I expect LiLu/NVMeFix will be updated eventually, but no guarantees... that said, on BigSur with the Barracuda 510, I get close to the same runtime as I did with NVMeFix installed (so it's not as necessary on BigSur).
For those of you on Big Sur and who want to try enabling NVMeFix again - I did a bit of research and found the Kernel Panics were due to the Lilu kext having a compatibility issue on Big Sur.
You need to add "keepsyms=1" to boot-args, after loading in the kext, before your first boot.
To do this:
Download and install Lilu.kext and NVMeFix.kext
Reboot in recovery mode (CMD + R)
Open up terminal
Type in:
nvram boot-args="keepsyms=1"
Reboot and you should enter macOS normally.
My iGPU was not going below 500 mHz. Installing "ssdpmEnabler" the problem got a little better. The iGPU now runs at 100 mHz when the system is idle. But after installing "ssdpmEnabler" I started to hear noise from my SSD. It's kind of like an electric sound. Looks like coil whine. There was no such problem before installing this kext.Our WD SN550 1TB + 2015 13-inch MBP has been flawless so far for almost three months. While not always under demanding workload, it does include hours of Zoom calls almost every work day, and often up to hour long of video compression by Zoom after those calls. During the video compression, I was told CPU temp shoots up to 100C, and SSD temp could reach as high as 50C.
So it saddens me to see a good SSD like SX8200 Pro has to live in a hell as hot as an enclosure. Your issues are very likely caused by poor craftsmanship of installation and/or the adaptor and perhaps coupled with brutal handling of the laptop on a daily basis. That could result in poor contacts and short circuits. Usually could be resolved by re-seating the SSD, applying Kapton tape (won't hurt to overdose) on suspected joints of possible short circuit, tightening the SSD's screw and/or inserting a thin rubber washer between the SSD and the screw.
vince22 is right. It should work. Based on current feedback, ssdpmEnabler is popular among 2015 models both 13 & 15 inches.
I recall bursts of complaints from you right about the time I started participating in this thread. My key take-away was _never_ putting a Samsung stick inside Macbook's. lol. Seriously though I was impressed by your observation regarding the iGPU never dipping below 500MHz.
There is rumour saying that ssdpmEnabler has the butterfly effect on iGPU which starts hopping up and down around 500MHz just like with a AppleSSD. This does add further power saving! It's a "rumor" because nobody understands why there is such an effect, and what's the exact behaviour the iGPU is expected to be. Also I only have (limited) access to 2015 13-inch MBP + WD SN550 1TB and verify the observation.
So do let us know how it performs on your Samsung SSD + 13-inch combo.
Perhaps installing ssdpmEnabler (disclosure: I'm its creator)?
I'm using SsdPmEnabler and screentime works on my BigSur install.@kvic I'm testing out SsdPmEnabler on a fresh install of Big Sur. Since enabling it, I've noticed there is no screen on time shown in the battery preferences screen. Is this a known issue? I'm going to try disabling it to see if screen on usage comes back.
It had screen time data before I installed SsdPmEnabler. I'll keep digging to see if I can find anything.I'm using SsdPmEnabler and screentime works on my BigSur install.
If this is a totally fresh install, it might need some time to gather statistics before any data shows up.
Thanks for the keepsyms=1 tip... This worked well for me. Whereas NVMeFix alone never used to make any difference, and then I couldn't even use it on Big Sur because I wasn't aware of the aforementioned boot argument, I just stopped using it after SsdPmEnabler came out. But after seeing this, I decided to go back and try it again.So far, (On Big Sur) with only @kivc's kext, I was at around 0.05A lowest on my Seagate 510.
Now with NVMeFix, I've seen it drop as low as 0.02A
View attachment 1706789
How do you install Lilu and NVMEFIX? I tried to open the kexts on Big sur and It asks me to select application. I tried with show package contents and selected manually open it but i get error "zsh: exec format error:"For those of you on Big Sur and who want to try enabling NVMeFix again - I did a bit of research and found the Kernel Panics were due to the Lilu kext having a compatibility issue on Big Sur.
