yeww! what would this hosting have to offer lol? currently i get 10GB of space + 100GB of traffic free per month! not that i use that much, having a server on home turf would give a nice performance improvement!
I can't really say in here mate, the admins will boot me for advertising. Check the website, for plans, but we usually just make up what ever the person wants / needs. Most of our plans are aimed at the average user who only ever uses like 20mb of their space anyway. Not many peeps ever use more than that. Nerds yes, average peeps, no.
We don't oversell our space or bandwidth hence we don't offer crazy plans where - "I've gone crazy, all disk space and bandwidth must go! Due to a shipping error, I have too much disk space and bandwidth, and I am smashing prices. Its all gotta go!"
P.S - The servers are in the states anyway.