I still don’t have any info on my trade in box.. it’ll be a shame if I got the trade in box before I got the iPhone.. I hope it gets here before the weekend. 🤞🏻Yep same boat, same tracking completed in China but no movement shown after that. Heck my trade in box is shipping via UPS not FedEx and it has tracking all through UPS system and arrives tomorrow. If tracking is working for that why is not our phone tracking working for at least Louisville (with customs, departure, arrival) and then locally for our local UPS which should show it is here, loaded on truck, soon out for delivery. I am retired but I have things to do like pick up grandson M-W from school, meaning wife has to stay here and she is a retired but now substitute TA at local schools — not that she works regular but would have done some but has to be here while I get grandson. What good is UPS with this kind of crap it should be updated already if not here that dates have slipped and they do not know but that would look bad for them, would piss apple off let alone us.