Final impressions of some of the network shows I watched this past season:
After typing this up, I’ve come to the conclusion that I watch
way too much TV!
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Despite very little plot development, its still pretty funny.
Modern Family - My favorite comedy currently on TV, even though it seems to be losing steam this past season.
I don't watch enough comedies to say this is the best, but it's won multiple best comedy awards. It makes me laugh out loud.
The Crazy Ones - Cancelled, which is too bad because I enjoyed it.
Serial Dramas

House of Cards (Netflix)- This show is fantastic in so many ways. Its suspenseful, its creepy, its well-thought out, and its entertaining. A few things don't make complete sense if you think about them too deeply. But it has made me want to watch the original British mini-series.
Thinking about watching this.
Sherlock (PBS) - I love all things Sherlock Holmes, and this series is my favorite. I just wish there were more episodes, and that it aired more often. I read Season 4 will be delayed til 2016, which is absolutely ridiculous.
Excellent, but sometimes a little too frantic for my tastes.
True Detective (HBO) - It started off very slowly, and didn't pick up until the final 2-3 episodes, at which point I really got into it. However, I do think that the show would not have done nearly as well, in terms of ratings, if it didn't have the star cast.
Saw this was well made, but at the time fatigued with this kind of story and only watched a couple od episodes.
Hostages - This was a 1-season show that ended early this year. I thought it was pretty good overall, despite poor reviews, and I'm glad they ended it where they did.
Resurrection: I'm iffy about this. I want to know where "the returned" came from, and the show has done a good job of maintaining that suspense. The pace finally picked up in the last couple episodes, but the finale failed to answer any questions whatsoever.
Very disappointed in Season Finale of a Very short season, but will watch next season.

Dallas (TNT) - This is a reboot/continuation of the original series from the '70s. Honestly, I watched for the original characters (Larry Hagman, Patrick Duffy, etc.). But after Hagman's death, this show became so confusing. Things happen that seem to make no sense, and new characters just seem to pop up out of nowhere. I won't be watching anymore.
After Larry Hagman died, could no longer watch. This show was way over the top with multiple bombshells every episode or so it seemed..
Suits (USA) - I'd liked this from the beginning, but I'm getting annoyed with it now. Mike's gonna get caught, so they do something to fix it, but its not enough. Next episode, he's still gonna get caught, so they do something to fix it. Next episode, he's still gonna get caught, so they do something to fix it. Its getting repetitive. Just get caught already, or don't... I don't care anymore.
The Following - The first season was disturbing, yet excellent. The second season was downright terrible. It fell so far, I didn't know if it would ever recover. I stopped watching a few weeks before the finale.
Procedural Dramas: (I'm not a big fan of these types of shows)

Person of Interest - I'm on the fence about this one. Some episodes are excellent, and some aren't. The ones that shine involve Decima Technologies, Northern Lights, Root, etc. After Henson left the show, a lot of the crime-solving disappeared, which was an improvement, even though I liked her character.
Turned off by premise, kinda reminded me of Minority Report which I liked, but still irritated by Michael Emerson from his Lost role.
Sleepy Hollow - I liked the concept, but something didn't quite click for me. While it's decent, I probably won't be watching it next season.
Did not hold me.

Elementary - Like I said, I love all things Sherlock Holmes related, so I've been watching this series from the beginning. The first season was interesting, but this past season stalled, and became very dull. I've figured out the show's M.O.: 1-2 interesting episodes, followed by 20ish boring episodes that have almost nothing to do with the original Holmes/Watson, and finally 2 episodes that bring in a major Doyle character (Moriarty and Irene Adler in S1, Mycroft Holmes in S2). Overall, it's taken a fantastic premise and solid actors, and made it incredibly boring.
The Blacklist - I thought this was good at first, but quickly lost interest. I found myself forwarding through the weekly cases, and only watching the parts involving Lizzie, Tom, and Red. The espionage angle with Tom was pretty captivating, but the weekly criminals and Red's agenda were borderline ridiculous. How did the FBI never even hear of half of them?
Intelligence - Interesting concept, but poorly executed. I watched a few episodes of it, but I believe it was cancelled anyway.
Shows I'll be watching/want to catch up on this summer:
Game of Thrones Most excellent
Cosmos - Backlogged on my DVR.
Trying to watch and maintain interest.
Veep (HBO) - This is a show I've only recently started watching, and its pretty funny, despite the vulgarity. On the surface, it seems similar to Parks & Recreation.
Penny Dreadful On my DVR to watch.
The Americans Most excellent. Season finale this week?
24: Live Another Day No real interest in watching more Jack Bauer although I did not religiously watch the original.