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Word from my local Apple Store as of 2 minutes ago is Apple has told them that the quad-core iMacs will start shipping tomorrow, November 3rd. This seems to be consistent with what a number of retailers are showing, including Best Buy, as well as what others have reported on here.

Something has to be going down tomorrow.

I believe that maybe the case. I just received the new remote I ordered along with the i7 iMac. The remote was originally scheduled for delievery on the 18th of Nov, then changed to the 5th. I received it today so I'm thinking that Apple might be off with the original anticipated delivery dates. So instead of mid-november we can expect notice of shipments this week. Yippy. :D
Then why hasn't Apple updated their website with "shipping in 24hrs?"

The day is not finish its only 4pm in montreal, maybe they will update today or tommorrow who knows? Im waiting for my "ready to ship" email from apple in the very next 48 hours! :)

Word from my local Apple Store as of 2 minutes ago is Apple has told them that the quad-core iMacs will start shipping tomorrow, November 3rd. This seems to be consistent with what a number of retailers are showing, including Best Buy, as well as what others have reported on here.

Something has to be going down tomorrow.

I will believe it when I see it.
I ordered an i7 iMac little over three hours ago from the UK store. Confirmation email said it'll be shipped on Nov 30th for delivery on/before December 7th. Doing the sums however, at some stage when I ordered it said "ships: 2-4 weeks", November 30th being 4 weeks today. Looking at other people's delivery estimates seems to match the 4 weeks from day of order.

So really it tells me/you nothing, other than Apple are playing it safe, so here's hoping they ship this week.

Word from my local Apple Store as of 2 minutes ago is Apple has told them that the quad-core iMacs will start shipping tomorrow, November 3rd. This seems to be consistent with what a number of retailers are showing, including Best Buy, as well as what others have reported on here.

Something has to be going down tomorrow.

Which runs counter to what my local Apple store told me 20 minutes ago: "We don't know what Apple is sending to us until it arrives."

That is, by the way, the same message I have gotten from numerous Apple Stores going back to Sunflower iMacs and G4 PowerMacs.

That said, nothing would make me happier than quad-cores by the end of the week...

Word from my local Apple Store as of 2 minutes ago is Apple has told them that the quad-core iMacs will start shipping tomorrow, November 3rd. This seems to be consistent with what a number of retailers are showing, including Best Buy, as well as what others have reported on here.

Something has to be going down tomorrow.

I fully agree with you! Futureshop and bestbuy say nov 3rd and each time i called apple i recieved " this week" as the shipping date. Tomorrows the day!
hey guys needing some help. I know you guys are uber smart. I'm looking at the 27" I saw the link with the differences between the i5 and i7, but how much faster is that than the C2D? Thanks for the help

Seems to at least beat it every time.

I look at it this way. To get the base 27 to the same video card puts it only $150 below the i5 quad which comes with the same card.

Word from my local Apple Store as of 2 minutes ago is Apple has told them that the quad-core iMacs will start shipping tomorrow, November 3rd. This seems to be consistent with what a number of retailers are showing, including Best Buy, as well as what others have reported on here.

Something has to be going down tomorrow.

Well if they aren't and I can go walk in and buy an i5 I will follow that route.

Oh wait, I don't think the box from the 27 will fit in my Miata :(
I just placed my order for the I7 model with 4GB

I didn't want to order anything that might delay the processing.

Mine says ships November.

I can be patient.
As soon as I hear they're available, Im on the phone to every Apple store in the UK... Trying to get me one of these babies!! :)

Same here (just not UK)
If what has been said is true (shipping by the 3rd), I hope I can pick one up in a retail store this weekend.
I wonder what type of demand they are seeing in regular stores

Seems to at least beat it every time.

I look at it this way. To get the base 27 to the same video card puts it only $150 below the i5 quad which comes with the same card.

Are those the two exact processors that are in the iMac too? The difference is smaller than I thought. Miniscule in almost every test? I thought at least for video encoding it would be quite a bit faster. If it only shaves 3-5 seconds off off an hour long encode, maybe the $180 bucks is better spent on say a RAM upgrade?
This is going to be my first iMac and really i am very nervous thinking about WHEN it will arrive.
On the spanish Apple Store there is no more info, and the commercial people of Apple Europe are not informing more officially... but someone told me that the planning is that THIS WEEK the ships will go on if there is no last minute problem. I hope that she would be right :D
Worth a shot, just spoke to big Ron from the sales team online...:


^^^ Ronnie better not let me down.
Same here (just not UK)
If what has been said is true (shipping by the 3rd), I hope I can pick one up in a retail store this weekend.
I wonder what type of demand they are seeing in regular stores

Yeah good idea ;) I'd like to pick mine up as soon as they're available and not wait around for delivery. I bet there is alot of interest, but taking into consideration of the price, I doubt very much they'll sell as quick as iPhones!

i just called apple and got a weird automated message saying my i7 has been "prepared for shipment" which is contrary to what the order status page says. When it prompted me if i wanted more info, i was sent to a real person who told me that at the earliest, i could expect to know an exact ship date later this week.

i think people are jumping the gun thinking they'll be getting their iMacs this week... i would imagine that apple would need a little more time to organize their order statuses if we were all getting them this week and if we were, they'd tell us. although, that could be wishful thinking ;)
Called my local Apple store and was told to hold as they got a shipment today. After they came back on the line he said it wasn't the quad cores and that his manager said the earliest to expect them is the middle of the month.
i just called apple and got a weird automated message saying my i7 has been "prepared for shipment" which is contrary to what the order status page says. When it prompted me if i wanted more info, i was sent to a real person who told me that at the earliest, i could expect to know an exact ship date later this week.

i think people are jumping the gun thinking they'll be getting their iMacs this week... i would imagine that apple would need a little more time to organize their order statuses if we were all getting them this week and if we were, they'd tell us. although, that could be wishful thinking ;)

But think about how happy everyone would be if Apple didn't update the status and all of a sudden new iMacs show up at our doors tomorrow. :p
Yeah good idea ;) I'd like to pick mine up as soon as they're available and not wait around for delivery. I bet there is alot of interest, but taking into consideration of the price, I doubt very much they'll sell as quick as iPhones!


I have to admit, I'm truly surprised we've never seen someone "hold up" an Apple Store to be first in line to get their new iMac or iPhone and then actually pay. How funny of a story would that be for the media? Man holds Apple Store employees at gun point to buy a new iMac (to cut the lines) and actually pays for it.
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