TheYayAreaLiving’s now legendary annual thread
“🇺🇸 U.S.A. - Apple.Com - New iPhone XX/Plus/Pro/Pro Max / US Pre-orders, Orders, and Delivery Status Thread (20XX) 📱”
recreates harrowing yet memorable times of valor when brave men and women persisted against terrible, technologically failing odds.
Their travails do not go
unrecognized here.
Some countries are known to present
its heroes with their highest
emblem of decoration.
So henceforth, they will be honored on this day by Apple Inc. with their
own most coveted award.
For France, it is the Croix de Guerre:

For Britain, the Victoria Cross:

For America, the Medal of Honor:

(o.k., this one can be for the um, er... “white”)

And for Germany,
it was the Blue Max:

Well, more specifically, the
iPhone 15 Titanium “Blue Pro Max”:

Stand Proud, Decorated,
New iPhone Owning,
Loyal, MR Members—
We Salute You!
🎖 ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ📱✨