Time to contribute to this thread. Just upgraded my Late 2013 15" MBP 500GB SSD to the SanDisk Ultra 1TB SSD. Also upgraded to Big Sur at the same time. Relatively straightforward install and great upgrade for only a $100.
SanDisk Ultra 1TB is basically a WD SN550 1TB in markets where SanDisk brand still enjoys extreme popularity. After installing ssdpmEnabler, people could enjoy 40% reduction in idle power. See post #7942 and discussion started from there. This put you in the teritory of premium SSDs where I believe people in this thread have been enjoying in the past two years or so.
Thanks a lot ! I’ve tried your ssdpmEnabler and it just works. I’ve got even lower power consumption in comparison with nvmefix kext used on Catalina.
So there is no need anymore to have lilu and nvmefix installed ?
What’s the difference between ssdpmEnabler and nvmefix ?
btw: first post in this thread really needs to be updated.
My research on our 2015 13-inch MacBook Pro + WD SN550 1TB running Catalina 10.15.7 shows the following idle power consumptions:
- 0.26A stock
- 0.23A with Lilu & NvmeFix
- 0.16A with ssdpmEnabler
- 0.13A with ssdpmEnabler + Lilu & NvmeFix
I like the comment "It just works." Like Apple like Magic.