string></dict></dict><key>BLLastBSDName</key><string>disk0s1</string></dict><dict><key>IOEFIDevicePathType</key><string>MediaFilePath</string><key>Path</key><string>\EFI\APPLE\FIRMWARE\MBP112.scap</string></dict></array>"}
lvic, yes Sabrent rocket 1TB, just tested today in real world scenario by watching non-stop youtube videos, with your kext loaded i got 7hrs (50% brightness) total which is pretty good despite 5yrs old battery 597cycles. Thanks.@vince22 has your Sabrent Rocket 1TB. He got it idle at 0.02A (0.03A before..and 0.05A before that)!