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The bootrom is code that is stored inside the motherboard's non-volatile ram and every Macbook will have a bootrom. It is recommended that you install the latest OS to the Macbook with the original SSD inside. This will ensure that the Macbook is running the latest bootrom. Installing the latest OS with a third-party drive will not update the Macbook's bootrom.

If you are swapping the 512 GB for an Apple OEM 1 TB drive, you can make the swap and install the latest OS which will update the the bootrom if necessary.

Yes, an external is probably the simplest so you don't have to worry about excess heat, kernel panics, sleep issues, and battery drain.

Please correct the above-listed information if I am incorrect. I based the above on my mid-2013 Air.
Hello, I have a Macbook pro 15 inch late 2013 "A1398", I was wondering if I can install the samsung evo 970 ssd on my logic board + sintech adapter without having any deep sleep, hibernation and battery drain problems! Should I buy the evo 970 or go with the Transcend jetdrive 855, OWC aura pro X???
I have put together a write-up as RTFD in TextEdit to summarize the state of upgrading 2013-2014 MacBooks with NVMe drives thus far. The pictures are from an upgrade of the girlfriend's MacBook Air last week.

Have a look in case you are new to this thread - or a regular. :)

Happy to make changes in case there is something incorrect or misrepresented.
Can't I just update my macbook pro 15 inch late 2013 firmware with my brothers 128G OEM apple ssd then after that install the new evo 970 ssd without issues?
Hello Flemming,

I have your same strange situation and machine with 2TB 970 EVO but with High Sierra. I don't know why but I would investigate kapton tape insulation. Since I upgraded I did not find time and motivation to open again the back of my macbook. The speed is anyway very good form me. If you find something let me know.

How is your boot time? My machine booted in 23 sec at the beginning of the upgrade but now is slower with more than 1 minute. This is for me more annoying than the reversed speed. The progress bar slows at 2/3 of his length: could be interesting to know what the machine do in this moment... I suspect the system is trying to find a ressource not available.

Have a nice day


Hi APe

I am using several layers of capton tape :) - and the system seems stable...

I did have to install fresh the macOS Mohave in order to have boot times around 20 secs.

Before I had crashes sometime on boot or after boot. This has dissappered now and I guess the system is ok fast....

/// Flemming
as a remember :
- NVMe drives work out of the box on any 2015 mac without issue.
- you don't need any BootRom modification, the Bootrom upgrade provided with 10.13 gives full NVMe compatibility
(BootRom modification is only necessary to have full hibernation on 2013-2014 macs)
- Sintech rev.B or C adapters are the only way to go. Avoid at any price any other adapters, they have reboot issues.
- the Sintech adapter is provided with kapton tape insulation
- you will have PCIe 3.0 speed with x4 lanes. Trim of course.

all those NVMe were tested to work :
- Adata SX7000
- Intel 600p
- Intel 760p
- Intel 6000p
- Kingston A1000
- Kingston KC1000
- MyDigitalSSD SBX
- OCZ RD400
- Samsung SM950
- Samsung PM950
- Samsung 960 Evo
- Samsung 960 Pro
- Samsung 970 Evo
- Samsung 970 Pro
- Toshiba XG3
- Toshiba XG4
- Toshiba XG5
- WD Black gen 1

One only particular model of NVMe SSD doesn't work, probably because of a custom firmware : Samsung PM981.

Seems that in the post you refer, the person didn't use a sintech adapter but a know bad adapter (chenyang, known to make kernel panics with samsung drives), and worse, without proper insulation with kapton tape

I see you tested with the ADATTA SX7000 but have you tested with the 960GB ADATA XPG SX8200 (ASX8200NP-960GT-C)?
[doublepost=1541572088][/doublepost]I also want to share this email exchange I had with Sintech earlier today. Anyone care to share their opinion with using the ADATA ASX8200NP-960GT-C SSD with a long adapter from Sintech?

