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In rural areas now finally there's more effort put in through advocacy for the aging to help people remain in their homes and retain some autonomy for as long as possible, even if their financial resources or simply their abilities to keep house themselves have dwindled. Meals on Wheels, Home Heating assistance, mobile libraries, customizable group transportation services for shopping, visiting nurse services, part time cleaners and outreach by other caregivers, some of it on a volunteer basis, some of it on updated and more versatile efforts by government agencies.

All such "patchwork" caring does or can end up being less of a drain on both families and county resources, than if someone just gets plunked into a nursing home prematurely solely for lack of formal "assisted living" opportunities (or the means to pay for needed services).

I've seen these methods of extending autonomy work out for quite a few elderly neighbors, and was happy to see some of them end up in hospice care still in their own homes at the end. Of course there are still plenty of irritating gaps, but then there seem to be more people noticing them now too, as the population in this county ages. So far, citizens and county both seem to be extending themselves to innovate methods of letting people stay in familiar surroundings much longer.

"See something, say something" works for more than just encouraging citizens to call the police over unattended packages in a train station! It works well for nudging us towards better eldercare, in times when we no longer commonly live in multigenerational extended family situations as was the case when I was a kid.

Maybe in rural areas now it's come to be like "see something, do something, say something" and that's okay too: the problem-spotters arrive with a few ad hoc solutions that can be used to build on when an effort is made to formalize the helping options in a community.

Anyway, 20 years ago, "Advocacy for the Aging" was probably a phone number hospitals had on their wallboards. Now it's a movement with its own means of drawing attention to problems of aging -- and helping to grow customizable ways of solving them.
I just finished cleaning the apartment along with running the vacuum. Last week I bought the Dyson Ball Animal 2 vacuum. I was a bit skeptical of how well it would work given the price of it. This is comparing it to the $80 Bissell I've been using for years. But my fears were unfounded. This thing is amazing.

The day I received it I ran the Bissell over the apartment like I normally would. Then I ran the Dyson right behind it. The Dyson picked up twice as much dirt and cat fur than the Bissell did just before it!

Today I only ran the Dyson since I tossed out the Bissell (it was beginning to fall apart from old age which prompted the purchase of the Dyson). When I finished today the canister was totally full. It had only been 4 days since I ran it last. Either it is picking up even more because it really scrubs the carpet well, or the cats shed a lot more than I ever realized, or maybe a little of both.

Regardless, I'm impressed and quite pleased with this Dyson vacuum.
Now on my mind: [A] recipe for the Szechuan beans.

Awwww. Thank you! Here you go.

  • 1 tsp Canola Oil
  • 1 tsp Sesame Oil
  • 2 Tbsp Soy
  • 2 Cloves Garlic (Minced)
  • 1 tsp Honey
  • 1 Tbsp Rice Vinegar (or apple cider vinegar)
  • 1/4 tsp Crushed Red Pepper
  • 1 Tbsp Minced Ginger

  1. Mix ingredients in a bowl (except the canola and sesame oil).
  2. Steam beans 4-5 minutes
  3. Over high flame, add sesame oil and canola oil to wok/pan
  4. Fry beans 4-5 minutes (tossing two maybe three times)
  5. Reduce to medium-low flame...add bowl of ingredients and fry 3-4 minutes more (toss as necessary)
  6. Plate and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.
I just finished cleaning the apartment along with running the vacuum. Last week I bought the Dyson Ball Animal 2 vacuum. I was a bit skeptical of how well it would work given the price of it. This is comparing it to the $80 Bissell I've been using for years. But my fears were unfounded. This thing is amazing.

The day I received it I ran the Bissell over the apartment like I normally would. Then I ran the Dyson right behind it. The Dyson picked up twice as much dirt and cat fur than the Bissell did just before it!