You need to add "keepsyms=1" to boot-args, after loading in the kext, before your first boot.
To do this:
Download and install Lilu.kext and NVMeFix.kext
Reboot in recovery mode (CMD + R)
Open up terminal
Type in:
nvram boot-args="keepsyms=1"
Reboot and you should enter macOS normally.
Sorry, no idea about "Screen On Usage" issue.
I recall you have Seagate Barracuda 510 1TB. How is the idle current before and after? Good to hear back from you, btw.
Hi kvic.@Earl Urley Thanks for the update. To be conservative. I'll take 0.11A (/w NvmeFix) as your stock idle power for Inland Premium 1TB because I think >0.4A is likely not a proper observation for stock value.
@TiBook550 Thanks for posting. Looks like Crucial P2 is good with idle power at stock and responds very well to ssdpmEnabler. Currently P2 tops my chart at 90% reduction in idle power.
Thank you to all who have tried and/or provided feedback on ssdpmEnabler. From those of you who had included sufficient details, I've included your data under the "Confirmed working models" section of the User Guide.
To those of you who tried but your combinations of Mac and SSD models not listed on the table, some of us here would really like to hear from you.
At the moment, we're particularly interested in 2014 13-inch MBP owners who could share success stories with ssdpmEnabler. So that we would be able to isolate a kernel panic issue to this Mac model or specific SSDs. Possibly also come up with a fix.
@le9508 Thanks for the feedback. Updated the table to include your Mac & SSD.
Gents, if my guess of your Mac's model IDs are incorrect, pls let me know.
2021-01-05 17:27:39.416225+0300 localhost kernelmanagerd[100]: Validate approval for /Library/Extensions/SsdPmEnabler.kext in auxKC: not approved
2021-01-05 17:27:40.536083+0300 localhost kernelmanagerd[100]: failed to create bundle from path, unable to include: /Library/Extensions/SsdPmEnabler.kext
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8017183d06): nvme: "Fatal error occurred. CSTS=0xffffffff US[1]=0x0 US[0]=0x1b VID=0xffff DID=0xffff
. FW Revision=2B2QEXM7\n"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IONVMeFamily/IONVMeFamily-557.60.1/Common/IONVMeController.cpp:5472
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffffb09b2ab960 : 0xffffff8014ab9aed
0xffffffb09b2ab9b0 : 0xffffff8014bfc6e3
0xffffffb09b2ab9f0 : 0xffffff8014becd1a
0xffffffb09b2aba40 : 0xffffff8014a5ea2f
0xffffffb09b2aba60 : 0xffffff8014ab938d
0xffffffb09b2abb80 : 0xffffff8014ab9678
0xffffffb09b2abbf0 : 0xffffff80152be3ca
0xffffffb09b2abc60 : 0xffffff8017183d06
0xffffffb09b2abc80 : 0xffffff8017168427
0xffffffb09b2abde0 : 0xffffff801521c795
0xffffffb09b2abe50 : 0xffffff801521c696
0xffffffb09b2abe80 : 0xffffff8014afe6b5
0xffffffb09b2abef0 : 0xffffff8014aff5c4
0xffffffb09b2abfa0 : 0xffffff8014a5e13e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleEFINVRAM(2.1)[E4DF1D8B-0DA9-33A8-A7B6-17DCA1678FC0]@0xffffff8015e59000->0xffffff8015e62fff
dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleMobileFileIntegrity(1.0.5)[9BA70327-883F-3E4F-960A-14203BB191FD]@0xffffff8016000000->0xffffff8016014fff
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[D0F1BFB8-C28E-3E70-891B-73B783189394]@0xffffff801742c000->0xffffff8017453fff
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOReportFamily(47)[3A404946-7B6B-371A-A7B5-96E25F6F449D]@0xffffff8017462000->0xffffff8017464fff
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily(2.1)[AA8F8B9D-BA6E-3EBB-8195-4792042ADF71]@0xffffff801754c000->0xffffff801755dfff
Process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Mac OS version:
Hello everybody, merry christmas!