I heard there is component on backside of your SSD, so you'd better to buy ST-NGFF2013 or -B version.

looking forward to your early reply and enjoy the fruitful business relationship in near future.

best regards
Sintech Electronic Co.,ltd

Date: 2018-11-07 13:23
Subject: Re: SSD Card as 2013 2014 2015 MacBook SSD

Hello again,

While looking at your website further I noticed you have 3 adapters that can do the same thing. So I have a question for you. Which one is the best?

I plan to use the ADATA ASX8200NP-960GT-C SSD with a MacBook Pro 15’ mid-2015.

The 3 adaptors seem to have the same function but I don’t see what is the benefit of each.

Thank you in advance for your recommendation.

Best regards,
If I had to chose between the intel 760p 1TB and the Adata 960GB XPG SX8200 which one would you guys recommend (price excluded)?
Yes, here it is, note that this is a draft...

View attachment 795796

I currently have a Crucial P1 500gb (CT500P1SSD8) ssd installed with a sintech vC adapter (the long one) in my Early 2015 13" Macbook Pro Retina. I plan on returning it in favor of the ADATA SX8200 based on all I've read on in this forum (thank you all very much! especially Gilles_polysoft!!!), along with what I've read in a few other reviews. Everything is running fine, but I guess it just looks like the ADATA is an all-around better ssd for the same money, even though I'm giving up more space (480gb user). I also considered the Intel since it gives full 512gb and apparently lowest power consumption (battery will last longer).

1) Is the ADATA 480gb really worth losing 32gb for over taking the Intel 760p 512gb? My highest priority is stability and having all functions on the Mac work the same as the Apple SSD. Any thoughts comparing these two specific SSDs would be appreciated.

2) I'm happy to run whatever I can and provide info back on the Crucial P1 500gb ssd before I return it if you would like info on it to add to your chart. Just tell me what to run (where to get the tool) and what to collect and send back to you. I believe my 2015 MBPr 13" only has the PCI 2.0 interface, so that will limit what I can collect. At least that might help other 2015 MBPr 13" owners in making their choices?

Thanks very much for all the fantastic information provided in this forum.
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1) Is the ADATA 480gb really worth losing 32gb for over taking the Intel 760p 512gb? My highest priority is stability and having all functions on the Mac work the same as the Apple SSD. Any thoughts comparing these two specific SSDs would be appreciated.

On the same boat. I haven’t been able to find much of a difference between the drives other than the capacity and the higher sustained writting speeds on the ADATA so I am unsure which one to chose for myself. I am looking at the 960GB and 1TB models. What interests me most is the reliability of each drive more than their speed.
Reporting success with the short adapter and the Adata sx8200 960gb on a 2013 MacBook Air with Mojave 10.14.1

I spent £5 on a 10m roll of kapton tape (probably fake) and only used a 2mm x 12mm part of it to cover the contacts. Probably didn’t even need it as there was plenty of distance.

I ordered two different short connectors planning to test them, but I received the exact same connector twice over. One will be going back. The model I received has 183307 stamped on it, and on the green circuit board it says NFHK N-941A

The most time intensive part was the backing up and the restoring. Updating from 10.14.0 to 10.14.1 took over an hour. Backing up 80gb from my 128gb Apple SSD to an external Samsung 840 SSD in a USB3 enclosure took Time Machine over 4 hours at an average of 6MB/s (!). Very frustrating.

I considered cloning the internal SSD via SuperDuper (free version) but decided against it as advice on here was to install Mojave from scratch.

The actual SSD swap only took about 5 minutes. Having the right 5-lobed (!) screwdriver to open the laptop is vital, you can get them cheap on Amazon or eBay. The internal ssd is held down with a tiny torx (6-splines) screwdriver. Ifixit has clear pictures and instructions. I forgot to reconnect the battery and had to open the laptop again, but overall was still under 5 mins.

Installing Mojave 10.14.1 from a 32GB USB3 flash drive took about 30 mins, just following the default prompts.

