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I'm binging Stargate Universe right now. In S2E14, one of the scientists suffers from kidney failure and urgently needs a transplant. One of the Marines volunteers. As a living kidney donor myself, I'm surprised how accurately they portrait the process (some plot freedom granted), at the same time I feel lots of physical irritation watching it (itching veins, if you know what I mean)... Too bad the series has been cancelled after S2.
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Was gonna post this in the "Words of Phrases that Annoy You" thread, but I think it's better-suited here. A lot of the time, especially recently, something I say in a text or Discord server is responded to with either a GIF, meme, or other image. There are two issues:
  1. Often, people just retreat to saying I'm uncultured, and that's why I don't like or understand any of the stuff. And while that is true, I would argue that's about 10% of the reason.
  2. Like, every time this happens, I don't understand the facial expression (in the case of a person or character) that is trying to be construed, or the message that's being implied. That accounts for about another 70% of the issue.
The other thing is, which I'd argue counts for the remaining 20%, is that it takes a hell of a lot more brain power (and not to mention, understanding of obscure and honestly frustrating pop culture references that I couldn't care less about) to understand a GIF or similar image than to read text.

So, the solution is what @Scepticalscribe and others have said time and again—just use plain words! I really don't understand why this is so hard for most of Gen Z. I've tried politely asking people to stop, and they won't. So I'm stuck asking what each obscure image means, which is a waste of time. Or, more commonly, just ignoring it, leaving a hole in the conversation.

Surely I can't be alone in this, it's so goddamn annoying.
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Was gonna post this in the "Words of Phrases that Annoy You" thread, but I think it's better-suited here. A lot of the time, especially recently, something I say in a text or Discord server is responded to with either a GIF, meme, or other image. There are two issues:
  1. Often, people just retreat to saying I'm uncultured, and that's why I don't like or understand any of the stuff. And while that is true, I would argue that's about 10% of the reason.
  2. Like, every time this happens, I don't understand the facial expression (in the case of a person or character) that is trying to be construed, or the message that's being implied. That accounts for about another 70% of the issue.
The other thing is, which I'd argue counts for the remaining 20%, is that it takes a hell of a lot more brain power (and not to mention, understanding of obscure and honestly frustrating pop culture references that I couldn't care less about) to understand a GIF or similar image than to read text.

So, the solution is what @Scepticalscribe and others have said time and again—just use plain words! I really don't understand why this is so hard for most of Gen Z. I've tried politely asking people to stop, and they won't. So I'm stuck asking what each obscure image means, which is a waste of time. Or, more commonly, just ignoring it, leaving a hole in the conversation.

Surely I can't be alone in this, it's so goddamn annoying.
No you’re not alone. Most emojis I have no clue what they are for. Smilie face or laughing face are okay or a thumbs up. But most of the others I have no clue.

I mean give me a context for 90% of them where it’s quicker to text tge emoji than it is to write the word?

Here it’s 6am on a Saturday morning. Mrs AFB is already gardening. Well I assume she is as she isn’t here!

I should probably go make us a cup of tea before finding out what we are doing for the rest of the day.
To jump in on the slingshot bandwagon: Did you know that the Romans used drilled stones (the same kind that had, as described above the power of a .50) that would generate a buzzing sound as early psychological warfare.
Was gonna post this in the "Words of Phrases that Annoy You" thread, but I think it's better-suited here. A lot of the time, especially recently, something I say in a text or Discord server is responded to with either a GIF, meme, or other image. There are two issues:
  1. Often, people just retreat to saying I'm uncultured, and that's why I don't like or understand any of the stuff. And while that is true, I would argue that's about 10% of the reason.
  2. Like, every time this happens, I don't understand the facial expression (in the case of a person or character) that is trying to be construed, or the message that's being implied. That accounts for about another 70% of the issue.
The other thing is, which I'd argue counts for the remaining 20%, is that it takes a hell of a lot more brain power (and not to mention, understanding of obscure and honestly frustrating pop culture references that I couldn't care less about) to understand a GIF or similar image than to read text.

So, the solution is what @Scepticalscribe and others have said time and again—just use plain words! I really don't understand why this is so hard for most of Gen Z. I've tried politely asking people to stop, and they won't. So I'm stuck asking what each obscure image means, which is a waste of time. Or, more commonly, just ignoring it, leaving a hole in the conversation.

Surely I can't be alone in this, it's so goddamn annoying.

Generally, nowadays, I simply ignore it.

I don't like it, (this use of, and abuse of) memes, rarely understand the references in question, (popular culture, which is what many of them refer to, is not something I am familiar with, or remotely interested in), and usually think it a poor (and risibly unoriginal) attempt at, and substitute for, humour, or wit. .

As you say, use words.

Thousands of years of linguistic evolution has meant that the English language comes complete with a vast, rich, exceedingly nuanced and subtle vocabulary.
I'm another who detests the use of memes and emojis or Memojis. When a meme, video or emoji pops up in a post I simply ignore it. Most things referring to popular culture I don't get anyway and I'm not about to be bothered inquiring as to the meaning of it. As for those Memoji things, well..... IMHO they are just plain stupid and make everybody look alike.
Was gonna post this in the "Words of Phrases that Annoy You" thread, but I think it's better-suited here. A lot of the time, especially recently, something I say in a text or Discord server is responded to with either a GIF, meme, or other image. There are two issues:
  1. Often, people just retreat to saying I'm uncultured, and that's why I don't like or understand any of the stuff. And while that is true, I would argue that's about 10% of the reason.
  2. Like, every time this happens, I don't understand the facial expression (in the case of a person or character) that is trying to be construed, or the message that's being implied. That accounts for about another 70% of the issue.
The other thing is, which I'd argue counts for the remaining 20%, is that it takes a hell of a lot more brain power (and not to mention, understanding of obscure and honestly frustrating pop culture references that I couldn't care less about) to understand a GIF or similar image than to read text.