I've just got an early christmas present, Sabrent Rocket 1TB with phison e12s controller.
My current setup was Sabrent Rocket 512 GB with Phison E12 and macOS Catalina + NVMeFix installed - everything worked as charm and battery was awesome.
So I decided to make an upgrade and also install new macOS Big Sur 11.1.
After clean install of macOS Big Sur (Apple SSD), my bootroom got upgraded to 425. (Macbook Pro 15 Mid 2015). Then I've tried to install Lilu with NVMeFix kexts via Hackintool (SIP disabled), but have no luck. My system got stuck on restart loop and only solution was do PRAM reset (enable SIP) and then system boots normal.
So my question is:
Is there anybody that have successfully installed Lilu and NVMeFix on macOS Big Sur 11.1?
Thank you!
Hi,For those of you on Big Sur and who want to try enabling NVMeFix again - I did a bit of research and found the Kernel Panics were due to the Lilu kext having a compatibility issue on Big Sur.
You need to add "keepsyms=1" to boot-args, after loading in the kext, before your first boot.
To do this:
Download and install Lilu.kext and NVMeFix.kext
Reboot in recovery mode (CMD + R)
Open up terminal
Type in:
nvram boot-args="keepsyms=1"
Reboot and you should enter macOS normally.
From my research, keepsyms isn't set by default, so to clear it you could simply clear the boot-args of your nvram with a command like this:Just in case to revert that boot-args back, what is a default value for keepsyms ?
Lilu and NvmeFix have been updated. Does it work at BigSur now?
@kvic - I pulled the fw details in an earlier post #7902 - the Seagate 510 is a standard E12.I'm afraid I can't show you 0.05A equal to 0.05A. I did show people 0.00A not equal to 0A in one of my previous posts. I haven't re-tested since then but I doubt there is any change. I'm happy to be proved wrong.
@vince22 demonstrated to people two pages back how to test if the battery does last longer though I think he omitted a paragraph or two. I think others could come up with a controlled test that suit themselves to do the verification.
So Barracuda 510 1TB is basically same as 500GB on idle power consumption. Thanks for the update and I'll add it to my table.
I still consider the silver chips are Phison E12s but I also think people's bias against E12s is with little ground. I'm with everyone.. spiritually.. in their quest to find the truth.
Hi BoPI,Hi kvic.
Just to remind my post last week:
I'm on rMBP 13" mid 2014 upgraded to Big Sur 11.1 (BootRom is 429. and installed new 1TB Corsair Force MP510 SSD with old version Phison E12. Have idles at 0.17A.
Today I tried to install your SsdPmEnabler.kext twice and twice my Mac didn't boot after that...
Today I replaced my 1TB Corsair MP510 with 1TB Samsung 970 Evo Plus with clean Big Sur 11.1 on and tried to install the SsdPmEnabler.kext. Same story - my Mac didn't boot back after that.
But question is:
Is this stable ?
Are we allowed to have installed that many 3rd party kexts, which in fact do the "same" thing ?
How come, that SsdPmEnabler works even without Lilu, but not handling power states correctly or most efficiently ?
In the ideal world shouldn't be there something like SsdPmEnabler behaving like NvmeFix (efficiently handling power states) and working without Lilu?
Thank you for the advice kvic! I just ordered some Kapton tape and will try it out when it comes in on Thursday. Do you have any advice on where to exactly put the kapton tape on the adapter?@hopefulPA62 Try to look into Console for traces of "kernel panic" logs. Google for help. If you suspect your installation of 3rd party SSDs cause the "kernel panic", check out my suggestions to tzevoon in the previous page.
How did you switch units from A to mA?FWIW - After getting Lilu+NVMeFix + SsdPmEnabler running, during those times of "0.00A", the iStats graphs show a very small mA draw on the 3.3V SSD line (less than <0.005A), instead of 0.00A.. this may be from an iStats update too.
View attachment 1707592