No I don't feel for you. What I do feel is your constant whining. You've been spewing this negativity in several threads and it's not needed.
It is your choice to pre-order a computer. When you pre-ordered, Apple said it would be ready in November. Apple will deliver at, or most likely before the date they promised (in other words, the early half of November). They almost always exceed expectations. It's not even November yet and you're acting like a crybaby.
Now think about this. AppleCare is an intellectual item. A warranty that covers Day 1 through Day 365 of the third year in which you own your machine. YOU ordered it. What's the big deal if Apple ships you some paperwork after you asked for it? Apple is starting to ship Applecare most likely because the iMac will be released in the very near future (like the next 7 to 10 days). This is part of why Apple is one of the most successful companies in the world: they are efficient. They know the iMac is days away from shipping, why not go ahead and fulfill the order?
Your Apple remote is not a part of your iMac. Again, YOU ordered it. So why start whining when Apple sends it to you? If you didn't want it now, then you SHOULDN'T HAVE ORDERED IT. Are you starting to see my point?
I understand how difficult it is to wait for something that you are really excited about, I really do. And you are going to love your new iMac when it arrives. But please, there is no need to come on here day after day with negative energy towards a situation that you choose to be in. Kick back and relax. Apple will exceed the promises they made.