Today I only ran the Dyson since I tossed out the Bissell (it was beginning to fall apart from old age which prompted the purchase of the Dyson). When I finished today the canister was totally full. It had only been 4 days since I ran it last. Either it is picking up even more because it really scrubs the carpet well, or the cats shed a lot more than I ever realized, or maybe a little of both.

Regardless, I'm impressed and quite pleased with this Dyson vacuum.

I’ve read and heard really good testimonials from friends about Dyson.
Awwww. Thank you! Here you go.

Finally a recipe where I actually have all the ingredients. Very timely considering the state of the roads around here lately. Thanks!

@SandboxGeneral my solution to cat fur ended up being earplugs and a serious shop vac, since one of the critters had a bit of longhair in her genes. They've both gone to the next level now though, my sweet furry annoyances... so perhaps I'll be looking into something a tad more civilized for my next vacuum cleaner. The Dyson sounds intriguing.
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@SandboxGeneral my solution to cat fur ended up being earplugs and a serious shop vac, since one of the critters had a bit of longhair in her genes. They've both gone to the next level now though, my sweet furry annoyances... so perhaps I'll be looking into something a tad more civilized for my next vacuum cleaner. The Dyson sounds intriguing.
If you end up with the Dyson, especially the Ball 2 Animal, you'll still need those earplugs. It turns out to be one of the most powerful vacuum motors made. It is loud at around 78 decibels.

I always wear headphones or IEM's and listen to music when I clean anyhow.

If you're interested, I ran across this two-part review of the model I have. It's pretty good and I agree with everything they talk about. It's a good vacuum and lives up to its promises in my book.

One thing I meant to cover in my other post was the attachment thing that goes on the hose and has brushes inside. That thing is also amazing! I've used those on several vacuums over the years and found them to be quite useless. Suction always, well, sucked - or didn't in these cases. Plus they'd get clogged with fur sometimes. But the one on the Dyson operates differently and has a tremendous amount of suction and actually cleans stuff. I used it to clean the cat condos and other cat towers I have and they actually become clean finally.

Whats on my mind is that I love my new 13" MacBook Pro with Touch Bar. I also love the new album from Imagine Dragons. Also, Siri is stupid and useless on MacOS. I'm excited to stuff my face on Thanksgiving.
Whats on my mind is that I love my new 13" MacBook Pro with Touch Bar. I also love the new album from Imagine Dragons. Also, Siri is stupid and useless on MacOS. I'm excited to stuff my face on Thanksgiving.

Loved every point. Haha!
I'd kill for a double chocolate frozen custard right now. Probably the only thing the midwest has ever offered the rest of the US apart from potatoes.
[doublepost=1542598251][/doublepost]And I suspect Gutty @Gutwrench will come along and say he has access to frozen custard any day of the week. Well, we have blueberry scones here. As disgusting as they are.
Metal detectors and theremins. I helped a friend of the family locate her lost wedding ring; it took about an hour and was below freezing. We were aided by a member from a group of New England based "ring finders," volunteers who'll come to your place with metal detectors to help you find lost rings.

I figured it'd be the only time I got to listen to They Might Be Giants' Metal Detector while using its namesake.
How many people can't be bothered to search email and ask again for a certain document or information. :mad: I may have done it myself :oops: but make an effort now to search my email and archives.
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I screwed up at work late yesterday and am taking an earlier train so I can double check and apologize to this person via email before going to my morning job.

There’s other stuff going on, but just trying think positive and feeling rested and relaxed (despite being up since 2:30 a.m.) :confused: I already want to get home and hug mom and draw.

At @LizKat thanks for sharing what your community is doing to help older folks.

@Gutwrench recipe sounds great.
Wow this has been quite a day. Apology accepted at work, mom’s epidural shot seems to have gone well, and I will be picking up her meds locally now (No problem for me), mom and I apologized about the minor rows while prepping her for the epidural this morning (me: no sleep, mom: coming off the pain killer).

