Nice. I just did the same upgrade on a 2015 MacBook Pro 15 and I got the Adata sx8200 960gb. She’s running really good with about 5% battery Drain overnight in a span of 7:30 mins. Do you think that is normal? I tried using Istat to check the ssd temps during usage but it’s not working for me. It just shows no temperature reading for the new drive. Can you check to see if yours work ? Thanks
My battery is about 83-86% of original capacity. I switched off the wake for WiFi setting under power and my experience is about the same, 7-9% loss overnight. Which I'll take for quadrupling the space available. The temp sensor setting is lost when you switch SSDs, my guess is that the adapter cannot translate this well; or that the onboard sensor on the original SSD communicates in a way that the new SSD does not (i.e. the software doesn't support it).
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