So, the solution is what @Scepticalscribe and others have said time and again—just use plain words! I really don't understand why this is so hard for most of Gen Z. I've tried politely asking people to stop, and they won't. So I'm stuck asking what each obscure image means, which is a waste of time. Or, more commonly, just ignoring it, leaving a hole in the conversation.

Surely I can't be alone in this, it's so goddamn annoying.
I would suggest that you don't ask inside the discussion. That would just make them roll their eyes at you.

Ignore them and continue as if they hadn't posted anything. Make their voice unimportant. If they're running the show, that's another matter, but usually people who run the show just write in words.

I would probably laugh at their being ignorant and keep going with the conversation, not giving them any importance.
Enjoyed an exceptionally pleasant day today:

Organic vegetables (chard, spinach, cherry tomatoes, salad greens, cucumber, chives, onions, carrots, new season's garlic, parsley, and fresh basil), in the farmers' market, along with free range, organic, eggs, some cheese in the cheesemonger's, organic milk and double cream, and my French bread from the French bakery, were all purchased.

And, of course, a punnet (a large punnet), of (ripe), succulent, seasonal, summer, strawberries also found its way into my basket.

Earlier, some fish (smoked eel, smoked salmon, gravadlax, shrimp, and fresh crab), from the fishmonger's had been delivered.
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And, of course, a punnet (a large punnet), of (ripe), succulent, seasonal, summer, strawberries also found its way into my basket.
So .....;) while you're enjoying your strawberries (Isn't a punnet a small pun ? If so, how can one be large?), I'm probably going to be deprived of a large portion of the crop from my strawberry bed . I got a number of plants a few years back intending to set up a bed , but all save one were lost . By setting the runners from that plant , I've finally got enough plants for a small , but rewarding harvest . Unfortunately ,I'll be on vacation this week and they seem to be ripening somewhat earlier than expected . I guess the local bunny/squirrel/bird/ant population will have a treat.
So .....;) while you're enjoying your strawberries (Isn't a punnet a small pun ? If so, how can one be large?), I'm probably going to be deprived of a large portion of the crop from my strawberry bed . I got a number of plants a few years back intending to set up a bed , but all save one were lost . By setting the runners from that plant , I've finally got enough plants for a small , but rewarding harvest . Unfortunately ,I'll be on vacation this week and they seem to be ripening somewhat earlier than expected . I guess the local bunny/squirrel/bird/ant population will have a treat.
They are locally grown (hence, flavoursome) - and gloriously seasonal - strawberries, and today's purchases also included organic double cream, all the better to enjoy them.
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They are locally grown (hence, flavoursome) - and gloriously seasonal - strawberries, and today's purchases also included organic double cream, all the better to enjoy them.
I’ve always preferred raspberries to strawberries. But do enjoy yours.

Much sunnier today than yesterday. A long list of jobs await in the garden. I’ll see how many my neck lets me tick off my todo list before I have to stop.
They are locally grown (hence, flavoursome) - and gloriously seasonal - strawberries, and today's purchases also included organic double cream, all the better to enjoy them.
Locally grown are the best ; either ones from your backyard or from a local pick your own place . The giant ones that appear year around in our markets are visually impressive , but have had most of the flavor bred out of them .
Mowing. Fountain cleaning. Bird feeder cleaning was about as far as I got. A little bit of lawn edging, but that was as far as I got. Resting now g ft or a bit. Another walk this evening maybe.
I’ve always preferred raspberries to strawberries. But do enjoy yours.
I love raspberries, - and probably prefer them to strawberries - but, in June (to early July), locally grown strawberries can be wonderful, and are richly redolent of the idea of summer.
Much sunnier today than yesterday. A long list of jobs await in the garden. I’ll see how many my neck lets me tick off my todo list before I have to stop.
Yesterday was lovely, if a little cold.

Today, less so, overcast and cooler.
Locally grown are the best ; either ones from your backyard or from a local pick your own place .
Agree completely.
The giant ones that appear year around in our markets are visually impressive , but have had most of the flavor bred out of them .
And again, agree completely.

I never buy strawberries in a supermarket for that very reason.
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We're got a new chairman in our housing cooperative. Lord 😱

The history behind it is that's not a lot of people who are interested in participating in board-works here. It's a small cooperative, and neither are we very private with each orher in general. But of course, some we stay and talk with more then others. Which to me is very normal. I've lived in quite some housing cooperatives over the years, and they are exactly that, they are not collectives as this kid thinks!

I am sitting back and watching this parody now 😂
First gathering she announced was some gardenwork. No financial compencation offered. The board gets financial compensation, and we have always been offered some compensation for what tasks we are doing for the cooperative. I think they were 5 who did some gaedenwork.
I did the effort to answer no on her google-quetionary at that time. 90% didn't bother to answer at all.

Then she reclaimed that everyone should cut the lawns around here at least a few times/year. No compensation offered in that case either, yep, we'll see how many who will do that?
I've cut the lawns a great deal of times, and I got a fairly ok comprnsation for that earlier.

Latest parody is that she and the cooperative will arrange a summerparty and put up a party-tent, and serve food, where people can play games etc.
Nah, she won't even get a reply from me this time 🤣
1 have answered, and I am almost ready to eat my shoes (or something) if she gets more the 4-5 answers.
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