Restoring the 80gb from Time Machine on the external SSD took only about 30 mins.

No messing about with Kexts / code needed.

Photos said it had to rebuild its library, took a few hours.

Apple Mail said it had to reimport messages, kept hanging, I left it running overnight (with sleep disabled) and it was fine in the morning.

Laptop became very hot with the new SSD and I thought maybe I’d made a giant mistake, but it was the intensive Spotlight reindexing going on in the background. Left it running overnight & it was fine in the morning. Hasn’t become hot since.

Getting about 1300 MB/s with the new SSD on Black Magic. Old SSD was about 400 MB/s. Laptop boots in half the time, about 20 seconds, & apps open far faster. Don’t really care about the opening times, space was what I needed, but still very nice to have a new snappier laptop.

Currently loses about 10% battery overnight, which I can live with.

Am testing reducing the deep sleep delay to 1 hour after start of sleep via:

sudo pmset standbydelaylow 3600
sudo pmset standbydelayhigh 3600

The two commands are for:

- when to go into hibernate when sleeping with LOW battery charge (default is to wait 3 hours / 10800 seconds)
- when to go into hibernate when sleeping with HIGH battery charge (default is to wait 24 hours / 86400 seconds). Threshold for low / high battery status is 50% charge.

EDIT: It's the next day. Had 0% battery drain overnight, am not sure if fluke or genuine solution. The first time I put it to sleep after running the two commands, it froze on waking up with a black screen and I had to force a restart. After that, it's been fine.

Other Time Machine restore weirdness to be aware of:

- all tabs / logged in websites / cookies lost in Chrome & Safari, had to re-log into all my usual websites again. Chrome Sync was able to show my previous tabs albeit it thought they were on a 'different' computer.
- All contents of Downloads folder was lost, this is expected behaviour but I had forgotten about it.
- 1Password silently stopped syncing with my iPhone. This was easy to fix by moving over to 1Password's new sync method, but would be nice if 1Password had informed me there was an issue.
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If I get the USB external case for NMVe M.2 SSD just like Sintech One.
Can I format that and clone via USB from the original internal SSD to the new external NMVe M.2 SSD?
After that can I use this cloned SSD for internal SSD via adopter?
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If I get the USB external case for NMVe M.2 SSD just like Sintech One.
Can I format that and clone via USB from the original internal SSD to the new external NMVe M.2 SSD?
After that can I use this cloned SSD for internal SSD via adopter?

Sounds like an expense that isn't necessary. Just clone your internal NVMe to any external drive and clone back to your new NVMe. Takes an extra step but at least you won't be blowing $72 to save a little time.
Sounds like an expense that isn't necessary. Just clone your internal NVMe to any external drive and clone back to your new NVMe. Takes an extra step but at least you won't be blowing $72 to save a little time.

Thank you for the reply.

I thought the case was necessary to use the original internal SSD.
In that case, it would be expensive, but the way I described above is possible?
I am getting kernel panics randomly and not sure what is going on (2015, Sintech long adapter, SX 8200). Can anybody make sense of this? Computer working fine otherwise as far as I can tell.

The error report below mentions "nvme" so I think it's related. No KPs prior to this in 12 months of use with this computer (bought used) using the original ssd.

*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff7f9d60e4c6): nvme: "Fatal error occurred. CSTS=0x1 US[1]=0x0 US[0]=0x1 VID/DID=0x2262126f
. FW Revision=SVN163\n"@/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff922b8b3a10 : 0xffffff801b7aca9d
0xffffff922b8b3a60 : 0xffffff801b8e6893
0xffffff922b8b3aa0 : 0xffffff801b8d82ba
0xffffff922b8b3b10 : 0xffffff801b759ca0
0xffffff922b8b3b30 : 0xffffff801b7ac4b7
0xffffff922b8b3c50 : 0xffffff801b7ac303
0xffffff922b8b3cc0 : 0xffffff7f9d60e4c6
0xffffff922b8b3e20 : 0xffffff801be5d997
0xffffff922b8b3e90 : 0xffffff801be5d8b9
0xffffff922b8b3ec0 : 0xffffff801b7e8655
0xffffff922b8b3f40 : 0xffffff801b7e8205
0xffffff922b8b3fa0 : 0xffffff801b7590ce
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[5575A5D9-1A48-3CE9-9016-8E7628AB8828]@0xffffff7f9d5fa000->0xffffff7f9d638fff

