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Believe it or not - I tried that, but they won't tell you where the driver is or where they're going. The worst part for me is that I was only around the corner, and I left a note on the door saying "deliveries, please call {mob no.}"

That, and my wife says it's not ok to punch delivery guys in the face anymore.

Yes it is, especially when they make no real effort to deliver the goods. I have lost count of how many times i have been sitting here in my office and gone out to find a sorry we missed you card. They don't put any effort in at all, so punch away I say.
Believe it or not - I tried that, but they won't tell you where the driver is or where they're going. The worst part for me is that I was only around the corner, and I left a note on the door saying "deliveries, please call {mob no.}"

That, and my wife says it's not ok to punch delivery guys in the face anymore.

With me they leave a card saying "ha ha we have your crap. If you want it come to the post office after such and such a time and pick it up" Its common to not tell me which post office, or what time..
Yes it is, especially when they make no real effort to deliver the goods. I have lost count of how many times i have been sitting here in my office and gone out to find a sorry we missed you card. They don't put any effort in at all, so punch away I say.

Once i was sitting in the front room of my house and a photocopier came crashing through the front window, now thats service beacuse it would not have fitted through my front door if i had heard the knock at the door.

If you just swing both arms in forward circles with your fists clenched while walking forwards and the delivery guy doesnt hear you coming, its not your fault if you make contact..
I was just gonna wait for the re-delivery and when they guy gets here, say: "hey, were you the guy that came by on Wednesday?" and if he replies in the affirmative - !!POW!! - right in the kisser... no explanation, just retribution.


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I was just gonna wait for the re-delivery and when they guy gets here, say: "hey, were you the guy that came by on Wednesday?" and if he replies in the affirmative - !!POW!! - right in the kisser... no explanation, just retribution.

I think that is what is referred to in legal circles as "Justifiable Homicide". Although, i wouldn't want to personally test the case.
My i7 arrived this morning! Woke up really hungover and almost threw up on the delivery guy haha.

Now i have to move my old desk, build my new desk, set up my old computer for the parents, set up their old computer for the sis, then finally i can set up my imac.

Windows convert here, can't wait to turn on my first mac!
My i7 arrived this morning! Woke up really hungover and almost threw up on the delivery guy haha.

Now i have to move my old desk, build my new desk, set up my old computer for the parents, set up their old computer for the sis, then finally i can set up my imac.

Windows convert here, can't wait to turn on my first mac!

You are the most Aussie person i havn't met. How cool is that? Im sure the delivery guy would have appreciated you not throwing up on him, but that depends on what you ate/drank last night. Getting thrown up on by hungover people is part of the job satisfaction of delivery people, im fairly certain.
Nothing worse than having to do something when you are hung over, and answering the door is right up there; its worse if you know the person, and they come in: all you want to do is to sneak out the back and chuck up the 2 bottles of red wine and the half cooked snags from the BBQ (when it ran out of gas) onto the roses and someone wont just piss off and leave you alone.

I say bugger setting up the families stuff for them. If they wont even answer the door for you while you are still half cut why should you have to do anything for them? If you dont have a desk to put the mac on, just run an extension cord to the dunny, and bring a bucket so you can chuck up from both ends while setting up firefox. Easy.

You have inspired me to get smashed every night from now until my mac gets here jsut incase the same thing happons.

If you are still reading this it means that you havnt set the mac up yet, so have a ralph, then get stuck into it. use the kitchen bench if you must, they can cook dinner around you, and it will save you valuable snack getting transit time.

translation - Im jealous.
My i7 arrived this morning! Woke up really hungover and almost threw up on the delivery guy haha.

Now i have to move my old desk, build my new desk, set up my old computer for the parents, set up their old computer for the sis, then finally i can set up my imac.

Windows convert here, can't wait to turn on my first mac!

Die you evil drunk. I WANT MINE!
^^^Well lucky you.... :mad: but really jealous ;) haha

You must post pics...
yup ive been patient. waited for benchmarks and any errors. but i think i am now allowed to be happy and excited.

i will of course, post pictures :D many many of them

If yours arrives before mine i am going to be really really really pissed off so when it does, just don't tell me.
Time to call apple again for my daily excuse..
sorry to get all happy on you, i hope for your sake that yours comes before mine.
sorry to get all happy on you, i hope for your sake that yours comes before mine.

Im sorry, that did come out the wrong way. I am actually happy for you:)

I just got off the phone to apple and had an interesting conversation, it looks like our macs might be on the same plane...

copied and pasted from the other shipping thread...

Hearing that Y'all are ordering units now and getting delivery straight away i gave apple another call and discussed this annoying delivery scheme.

I remained calm and the operator was very polite and friendly.

I gathered from him that the reason why people who ordered before the system went off line in early November still have "Not Yet Shipped" as the status is common, and it will not update or give you an estimated delivery date until your iMac actually ships.. There was an update to the shipping system and our orders are on the old one. He could not explain why they were not shipping before the more recent orders, only that he can only tell me what management allow him to tell me.
It doesnt make sence, but that is how it is.

The next shipping date for orders upto the 20th Nov to Australia is the 24/25th of November. This is when they will leave the factory and head down under.
Again why they are stockpiling the orders would seem to be to save money with bulk shipping. He assured me that my order will be in that shipment.

I guess none of this applies to US orders as they are getting sent almost daily.

Ohh well, time to forget about it for a week or so me thinks.
Im sorry, that did come out the wrong way. I am actually happy for you:)
haha no no its fine! i was just trying to not sound as happy because i know you are having a really tough time with yours :( which absolutely SUCKS

I just got off the phone to apple and had an interesting conversation, it looks like our macs might be on the same plane...

copied and pasted from the other shipping thread...
oohhh? thats great! i nearly replied to your post in the other thread btw haha!

The next shipping date for orders upto the 20th Nov to Australia is the 24/25th of November. This is when they will leave the factory and head down under.
Again why they are stockpiling the orders would seem to be to save money with bulk shipping. He assured me that my order will be in that shipment.

I guess none of this applies to US orders as they are getting sent almost daily.

Ohh well, time to forget about it for a week or so me thinks.

that makes sense, but why does the US get priority? thats BS. who says that the US is higher then we are? we should all be treated equally. if the US gets daily shipments, then so do we!

Like a nice set (front, sides, angles, and a screeny of About this Mac)

ok done (Y). i shall do that for you + the general benchmarks and whatnot. i might try to install vista and see how i go with that and possibly give some gaming benchmarks, i dont have any of the latest games apart from fallout3.
ok done (Y). i shall do that for you + the general benchmarks and whatnot. i might try to install vista and see how i go with that and possibly give some gaming benchmarks, i dont have any of the latest games apart from fallout3.

Please spare that iMac the pain and frustration Vista causes. Don't you have some beta of Win 7?
Please spare that iMac the pain and frustration Vista causes. Don't you have some beta of Win 7?

i have the beta. x86. thats 64-bit isnt it? fine fine ill install the beta. i was going to wait until i 'aquired' win7 but fine win7 it is! i shall also install parallels (not vmware, YUK) and benchmark that :)
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