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Well the PowerPC version of Protracker looks better than the later Intel versions (the waveform window echos the original Amiga version) but there's no sonic advantage.

I like to have separate machines for separate duties and for the time being my Powerbook is home to my Protracking.

Plus of course, I like to work on PowerPC as an advertisement of them still being capable hardware for certain tasks.
Well 'looking good' has a good feeling factor to it.
Rather impressive that it still capable of doing the job though, eh..?
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down load tiger from archive or garden and burn a new CD?
I'll try. But what I can't understand - the root of trouble. is it badly recording drive (but LG GSA never failed me before), ****** DVD-s, wrong images or some deep hardware troubles... Sorbet Leopard works fine but it was drive from other (non-functional now) PowerMac. Panther installed fine, it's installation disks have been burned really several years ago :D.
I'll try. But what I can't understand - the root of trouble. is it badly recording drive (but LG GSA never failed me before), ****** DVD-s, wrong images or some deep hardware troubles... Sorbet Leopard works fine but it was drive from other (non-functional now) PowerMac. Panther installed fine, it's installation disks have been burned really several years ago :D.

Sometimes optical drives just falter or even fail — whether due to failing moving components (the gears, belts, and tracks might get dirty, or the spindle motor wears out). Sometimes it’s dust on the lens which makes reading and/or writing media a problem. And sometimes capacitors fail, as has been the case with at least one of my older CD drives).
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@B S Magnet
I don't think the drive which I installed in Canister is SO old :D.
BTw - direct me somebody pls to topic discussing SCSI controllers at Powermacs? I've installed Adaptec 2930UW (PC version) & it seems there are no built in drivers (at least for Leopard). Drivers downloaded from MicroSemi - don't detect card. (It may even be not bootable but I want to connect DVD-RAM to it).
Not so much what I had done with my PPC macs over the weekend, rather the evidence I found of my 3 y/o playing there. Aside from transformers strewn about, I found this while firing up my office for the workday:

FYI. no macs were harmed during his play lol :D
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Sometimes optical drives just falter or even fail — whether due to failing moving components (the gears, belts, and tracks might get dirty, or the spindle motor wears out). Sometimes it’s dust on the lens which makes reading and/or writing media a problem. And sometimes capacitors fail, as has been the case with at least one of my older CD drives).
Funny thing..the DVDs drives in both my iMacs (2007, 2009) have failed.
The CD burner/ DVDs reader in my iBook still works..but that a different beastie.

Then online I saw a guy take a rag and a credit card, shove it into a DVDs slot and wiggle it a bit and his DVD worked after that. I thought Oh yeah, right, but gave it a go using an apple card and glasses cleaning cloth. Popped in a magazine DVD, lots of reading then a rejection, second DVD - lots of reading ...and it worked!!!
(I also gave it, the slot, a good vacuum while on the may have been that.)

Did wonder if DVD readers fail if not used for a long time..dust..or wot ever???
Did wonder if DVD readers fail if not used for a long time..dust..or wot ever???

When I received a dead unibody 13-inch 2010 from a friend who used that laptop harder than any laptop I’ve ever seen or known, the innards were beyond filthy, and very likely the CPU and/or controller burnt themselves out after the fan and vents were thick-caked with gobs of dust (there are pictures, and it would blow some minds on here).

I decided to give it my best go and I completely disassembled, then cleaned everything inside, including the dismantling of the SuperDrive. (The MBP didn’t come back to life, and it was unresponsive to a MagSafe adapter or a charged battery connected.)

When I opened the SuperDrive, there was, surprisingly, only a couple of little dust bits on the lens (and a few other dust bunnies elsewhere in the case, away from moving parts), but it also had this very fine film which made the lens glass a bit cloudy (pretty sure there was some toking in its proximity during its lifetime). I gently used a lens cloth to clean it, and it returned to how one would expect it to look. Does it work? I have no idea. I haven’t tested that drive, though I suppose I ought to.

