I hope you are able to go to a live show soon. No matter the type of music, seeing and hearing in person just about always blows away listening to recorded material.
A few suggestions for maximizing your enjoyment:
- Bring some sort of hearing protection. Even classical orchestras can reach very high volume levels for those watching near the front of the stage. For most people, foam earplugs are fine. I see a lot of gigs so I have a pair of specialized earplugs that have a more balanced sound than foam: https://www.etymotic.com/product/etyplugs-high-fidelity-earplugs/
- Concerts without reserved seating (i.e. all tickets are sold as "general admission") and club shows can mean standing on your feet in the middle of a tightly packed, extremely sweaty crowd for hours if you want to be close to the stage. So comfortable shoes, comfortable clothing, and getting hydrated beforehand are important.
- Be present in the moment! Resist the temptation to record video and take selfies as much as possible. The artists are there to perform for you and will feed off the energy (ideally high) generated by the audience. They want and need your active involvement.