Aren't default Macbook (post 2005) settings that hibernatemode = 3?It should be back to default settings (however power will still remain active to memory so extra battery draw may be expected)
How to Sleep a Mac and Check Sleep Settings
Mac supports multiple methods of sleep. Some can extend battery life, while others can make entering and leaving sleep
Difference between autopoweroff and standby in pmset
I just got a new Retina MacBook Pro 15". After getting some downloads interrupted due to the computer going to sleep (even on AC power), I started looking at the man page for the pmset
So not quite sure what you mean by 'back to default settings'. With hibernatemode = 0, doesn't this mean that I won't have any hibernation (state saved to disk) at all, system will sleep (to RAM), but will eventually die if kept unplugged indefinitely, but then when resumed it'll be a cold boot w hard shutdown, vs a resume from disk hibernate to state when slept / lid closed?
Also I note from my pmset dump (see original post above) that my sleep mode 4 is 'prevented' by various processes, does this mean I will in actuality have no sleep mode at all?
sleep 4 (sleep prevented by sharingd, nsurlsessiond, nsurlsessiond, AddressBookSourceSync)