Just to follow up - the day after it said "Prepared for Shipment" it actually shipped. I started in Shanghai that day and ended up in Memphis, but has jus been chillin' ever since. Hopefully this means i will get it Tuesday!!! Can't wait.
How do you know it's headed for Memphis?
Yeah, my package is about 10 miles away, but fedex still claims it will be another two days until it arrives.
I'm in the UK, original ship date was meant to be Monday 1st Feb but it sent on Saturday (30th) instead. Still no sign of a tracking number though - only if I look through the US store but that won't work on the UPS website...
Anyone else from UK got a number yet?
Edit: Also it says it will be delivered 11th/12th February depending on what time zone you set it as... surely it can't take that long :O
Mine too: "Jan 31, 2010 4:53 AM Departed FedEx location OAKLAND, CA" - I'm in LA... starting to think I may see it here Monday!
This is awesome. Now if only it won't have flickering or yellow fever or any other annoyances... fingers crossed, rain dance and sacrificing animals to follow.
Mine too: "Jan 31, 2010 4:53 AM Departed FedEx location OAKLAND, CA" - I'm in LA... starting to think I may see it here Monday!
This is awesome. Now if only it won't have flickering or yellow fever or any other annoyances... fingers crossed, rain dance and sacrificing animals to follow.
I had the exact same dates. Was meant to ship on the first, but infact shipped on the 30th. I got a tracking number right away though, and it says ill get the imac tomorrow. Tho according to my tracking number its either still in shanghai or in the air from there. So i wont be holding my breath for delivery tomorrow quite yet.
im in the uk btw
Mine too: "Jan 31, 2010 4:53 AM Departed FedEx location OAKLAND, CA" - I'm in LA... starting to think I may see it here Monday!
This is awesome. Now if only it won't have flickering or yellow fever or any other annoyances... fingers crossed, rain dance and sacrificing animals to follow.
Hmm, where did your tracking number appear?
My one from t he US store is WW00000XXXXXXXXXXXXX
'My Carrier Tracking Number' has been saying it will be updated shortly since then...
It looks like our iMacs shipped at the same time and are both going to LA. So why does you shipment seem to be going faster? I paid for the expedited too. Mine is in Memphis.
I'm in the UK, original ship date was meant to be Monday 1st Feb but it sent on Saturday (30th) instead. Still no sign of a tracking number though - only if I look through the US store but that won't work on the UPS website...
Anyone else from UK got a number yet?
Edit: Also it says it will be delivered 11th/12th February depending on what time zone you set it as... surely it can't take that long :O
Ordered a 27" i7 on the 27th January, shipping date 17th February although from the posts before this, hopefully it'll ship sooner. I'm like a child waiting for christmas.
Mine was due to ship 2nd feb, but shipped 30th jan. Initially due to arrive 4th feb but now it says 12th feb, no tracking number for me either, hoping it will come next week, uk too.
Looks like mine will be here tomorrow (ordered January 4th)... sadly it's a week 3 machine so I'm not optimistic about the condition in which it will arrive![]()