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 18.2.0: Fri Oct 5 19:41:49 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4903.221.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 5D53F7E4-472A-369D-97D8-4DD877A4BDFF
Kernel slide: 0x000000001b400000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801b600000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff801b500000
System model name: MacBookPro12,1 (Mac-E43C1C25D4880AD6)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 76230183206461
last loaded kext at 73530913151527: 94 (addr 0xffffff7f9e7c9000, size 57344)
last unloaded kext at 74035867375195: 1.2 (addr 0xffffff7f9d9ee000, size 28672)
loaded kexts: 203.6.4 94 1.9.5d0 1.70 3.25.6 1 3.0 3.25.6 1 1.0.1 6.0.9f2 3.6.5 110.23.46 2.7.0d0 1.0.0 1 12.0.2 7.0.0 282.10 1 170.12.11 3.1.2 6.0.9f2 1 3.1 212 1400.1.1 6.8.0 12.0.2 4.0.0 1.5.6 456.200.8 2.0.9 407.200.4 1.0.0d1 40 1.0.0 1.0 138.2 945.220.38 1.0 161.0.0 2.0 6.1 1.8 2.1 6.1 1.7 190 8 546.50.1 3.25.6 1.0 710.1 700.7 1.1.0 1.0 282.10 527 3.25.6 1.1.0 530 282.10 282.10 206.5 1.2.0 6.0.9f2 6.0.9f2 6.0.9f2 1200.12.2 1.0.1b8 1.0.4 3.25.6 400.27 255.1 1.0.0 6.0.0d8 1.0.0 1.0.18d1 530.12 5.0.0 1.2 11 1 5.5.8 5.5.8 2.1.4 2410.5 208 138.2 6.0.9f2 6.0.9f2 2410.5 2410.2 55 2.1.0 4.7.6 6.8.1 55 3.0.60 3.0.60 3.0.60 1.2 1.2 1.0 900.4.2 1.2 2.1 2.1 1.1 2.0.0 3 300.0 1.0.0d1 493.0.0 28.30 1.0 2 456.200.8 1.0.5 1 145.200.2 408.200.1 408.200.1 2.1 1.0 1 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0.1 1 700.7 3.4 47 6.1 3.1.9 2.9 1.4 1 1 1.0
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I learned a lot from your posts, so I want to share my experience too. I finally have installed my samsung 970 evo 1TB on Macbook Pro late 2013.
I used long adapter and also have added heatsink, one for the ssd driver and one for the CPU area to additionally take the heat. I cut one of the heatsinks to the size of the ssd controller and stick it there(check the photos), the heat problem is mainly there.
After a good clean and changing the heat paste, I started to reinstall my.......Windows 10 pro without bootcamp as a primary operating system. During the installation I have partitioned the ssd drive to 180gb for Windows and the rest was set as a second drive for personal data. Once installed I started installing the Windows Support Software, which was prepared in Mojave OS beforehand.
After installing the necessary Macbook drivers, I downloaded the support software for 970 evo called Samsung Magician and Samsung_NVM_Express_Driver_3.0. With the help of the Magician application I also updated the firmware of the ssd.
To be able to have better battery life and gesture options I have installed also these useful apps Power Plan Assistant and Trackpad++ you can find them here
Finally when all done, the result is very good speed 1662/read and 1412/write, no heat issues at all the evo ssd stays at 45C measured with Samsung Magician app. The CPUs core heat during the 1gb test goes about 57C-60C and with normal use the cpu cores heat stays about 48C. Battery life though is not as good as if we use OSX , with windows I get around 4hours-4.30 with Mojave OSx the same Macbook pro gets 8 hours.
So, at the end I am very happy with the outcome. I know most of you would prefer the OSX, but for me Windows is more useful and not so much limited, it is a good option to consider.
I forgot to say about hibernation, no issues at all , 3% over night which is really good.
Hope this can be useful info for all of you.
Best Regards


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I am getting kernel panics randomly and not sure what is going on (2015, Sintech long adapter, SX 8200). Can anybody make sense of this? Computer working fine otherwise as far as I can tell.

