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I just made a better (and free!) web-app version... Want to flaunt and show how much cash you have? Add a webclip bookmark to!


Complete with amusing social commentary!
Hmm... why does your 2G iPhone (I think I saw black on bottom of the back and grey on the top) show 3G connectivity
next to the AT&T logo? :rolleyes:

You are wrong, sir. The border around the screen is thicker on the sides of the phone on the 3g, like it is in his pic.
:rolleyes: Let's say someone does buy it.
Then $1,000 has transfered from one idiot's bank account to another idiot's bank account.
Please explain how that affects you, or me, or "starving people" one little bit.

Correction: That's $1000 transferred from one idiot's bank account to a genius entrepreneur's bank account, who is laughing all the way to the bank !!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D (minus Apple's 30% App store cut; $300) :apple:
(and I do feel sorry for poor starving people, when some selfless idiot spends money on this App instead of using it to buy a milk-producing cow or goat for a starving village. Don't send them food - send them a milk-producing cow or goat that will provide them will nourishment for many many years to come)
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P.S.: couldnt skim through the thread but has this headguy actually bought?
Here are 3 reasons of why I detest this app with a passion o_O :

1. Its a bloody scam

2. This app is useless (and therefore shouldn't be considered an app)

3. They could have at least had a nice 3d spinning shiny realistic looking diamond,and not that piece of junk.

My two cents.
Here are 3 reasons of why I detest this app with a passion o_O :

1. Its a bloody scam

2. This app is useless (and therefore shouldn't be considered an app)

3. They could have at least had a nice 3d spinning shiny realistic looking diamond,and not that piece of junk.

My two cents.
As most have said, people are getting way too worked up over this. It's funny, it's stupid. Hell, you knew someone was gonna do something like this eventually. Just laugh it off and don't buy it. If someone buys it, who gives a ****, besides them and the maker of the app? Not you. Atleast not if you have your priorities straight.

Here are 3 reasons of why I detest this app with a passion o_O :

1. Its a bloody scam

2. This app is useless (and therefore shouldn't be considered an app)

3. They could have at least had a nice 3d spinning shiny realistic looking diamond,and not that piece of junk.

My two cents.

1. It's not a scam. The exact function (or lack thereof) of the app is laid out very clearly in the description.

scam |skam|
noun informal
a dishonest scheme; a fraud

2. Who cares?

3. lol
You people are a scream

it's people like you who, in the name of political correctness or whatever, devalue the meaning of art. whatever happened to real talent from artists like michaelangelo and da vinci who made works of art that actually took a little more than 2 minutes in photoshop?

Oh please, what does this app have to do with art? I gotta say I'm really enjoying the outrage from the comments here and on other sites. People getting bent out of shape over nothing. "what about the starving children", "Apple have lost all my respect".

Keep it coming guys and don't forget that all the controversy will keep the hype factor up and maybe help the developer sell a few more.
i think the funniest thing about this app is the complete sense of humour failure that some people are having over it
it's a joke - it's a bit of a laugh

the only problem i can see is the potential for a spate of cheap-imitations aimed at the chav market. i'm this close to writing one myself
i think the funniest thing about this app is the complete sense of humour failure that some people are having over it
it's a joke - it's a bit of a laugh

the only problem i can see is the potential for a spate of cheap-imitations aimed at the chav market. i'm this close to writing one myself

Well no it's not exactly a joke considering that the people who actually do spend money on it are spending real money and not funny money, but it is humorous watching all these posters get pissed off because someone is selling their artwork at the highest price possible in the App Store. Macrumors folks always cheer me up when I'm down, all I have to do is find the most jaw dropping headline of the day and read the comments about pissed off fathers and passionate hatred over something so small.

To all the people outraged and disgusted by this:

What's the difference between this and designer clothing and jewellery that sells for 10x or even 100x the cost of identical items without the designer name?

People spend money on status symbols. FACT.

For anyone who actually bought this... OK, you have money, it doesn't make you any less of a moron. Money doesn't get you a brain.

I do take offense to such crap, as it slows down the approval of apps people can actually use. If the people who approve apps have to spend all their time approving s**t like this, then we won't get the apps we want. If your app is crap... should be automatically be added to a category named "Poop"
I'm really offended Apple approved this app. I am the biggest capitalist but we have to draw a line somewhere. With millions of people starving in the world, approving this app is just encouraging w**kers. You know someone will waste the money and buy it. It is just wrong.

For the love of God. Someone please develop a free version of this to take the piss.

Why not have a go at Apple, MS and the likes and get them to donate all their profits to charity?
What's that harm?

Means every blog and tech site mentions the App Store. I'm sure Apple realise that.
he's saying he could donate it. However you all seem to be forgetting that the developers only get 70% of the profits from the app store.

Exactly - it's an easy almost $300 for Apple. Well, easy if someone buys it. Guaranteed someone WILL buy it to go "woo look at me".

Easy to make yourself - nick the pic off the App Store of the diamond, and then grab a small PNG version of the pic to use as the app icon. Call your app I Am Rich and upon launch program the app to pull the picture of the diamond up.
I really want to make some apps for iTunes, how do you make them and sell them?? Thanks! :D

if this has inspired you to become a developer, i suggest you try something else.

I'm hoping to release a game in the next couple of weeks, and I've given a lot of thought to the price I'll sell it at.

I considered making it as cheap as possible, but then most people will just skim over it thinking it must be rubbish. In two weeks time, there'll probably be nearly 1000 games on the App Store, most of them dirt cheap "match 3" clones; and it's going to be VERY hard to make an app stand out.

Which is why I'm considering making the app MORE expensive. If you make the most expensive iPhone game out there, it has to get a lot of press. Just like this one.

Ok, I'm not going to sell it for $1K, but still, the point's valid. :p

price is something to defiantly consider carefully. however, your potential customers will most likely not be fooled by an exaggerated price tag (and by exaggerated i mean something between $15-$30 or more for an iPhone game). the AppStore is a great distributor, but you still have to have a product that's worth what you charge for, and that includes avoiding the 99¢ "trinket" price if your app is strong.

People spend money on status symbols. FACT.
correction: dumb people spend money on status symbols. fact.
It's only £599 here in Britain. Does the British store have a £999.99 limit? Then we should produce one and sell it for £999.99 That's almost $2000! Now that's a spicy meatball!
This made my day. It's the first time I've read every single post of a long thread in a long time!

The drama, the pathos, the absolutely over the top reactions from so many people.

It's been so much fun to just see all the different reactions. I'm sure a psychologist would have a field day interpreting it all and how our reactions hint at our personalities.

Personally, as someone who actually does live 'overseas' and work with the absolute poor, hungry and marginalised, I find this hilarious. If anyone has $999.99 burning a hole in their pocket them not spending it on this app won't help the poor at all.

But even writing this is taking the app way too seriously!

Still laughing at the app and all the uproar... :)
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