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Lost- Season 1: 6 Episodes in, still incredibly good. They found the cave, fresh water, Adam and Eve. The first show I can remember where flashbacks did not bug me. :D:D

If I do anymore "Lost" talk I'll try to put it in the Season 6 Lost Spoiler thread last replied to by me in 2011 saying I was starting to watch reruns on Netflix. Well, I got distracted but am back at it again. :D

I watched the first 2 seasons of Lost, which I liked. After that it got pretty ridiculous in my opinion.
Lost TV Show Spoiler​

So I don't think you saw a nuke go off... :D

No idea; probably not. Almost all my friends have /shunned/ me when I told them that, not only did I not watch Lost, I didn't like it. Its funny to see all of them get irritated whenever I mention something like that to them. :rolleyes:
No idea; probably not. Almost all my friends have /shunned/ me when I told them that, not only did I not watch Lost, I didn't like it. Its funny to see all of them get irritated whenever I mention something like that to them. :rolleyes:

When we first watched it, my wife faded on it in the 3rd season for moving so slowly. I was so enthralled with the characters and the story, the slow pace did not bother me.
No idea; probably not. Almost all my friends have /shunned/ me when I told them that, not only did I not watch Lost, I didn't like it. Its funny to see all of them get irritated whenever I mention something like that to them. :rolleyes:

I agree with you there. I don't really care for Lost all that much honestly and saw all of Season 2 (skipping Season 1). Characters didn't engage me all that much.

Right now plowing through Homeland Season 1 and this has to be one of my favorite all-time series easily.

Also just found out that The Killing is getting a Season 4 exclusive on Netflix. I can't wait to see that round.
If you loved Fargo the movie, the new TV show kicks ass, same cool dark black comedy like the movie.

I watched the first episode and it was good. Episode 2 is queued up on the TiVo. :)

I enjoyed the movie so I will have to check the chow out. Honestly, TV shows have been losing my interest lately, even the high quality ones for some reason. I think I like films better.
Modern Family- they go to Australia, laugh out loud funny.

Luke and Manny go to a topless beach. "What's wrong with us? They (referring to breasts) ganged up on me. I freaked out when they came at us." :D

These girls are wearing pasties... On the show all twins were fuzzed out. ;)

Fargo- Episode 2. Story is progressing nicely.
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Cosmos- My Sunday DVR recording schedule is so congested , I can't record this on Fox, but I just discovered Cosmos is available on Monday nights on National Geographic channel and on on-demand, yippee! Plus there is a Cosmos iPad app with episodes on it. :)

100 billon galaxies in the observable universe... Slightly mind boggling. :)
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Having just recently completed my third complete viewing of Lost, I can see why some people may not like it as the characters are all deeply flawed people, but that's what draws me to it. It's also why I always tended more towards Marvel comics than DC. I find flawed characters far more interesting than perfect ones.

Fargo is waiting for me in the DVR.

Having just recently completed my third complete viewing of Lost, I can see why some people may not like it as the characters are all deeply flawed people, but that's what draws me to it. It's also why I always tended more towards Marvel comics than DC. I find flawed characters far more interesting than perfect ones.

Fargo is waiting for me in the DVR.


This is why I consider the first Spider-Man trilogy to be among the best of comic to movie conversions. If I critique Spider-Man, it was that every bad guy seemed to be a victim, instead of some that were just bad. The Green Goblin and Doc Oct were great, but by the time the 3rd movie came along, Sandman aggravated me. :)
The West- PBS, 8 part series, produced by Ken Burns and narrated by Peter Coyote, available on Netflix, this is the finest documentary about settling the Western United States ever produced with all the glory, blemishes, massacres, and atrocities. So many people abused. The motto "might makes right" applies.

Update: for the American Indian this was one long Greek tragedy.
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and season 2 of Vikings is almost over. The British characters are not my thing, but when they focus on the Vikings, it's entertaining. The amount of uninteresting characters joining this season is gradually pushing me away from the show.

This penultimate episode was okay, best part was the teaser for next week's finale. Depending on what happens, that will determine if I check in with season three or not.
Recently rediscovered Sunday Morning on CBS. This morning the show was dedicated to "That's Life" a variety of shorts about people on the edge of life, living on the edge, and one who was brought back. It's quite good.
I like the The Killing but can see the formula getting old if the next season is another similar story as compared to what has come before.
Just started season 3 of Parks and Recreation. I used to think this show was just a rip-off of the office when it first came out so I never gave it a chance.

I take everything bad I said about it back; I really enjoy this show now.
Cosmos- My Sunday DVR recording schedule is so congested , I can't record this on Fox, but I just discovered Cosmos is available on Monday nights on National Geographic channel and on on-demand, yippee! Plus there is a Cosmos iPad app with episodes on it. :)

100 billon galaxies in the observable universe... Slightly mind boggling. :)

I really love these types of programs and binge watch what's available on Netflix of them. Since I don't have traditional cable or satellite TV, I didn't think I'd be able to watch this series. But I searched for their website tonight and found that they stream full episodes online.

With that and Apple's AirPlay, I streamed the first episode tonight on the MacBook Pro and displayed it on the big screen via the Apple TV.
I really love these types of programs and binge watch what's available on Netflix of them. Since I don't have traditional cable or satellite TV, I didn't think I'd be able to watch this series. But I searched for their website tonight and found that they stream full episodes online.

With that and Apple's AirPlay, I streamed the first episode tonight on the MacBook Pro and displayed it on the big screen via the Apple TV.

If you have an iPad or other tablet (not sure about the other tablet), the Cosmos app makes it easy to watch episodes via a connected network.
I just finished watching Silk

A BBC legal drama focused on the lives of barristers (advocates/lawyers who actually go to court) and their pursuit of "silk" which involves becoming part of the "Queens Counsel".

Quite decent, the lead Maxine Peake is compelling. 3 seasons, 6 episodes a piece. Ending somewhat left up in the air, but still a solid distraction. Now I need to go back to revision :p

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