The error report below mentions "nvme" so I think it's related. No KPs prior to this in 12 months of use with this computer (bought used) using the original ssd.

I have the similar intermittent kernel panic when I have tried to start up or reboot my MBP-2014mid, since I installed 960evo+Sintech long adapter this March. Unfortunately, I haven't find the solution so far. I'd already installed macOS clearly several times and re-attached kapton tape, adjusted the extent of the screw of the adapter but anything hadn't work. Finally I re-ordered the same adapter a couple of days ago and I'll give it a try again after receiving new one.
I upgraded my late 2013 MacBook Pro retina 15" using the Sintech NGFF short adapter (bought on eBay from seller “Vitakore”, arrived in 2 days) and the XPG SX8200 960GB SSD. The SX8200 is double-sided, but using the short NGFF adapter there is plenty of room - I even attached the optional heat spreader. I used Time Machine for data backup/restore (USB 3.0 HD), and I used a Mac OS 10.14.1 installer on a separate partition on the same external HD. It works great! I recommend using a Wiha 4PL driver for the pentalobe screws, I bought mine on Amazon. I disabled hibernation with "sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0".

Update: only 3% battery drain overnight in sleep mode. There is a delay of 10-15 seconds when booting before I see the Apple logo, I wonder if it’s looking for a “normal” internal SSD before giving up.

speed test.png
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I learned a lot from your posts, so I want to share my experience too. I finally have installed my samsung 970 evo 1TB on Macbook Pro late 2013.
I used long adapter and also have added heatsink, one for the ssd driver and one for the CPU area to additionally take the heat. I cut one of the heatsinks to the size of the ssd controller and stick it there(check the photos), the heat problem is mainly there.
After a good clean and changing the heat paste, I started to reinstall my.......Windows 10 pro without bootcamp as a primary operating system.

Thank you for your detailed and understandable report.

I have a MacBook that is the same as yours,
so I'm interested in your 'heatsink'.
How thick is it and where did it get it?
It would be helpful if you let me know.
I have the similar intermittent kernel panic when I have tried to start up or reboot my MBP-2014mid, since I installed 960evo+Sintech long adapter this March. Unfortunately, I haven't find the solution so far. I'd already installed macOS clearly several times and re-attached kapton tape, adjusted the extent of the screw of the adapter but anything hadn't work. Finally I re-ordered the same adapter a couple of days ago and I'll give it a try again after receiving new one.

Mine was not at startup or reboot. I walked away from the laptop and when I returned it had rebooted on its own. Haven't had a panic in 12 months of use. Hopefully it has nothing to do with the ADATA drive...I got this cheaply so I am really not excited to swap it out.
Newegg is having a black friday sale for Intel 660p 2TB for $250; I think they charge tax so depending on where you live it might more like $270 or so, but still seems a like a good deal. I know there are tradeoffs with the QLC technology, but are there any other 2TB drives that are in the same price neighborhood?
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Mine was not at startup or reboot. I walked away from the laptop and when I returned it had rebooted on its own. Haven't had a panic in 12 months of use. Hopefully it has nothing to do with the ADATA drive...I got this cheaply so I am really not excited to swap it out.

Do you use 'Fuse for macOS' or something?
loaded kexts: 203.6.4

I suspect there is some conflicts between NVMe kext and it. (I'm not sure but...)

Stop executing the app and check if the same KP repeats.
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