Today, after too many setbacks and problems, I completed my B&W upgrades:
G4 / 400 'Yikes' CPU
PCI Radeon 9200LE (128mb vram)
PCI Gigabit Ethernet Realtek 8169D (OS 9 compatible)
DVD ATA drive
60GB Sata SSD
896mb Ram (get addressing errors when booting OS9 on 1GB)
Mac OS 9.2.2 / OS X 10.4.11 (with Shuriken / Aqua theme)
With Cozo speakers, Apple Studio Display (blue), Macally kb and mouse.
Typing this on the B&W now, Macrumors runs well enough in Arctic Fox, so long as it's just one tab. Can download 360p videos from Iteroni, and ffplay playback is just good enough (which wasn't possible when using a G3/400).
Radeon 9200 is mostly for OS9 games.
Gigabit ethernet coupled with the SSD provides very fast file transfers from the home server.
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