Hello everyone
Can someone please give me advise, i done all steps from post #1345 of
vk2fro except of flashing new rom and have few questions:
1. When i dumped firmware from my mac and open it in UEFItool it shows unknown file system messages

Is it bad? or i can just ignore this ?
2. So i have downloaded from appstore "high sierra install.app" (10.13.5 version) and grab from it by "pacifist.app" NVMe driver from MBP114_0183_B00.fd. When i replace NVMe part in my bios i see different checksum - my is C0h instead of D5h. Data size is 25820

So is it bad or it's because of the updated firmwares in latest "high sierra install.app" ?
3. And finally is it necessary to update firmware of my MBR mid 2014 (with apple ssd) if i'm already updated to latest high sierra update (10.13.5) to get flawless workin of intel's 760p 1tb driver? I'm already bought sintech latest version adapter (black) and
going to buy new ssd in next week. Want to clarify all things before buy and flashing firmware
p.s. sorry for my english, hope someone will understand what i'm trying to say