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Sometimes (more often than not), the people who sell/get rid of Cinema Displays do not understand how they function. You will not get a powerlight on these displays unless it's plugged in to power AND plugged into a video card. So some sellers will test by plugging them in, seeing no OSD and then just assuming it's not-functional.
Sssshhhhh....don't let them know, they will put up their prices...🤐
Thanks for the replies - now I understand why they're so highly regarded and sought after. If I come across one at a reasonable price, I'll consider grabbing it. :)
There were also various "firsts" among them, not that it probably matters much these days:

22" ACD: first 22" LCD
20" ACD: first 1680×1050 LCD
30" ACD: first 2560×1600 LCD + first consumer dual-link DVI LCD

More importantly, the early 1920×1200 ACDs are also the most common 23" WUXGA LCDs you can come across these days. At some point, it was decided to increase their size to 24", which is just enough of a reduction in PPI (98.44 → 94.34) to annoy me.
Sssshhhhh....don't let them know, they will put up their prices...🤐


The average seller who isn't familiar with IT hardware probably won't have the inclination to seek out the information which would help them. They'll just want to be rid of it and the prospect of extra work will be too much of a headache. ;)

I bought a 4GB i5 2011 11" MBA for £100 GBP with next day delivery included in that price from an IT company who let it go because they were unable to work out how to reinstall macOS onto the computer. This is an IT company for crying out loud, so imagine an average seller?
I bought a 4GB i5 2011 11" MBA for £100 GBP[/URL] with next day delivery included in that price from an IT company who let it go because they were unable to work out how to reinstall macOS onto the computer. This is an IT company for crying out loud, so imagine an average seller?
The unit was not worth the cost in effort/pay for them to figure it out. Hence they were willing to take £100 for it. If the UK tax code is anything like the USA's they were already getting a write-off for depreciation.

But I hear you.

I have my own example. You may have heard it before, but here it is again. iPhone 6+, I smashed the screen and took it to Apple to have the screen replaced. This was right around the release of iOS 9.

My iPhone was jailbroken and that annoyed the Apple genius, but they couldn't do anything about that. She demanded I restore the phone. So, I asked if I should put it in DFU mode and then restore. Annoyed again, she says no and tells me to hook it up to a store iMac and use iTunes to restore it.

Okaaaaaaay! I asked the question because I had a tweak installed that prevented restores. So, if someone stole my phone they would not be able to restore it (through iTunes) and I could still track it via Find My iPhone.

So, I start the restore and when the phone restarts the genius takes it into the back. Shrug!

An hour later I come back and a different genius hands me a BRAND NEW iPhone 6+. All I had to pay was the cost of the screen replacement. Why?

Because the Apple 'geniuses' in the back couldn't figure out how to get iOS 9 installed on my iPhone!

They claimed there'd been problems with iOS 9, which there were at that time, but none caused by a jailbreak tweak preventing a restore.

Brand new iPhone for $150.
I'm gonna install Haiku on my old iMacs, smash the screens and take them in, and see if I get new ones.
..just kidding.
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OK, ok. I meant the original Cinema Displays, not the later ones right before the Thunderbolt Displays.
I know you meant those, I was just pulling your leg :D

I also see curved screens in my future, especially with my Mac Minis.
Assuming you mean the 2009 (GeForce 9400) ones, the highest ultrawide resolution they'll drive at 60 Hz using DisplayPort is 3440×1440, assuming macOS doesn't artificially limit the pixel clock further. (Note to myself: test this!)

As to the Huawei MateView, then you've given me an upgrade path at some point.
I'm not sure the MateView is officially sold in the US. But if it isn't, there are ways around that.
I bit the bullet and installed a flash drive and adaptor into my PB 12 last night.

This is the machine completely disassembled, which genuinely wasn't very hard to do. It was just a matter of making sure that all the screws were kept in a safe place, and that everything was taken apart carefully.


Then, I prepared the adaptor and got it installed, and check that it worked. It worked fine, and just needed some formatting, which I did by booting my firewire enclosure and formatting it through the disk utility.


Once I was satisfied with everything, I started to put it together again.


And then I assembled it and made sure that everything was satisfactory before copying the files from my Firewire enclosure across to the newly formatted Harddrive.



Once everything was completed, I was happy. This is the finished product:


It runs well and is very quiet. It's cooled substantially since I copied the files across. It's less awkward to carry about than my iBook, and I like its design.

I've wanted one of these for a while and I'm happy with this end product, which I also won from a bid.

There were nicer examples with higher specs, but they were too expensive.
I have my own example. You may have heard it before, but here it is again.