All of this to say: sometimes it isn’t the dust flecks which get the lens of an optical drive, but the finer, cumulative particulates (including local air pollution) which make lenses unhappy. I’ve seen similar clouding in portable CD player lenses, as well.
When I received a dead unibody 13-inch 2010 from a friend who used that laptop harder than any laptop I’ve ever seen or known, the innards were beyond filthy, and very likely the CPU and/or controller burnt themselves out after the fan and vents were thick-caked with gobs of dust (there are pictures, and it would blow some minds on here).

I decided to give it my best go and I completely disassembled, then cleaned everything inside, including the dismantling of the SuperDrive. (The MBP didn’t come back to life, and it was unresponsive to a MagSafe adapter or a charged battery connected.)

When I opened the SuperDrive, there was, surprisingly, only a couple of little dust bits on the lens (and a few other dust bunnies elsewhere in the case, away from moving parts), but it also had this very fine film which made the lens glass a bit cloudy (pretty sure there was some toking in its proximity during its lifetime). I gently used a lens cloth to clean it, and it returned to how one would expect it to look. Does it work? I have no idea. I haven’t tested that drive, though I suppose I ought to.

All of this to say: sometimes it isn’t the dust flecks which get the lens of an optical drive, but the finer, cumulative particulates (including local air pollution) which make lenses unhappy. I’ve seen similar clouding in portable CD player lenses, as well.
That's a very interesting point..a film coating factor.
I'd be careful bout posting extremely dirty pics in here.. Some of us are faint hearted

Oh..and would be interested to know the result if you do test it.
But...wouldn't we be kicked out of mac rumours ..the whole bunch of us?
Not for our dirty pics..but cos of our dirty macs???
But...wouldn't we be kicked out of mac rumours ..the whole bunch of us?
Not for our dirty pics..but cos of our dirty macs???

Wait, are you referring to the people who get unsettled by the notion that things inside a thoroughly used Apple product could possibly be dirty or even stink, just like a human body? Why, I never! :fans self:

These are, usually, the very same people who buy, then dump an Mac faster than its AppleCare cycle. We’re already deemed as beneath them over here anyway. :)
Wait, are you referring to the people who get unsettled by the notion that things inside a thoroughly used Apple product could possibly be dirty or even stink, just like a human body? Why, I never! :fans self:

These are, usually, the very same people who buy, then dump an Mac faster than its AppleCare cycle. We’re already deemed as beneath them over here anyway. :)
Yeah - well those 'new Mac' folks can be like a bunch of snobs.

Not us though.
Bad boys, bad boys..where ya gonna go?!...
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This and the Early Intel forum are a refuge from those snobs - and the best of all, if they enter either location and sneer at us, we can retort by asking them why they even bothered to visit a retro forum in the first place. ;)

I’m sort of partial (in a sadistic kind of way) to being incredibly helpful even when they come in being total overgrown douchetugboats. I guess it comes from years of working in the service sector and taking care of kids.

Yeah - well those 'new Mac' folks can be like a bunch of snobs.

Not us though.
Bad boys, bad boys..where ya gonna go?!...

Donna Summer “Bad Girls” for me, all the way…
I dug out my 13" Wallstreet I, 250mhz Powerbook, as I wanted to try out Newsstand, plus I want to clean it up and install a freshly-painted (with Plastidip) top cover, as mine is missing the rubber plate. I plan on either replacing or repainting the bottom case as well. I have one of the few 13" Wallstreet I's that doesn't have screen issues, and the battery life is still great, getting 3 1/2 hours out of it!

Now I remember why I loved this machine so much. The awesome keyboard, it's 4:3 screen which still looks great (if a tad dim compared to newer screens), and it's overall tank-like design. I'll be keeping it out for a while, running Newsstand, Classilla with FrogFind and The Old Net to do some light surfing, iTunes (with radio links restored), and website updating for my kitchen at work (the recipe book is an iPad 1 that connects to my server). I connect to the internet via an old Madcatz gaming ethernet to wifi unit, seen on the floor in the second picture.


wallstreet I.jpg
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