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Are you going to order the new iPhone 15?

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macrumors 65816
Apr 2, 2003
Tampa, FL (Orlando, 2003 - 2023)

Just kidding. Congrats.
I guess I deserve that. šŸ˜‚


macrumors 68000
Jun 23, 2010
Orlando, FL


macrumors regular
May 23, 2012
San Mateo, CA
SF Bay Area -- Just got the email from UPS that says package is on its way for delivery by 7 pm today. Fingers crossed it will arrive sooner than that.


macrumors member
Sep 21, 2021
Hopefully a bit earlier, rather than the later time. Sitting near the window so I will see the UPS truck šŸ¤©


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macrumors member
Sep 27, 2021
SHE'S HERE! We were first in line in Miami, HUGE lineup on the "ordered but not paid for yet" side - about 10 people behind us by 8:15 when they let us in.

Natural is gorgeous...just beautiful. Taupey with a gray hint, looks more one or the other in different light. Think it comes of a BIT more gray in photos.

Off to try out my 712 case options and transfer!

View attachment 2275466


The ESR tempered glass is a PERFECT fit, feels excellent around the edges and super protective.
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Well first THANK YOU! Iā€™m actually speechless here. I donā€™t see myself as having any influence just sharing in the collective love of for all (or most) things Apple. To know that I have in some way made an impression despite my relative light posting in recent times is touching. Itā€™s truly not how often we speak, but what we say. Ah, thereā€™s so much more than meditation to who I am, but it certainly is a connecting factor. Thank you again for your kind words. I appreciate them. Now let me share something from a different placeā€¦

When you first came here, I saw that you were just trying to feel your way through. Each of these sub forums have their own culture and some arenā€™t so friendly. A forum for enthusiasts who donā€™t want people to be enthusiastic - go figure! But youā€™ve carried on and each year you continue to bring more people together. Through the sheer fact of you being who you are and radiating it proudly, youā€™ve made this time of year a must attend event even if a person isnā€™t buying. I have no doubt that this thread is watched and being noted every year. While this would not be anything without all of us, it certainly would not be what it is now without YOU, Yay.

So continue to shine bright, share your love and light, and continue to do your part to invoke happiness, unity, joy all around. You are indeed powerful. Healing comes in many different forms. Continue to be a force for good. You have more work to do.

@naturalstar Agreed! I think the reason why I'm your biggest fan is because you watched me grow here since day 1. You are 100% correct! about me having to feel my way through. In the beginning, I was scared and nervous. Many times I was lost too. I think you watched me grow and pass that growing phase throughout the years. That's another reason why I respect you so much because you watched me start from the bottom.

One thing about me is I don't forget my struggles or where I come from. I look up to you because of your positive attitude and mindset. I really mean that. So, thank you again!

I've also been in touch with the Apple Executive Team and have notified them about the Pre-Order threads previously. So, I'm 100% sure they are aware of it too.

Cheers to the new year!
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macrumors 65816
Dec 13, 2022
Thatā€™s what I always do too. Just in case. But I like starting fresh and logging into iCloud and going from there.
If you set up the phone as new, and log into iCloud, will all your text messages transfer over? Iā€™m thinking about setting up as new, but canā€™t lose all my texts. My job relies on text threads I have with employees.


macrumors 68020
Apr 14, 2010
I haven't decided yet. It's yet to be determined.

iPhone Pre Order threads are my favorite and this is what I focus on the most because of the amazing community we have become throughout the years. I'm also done with creating new threads for the year. September is a supercycle for me. I also launched the Apple Watch Pre-Ordered thread and I barely made any posts there. I was very determined to be in this thread this year. So, we'll see. I'm just happy alot of regulars came back. It made me very happy every single day. In addition, I'm also going to miss everyone in here.
Thank you so much @Theyayarealiving ! Ever since you started these threads it has been a true pleasure that I look forward to year after year! My UPS guy hooked me up and delivered my phone super early so now the fun begins!


Jan 16, 2002
Denver, CO
If you set up the phone as new, and log into iCloud, will all your text messages transfer over? Iā€™m thinking about setting up as new, but canā€™t lose all my texts. My job relies on text threads I have with employees.
Honestly, Iā€™ve seen that work with varying degrees of success. Sometimes they auto-pop, other times they havenā€™t. And a mix between the two. I think because that is also tied to carrier (in my case, AT&T)?

If your Messages are mission critical, i recommend config from a backup.

Good luck!
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