This is a new story for me. :)

My iPhone was jailbroken and that annoyed the Apple genius, but they couldn't do anything about that. She demanded I restore the phone. So, I asked if I should put it in DFU mode and then restore. Annoyed again, she says no and tells me to hook it up to a store iMac and use iTunes to restore it.

That kind of behaviour is always perplexing for me. It is your phone, you paid for it and own it and if you decided to modify it, how does that impact against her job or her life? It's not her concern. She doesn't own or run Apple. Tim Cook probably wouldn't have cared: he lives very well and Apple has been remunerated through the purchase of the product anyway.

During my time in retail, I had work colleagues who behaved like this. They held junior status within the store hierarchy and would become incensed on behalf of the company if an item was sold at the wrong price or stolen and they routinely chased after - and fought with shoplifters - risking their lives to recover stolen goods and I never, ever understood that mentality. As far as I was concerned, my responsibilities went no further beyond turning up for my shift, completing the shift and then going home: safe and sound.

Okaaaaaaay! I asked the question because I had a tweak installed that prevented restores. So, if someone stole my phone they would not be able to restore it (through iTunes) and I could still track it via Find My iPhone.

So, I start the restore and when the phone restarts the genius takes it into the back. Shrug!

An hour later I come back and a different genius hands me a BRAND NEW iPhone 6+. All I had to pay was the cost of the screen replacement. Why?

Because the Apple 'geniuses' in the back couldn't figure out how to get iOS 9 installed on my iPhone!

They claimed there'd been problems with iOS 9, which there were at that time, but none caused by a jailbreak tweak preventing a restore.

Their incompetence was your gain! Geniuses indeed...

Brand new iPhone for $150.

Congratulations, that's a great story and thanks for sharing it. :D
I would love to add one of those Macally keyboards to my collection - always liked them.
I (somewhat pointlessly) now own every variation of it- there was a Bondi blue and graphite "iKey", and this later graphite "iMediakey" with programmable buttons.
My first job in Arizona, we ordered several of those. At the time they were the only full-sized extended keyboards available as Apple hadn't yet been cowed into bring those back. Apple wanted everyone to use the puck mouse and the keyboard with the chiclet arrow keys.
Yeah, I heard that lots of companies ordered these in bulk, as they were Mac users and wanted something like the earlier beige extended keyboards.
They have a solid feel though. They keys always gave that impression when pressing them.
They do. If you're a keyboard fan, they are rubber domes but have alps-compatible sliders. Mechanical keyboard folks despise the rubber dome, but when you add sliders they do have a lot more tactility and stability, and also, better travel. That's why they feel solid. In comparison, Apple's graphite-era and white keyboards are all domes with no sliders.
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I saw a few on eBay. Way out of my price range right now.
I'll add that your NVIDIA GPUs won't drive the MateView at 60 Hz. They max out at 51 Hz at its native resolution. If you want 60 Hz, you need a newer GPU. The cheapest that will do is a Radeon RX 460 (or 560). Can be flashed for boot screens too. And it has a HDMI 2.0 port so it can drive your 4K TV at 60 Hz as well.
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I'll add that your NVIDIA GPUs won't drive the MateView at 60 Hz. They max out at 51 Hz at its native resolution. If you want 60 Hz, you need a newer GPU. The cheapest that will do is a Radeon RX 460 (or 560). Can be flashed for boot screens too. And it has a HDMI 2.0 port so it can drive your 4K TV at 60 Hz as well.
Yeah, another day for that. As always, it's as budget and my willingness to move things around align.
Hi all! Long time lurker, first time caller. This thread has been a goldmine of ideas for my G4 Mac Mini, so thanks so much all of you for all the time you've put into keeping PPC Mac going.

I finally finished my NAS setup running NixOS. I set up an Owntone server deliberately to work with my Mac Mini and Intel Mac downstairs. Owntone is a DAAP server that's compatible with older Macs. Unfortunately their web interface is a Javascript app that won't render in TenFourFox or Safari. The DAAP part definitely works on Sorbet Leopard.


There's a possible second route in for even older Macs. A long time ago, someone released a tool called m68kmpc which was an MPD client for 68k. Unfortunately it doesn't look like any releases are still available, the site has long gone and doesn't have the .sit.
Owntone has limited MPD support and can also stream over HTTP to a /stream.mp3 URL. If there's a way to control a remote MPD server, it should be possible to use the MPD client to control it and access the MP3 stream at http://x.x.x.x:3689/stream.mp3 in something like SonicJam MP. I've tested this on my Amiga 4000, AmigaAMP connecting to the HTTP stream and controlling MPD from another computer. If a 68k Amiga can do it, I'm pretty sure PPC Macs should be in the clear (and maybe 68k Macs too!)

Does anyone have access to m68kmpc? In which case could they upload it to the garden?
I've been upgrading and configuring my new G5 Quad.

