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While I did get a few presents ( will post them when I get back in ), I too understand the whole uncomfortableness there can be with Christmas. The constant barrage of imagery, platitudes, and commercialism can get on one if you aren't living the life portrayed. This isn't a knock on anyone, quite the opposite. I would hope everyone appreciates having people to give gifts to. There are those that find this time of the year a bit of burden though, and just hope to get through with sanity intact. ;)
All I asked for was money and gift cards. This was way more than I expected. Truly blessed.

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Got nothing... got so near to getting an ipod touch 32 gb but at just when I was about to click buy my mum said no :/ :/

Love is eternal - Albus dumbledore
Hi all, merry xmas! Heres my stash, way more than I anticipated so very grateful and appreciative of my folks for that.


Steve Jobs biography
Thomas Nash Wallet
Ale collection
**** deodorant/bodywash combo pack.
The Hobbit
Psychoville Series 2
....and two packs of Daim bars


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AMAZING Scosche IDR655m (these things are the highest quality sound I have ever heard)

Battlefield 3 for PS3

And my Macbook Pro (Came last week though)
Logitech MX Mouse
Kensington KeyFolio
TwelveSouth BookBook
assorted candies and winter car gear
and a new front grill for the stang.


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got some really amazing gifts this yr but... what i got from santa really blew me away... any photographers will know why, merry xmas!

Nice pick up. I can't justify the cost of getting one right now. I picked up the 24-105mm not too long ago. Maybe next year. But they had some killer deals for it recently under $2K.
Woo-hoo! Gotta love Christmas! Spent yesterday with one side of the family, ate at the Cheesecake Factory, and saw A Christmas Carol at the Kansas City Reparatory Theatre. It's a tradition that we've had for about ten years now, and it was as good as ever. Then I woke up with my mom and sister at the house and we had our "main Christmas." They both did great, and I think they enjoyed their gifts, too. And then we visited the other side of my family, ate lunch, did a gift exchange, and then a "gift game". I just got back and am surveying all my loot!

Bunch of games! Basically the "meat" of what I want. Very happy with the haul. My mom doesn't touch games, but I'm so happy she pays attention and knows what I like. I couldn't ask for more!


Some Blu-Rays:


This absolutely AWESOME Mario 3DS holder:


Possibly one of my favorite t-shirts, ever:


Stuff, money, and whatnot!



And finally, a 12x Blu-Ray Burner to replace my aging 2x Reader:

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