Plus, I very politely put middle sister in her place regarding mom. She says she’s too scared to talk to mom (and her laundry list of excuses is just :oops:). I said you should call mom because she’d like to hear from you, and I am not the medical proxy anyway, so I won’t get all the info. For all the whining eldest sis does, she is still helping mom too.

And the nice thing, I was very gentle to myself about almost all of this, and gracefully accepted a very nice compliment about my art on another forum.

At least it is almost Tuesday night (my Thursday this week. So Friday comes twice this week...or something).:D
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Wow this has been quite a day. Apology accepted at work, mom’s epidural shot seems to have gone well, and I will be picking up her meds locally now (No problem for me), mom and I apologized about the minor rows while prepping her for the epidural this morning (me: no sleep, mom: coming off the pain killer).

Plus, I very politely put middle sister in her place regarding mom. She says she’s too scared to talk to mom (and her laundry list of excuses is just :oops:). I said you should call mom because she’d like to hear from you, and I am not the medical proxy anyway, so I won’t get all the info. For all the whining eldest sis does, she is still helping mom too.

And the nice thing, I was very gentle to myself about almost all of this, and gracefully accepted a very nice compliment about my art on another forum.

At least it is almost Tuesday night (my Thursday this week. So Friday comes twice this week...or something).:D
It’s only Tuesday!

What’s on my mind is how long it’s going to take for the 1TB of data on my old iMac to transfer to my new Mac mini.
I suspect too bloody long for me to use it before tomorrow night!
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Took 3 hours to get in and out of Costco. On the upside they had hefty cheesecake and pie samples.

It’s only Tuesday!

What’s on my mind is how long it’s going to take for the 1TB of data on my old iMac to transfer to my new Mac mini.
I suspect too bloody long for me to use it before tomorrow night!
Fusion drive? Or SSD to SSD?
Please go take more awesome bird photos while you are waiting for the data to transfer.

And congrats on you new Mac Mini!

BTW: US holiday this Thursday so short work week, hence tomorrow being my Friday.
It’s pretty much dark when I get home, so not much chance of any bird photos I’m afraid! But thank you.
Oh my god! Yes. I thought I was the only one who had work colleagues like that!

And family members? I once had someone ask me twice to resend an outline of a travel plan involving errands in a couple different towns, and picking up another person.

Having finally assured me he'd found all three copies of the mail, and thanking me for resending it, he then showed up next day at my place an hour early, having mis-read the plan. I said at the outset " OK here's the deal, if you leave your place at 9 you'll be here by 10 and that should work out great to pick up J by 1130am". After that was just details on what shops we needed to go in which nearby towns.

He had apparently zoomed in on the idea of 9am -- and pulled into my driveway on the dot of it. I was still drying my hair after bathing. :rolleyes:
Fusion Drive to SSD. Connected by Ethernet cable.
One computer to another or through network? In any case, whatever speed your Fusion drive can transfer at will be your max throughput, interference and SSD load withstanding.

For what it's worth, I've transferred about 4 TB of data over the old b/g WiFi spectrum. It took 2-3 hours. This was to a series of regular drives. In any case, let it do its thing. Read a book, watch a film or series, cook and or clean the house, etc.
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One computer to another or through network? In any case, whatever speed your Fusion drive can transfer at will be your max throughput, interference and SSD load withstanding.

For what it's worth, I've transferred about 4 TB of data over the old b/g WiFi spectrum. It took 2-3 hours. This was to a series of regular drives. In any case, let it do its thing. Read a book, watch a film or series, cook and or clean the house, etc.
iMac straight to Mac mini.
Finished overnight. But I’ll have to wait until tonight to play! :(
Don’t you have until Christmas to make up your mind due to Apples extended return policy for the holidays?
Good question. But the longer I use it, the more I feel this one is the right choice for me.

The size reduction from the Gen 2 12.9" really does make a difference. My SO has the Gen 2, so I've been able to use hers to make a direct comparison in the settings where I use the iPad.

The pencil arrived yesterday, and I'm looking forward to trying it out for taking handwritten notes, to convert to text.
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