He could have opened it up an put an i5 inside. But thats highly unlikely.
No, the cpus have different socket types
He could have opened it up an put an i5 inside. But thats highly unlikely.
It's possible that he just faked it to stir up speculation and controversy. Changing the About This Mac window is extremely easy. ie: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20050809204632497&query=about+mac+processor
He could have opened it up an put an i5 inside. But thats highly unlikely.
That's not true. They can just take the money out a few hours in advance to make sure you have it...
How long ago did you order it? I heard they take the money out just to make sure you have it then give it back in like 3-5 days. But then charge you once it ships.
why would this guy need to fake it though? he has like 3 other top ends, a couple 3GS's and a bunch of other cool stuff. /shrug
AFAIK, Apple Care is a shipped box with a leaflet and a Tech Tool disc.
http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/iMac27-Quad/It's Arriving Soon!
We've confirmed this item will ship soon from Apple and should arrive in our warehouse the week of 11/08. Go ahead, place your order now. We will ship it immediately, the very same day we receive it from Apple.
It's possible that he just faked it to stir up speculation and controversy. Changing the About This Mac window is extremely easy. ie: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20050809204632497&query=about+mac+processor
Well, I just did it! I ordered my first Mac: the 27-inch iMac, i5, 8GB (4x2GB)memory, iWork, and Applecare. I'm excited and a little apprehensive that I spent more on a computer than I ever have.
I guess the only thing more exciting than those of us
waiting for our newiMac is people like you for
whom this is your first Mac! It's like
having a Porsche as your first car.
I spent 28 years in the MS world, Vista
is what gave me the final push at age 52
I now have a Macbook Pro, iPhone 3Gs, Apple TV
Time Capsule and soon a Quad Core iMac.
You will be delighted to have made the switch
Well, I just did it! I ordered my first Mac: the 27-inch iMac, i5, 8GB (4x2GB)memory, iWork, and Applecare. I'm excited and a little apprehensive that I spent more on a computer than I ever have.