I did get the high fan speeds sorted out last night. Today I was fiddling with the RAM. Could not get my 16GB RAM to work, suspected bad memory slots but today realized it accepts 1GB sticks to the 2 problem slots. So, maybe I have one (or 2) bad 2GB stick? Could one bad stick render the slot its paired with unoperable too? So, now I have 14GB of RAM working just fine. While I was in there I replaced the mb battery.

I managed to find an empty DVD+R (wife had couple) so I burned the ASD on it and then run ASD 2.6.3 "all tests" for an hour and some. All memory tests that far went ok but then I got impatient and stopped the tests and ran CPU, ROM and temperature sensor tests instead. They all were positive so good. On to the next thing.

Then I flashed my FX4500 GPU per forums instructions. Easy and it flashed fine. I was a bit nervous when I saw the "WARNING!" but I felt that maybe this was because PC-card into Mac -thing and thought: who dares wins! and pressed y. Luckily that went well... 😅


Next I installed the GPU. And then transferred my other drive with the OWC Accelsior S -card from my G5 2.0DC. Both of these work fine. :)


And then I made a backup of the boot/software -drive with the SuperDuper. And I transferred my Indesign etc. graphics files to the G5 too.

Now I can drag the Quad out of the kitchen to my lair. Not enough table space there for installations and I don't feel like crawling on the floor doing it. 😉

Next thing is to wait for another PCIe -adapter for the BMC94321MC -wifi card. I bought one already but used it in another machine which still needs it. Meanwhile I have to use the Bear Extender, which works fine but isn't really stylish and its software hogs 5% CPU power even when the thing is not connected (EDIT: and upto 25% of CPU 1 momentarily when its connected but only idling! Argh!!! the horror! 😱 ).

Here are the lowest fan speeds and temps I've seen this far while idling. On the CPU pic the FX4500 memory usage can be seen. This was the first boot after FX4500 installation, so success! 😎

EDIT: typos and lots of them... 😳


  • Quadro FX4500 working.jpg
    Quadro FX4500 working.jpg
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  • G5 Idle and FX4500 memory usage.png
    G5 Idle and FX4500 memory usage.png
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  • G5 Idle temps.png
    G5 Idle temps.png
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I talk a lot about Chillhop Essentials in my posts, particularly when the season rolls around. This time it's a bit different.

I usually use my Mac mini to do the actual ripping of the CD to library so that I can sync it to my iPod. I couldn't tell you why, but the USB SuperDrive that I use was having mad issues with Spring 2023, with abrupt ejections and several read fails.

I thought CD drives were a solved technology but the moment I pull out the Companion to rip with I don't have these issues anymore. Ten points to PowerPC, again.


Sidebar, Chillhop Music re-released their 2018-2020 Essentials as a limited run, and, well....


I am going to be here a while....

I might have to upgrade the storage on my iPod as well

Sidesidebar, Gracenote track names are tragic for anything that isn't mainstream media.
So - the story continues :).
Got some free time & repasted Canister. To my big surprise - it worked :). DMG files which couldn't get mounted before - works as intended. But I can't find right installer for Tiger now. All I got (10.4.6), some isos marked as universal - installer dies with some strange errors. I thought it may be badly burned CDs - but Debian boot & installs right after burn (but this will be another story.)
So - the story continues :).
Got some free time & repasted Canister. To my big surprise - it worked :). DMG files which couldn't get mounted before - works as intended. But I can't find right installer for Tiger now. All I got (10.4.6), some isos marked as universal - installer dies with some strange errors. I thought it may be badly burned CDs - but Debian boot & installs right after burn (but this will be another story.) wot are ya gonna do, tra...down load tiger from archive or garden and burn a new CD?
Another dose of Protracker - this time from my Power Mac G4 hooked up to my "no brand" CRT... you work with your G4 cos you have to or cos you want to? Like does it do stuff with your work with sound that's easier or better than your other more recent hardware options?

I've an G4 iBook and I could run some of those garden treasures on more recent hardware but there's something about the erm...'purity' of being back in that time using 'period correct' (stolen term from early Intel's thread) or matched software and hardware.
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Well the PowerPC version of Protracker looks better than the later Intel versions (the waveform window echos the original Amiga version) but there's no sonic advantage.

I like to have separate machines for separate duties and for the time being my Powerbook is home to my Protracking.

Plus of course, I like to work on PowerPC as an advertisement of them still being capable hardware for certain tasks.
Was checking up on my Dropbox backups today and realized that the Weekly backup of my G4 NAS was not occurring. Got that sorted out.

This is just the boot drive, not the 6TB secondary.

2023-04-09 13.00.42.jpg2023-04-09 13.00.32.jpg
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