What the holy hell. I was pre-approved, like normal, for the two phones I have on the iUP on Tuesday. I get through my first order fairly easily. For some reason I had to go copy my Apple Card number from the wallet, but w/e. I next go on to my partner’s phone, go through all the same steps and it tells me there is an issue with my card number...I had just pasted it in the previous order. I went back to the wallet and copied it again, just to be sure. It was kicked back again. After the third time, it came up with a message telling me I wasn’t approved for the iUP order…I was so confused. I have great credit and have been with the program for 3 years. I went back to “For you” page on the app and my pre-order was sitting there “Complete your pre-order.” I ran through it, used a different card, and it was completed with release day shipping. I don’t know why my Apple Card gave me an issue; I barely carry a balance. I can’t imagine it had anything to do with already having an iUP payment on it because I‘ve had both phones on my Apple Card this past year. Anyone have any ideas? Think it was just a glitch?