A sibling is trying to talk me into watching Madam Secretary. I said maybe later.
Meanwhile I'm still trying to talk myself into bothering with the rest of The Americans. Not sure how many episodes I watched in the first season. I heard the third season was especially good so I should suspend a skeptic's eye so far, maybe... and half-watch it while I do some handsewing to keep from getting annoyed if I am not thrilled, or impressed, or whatever.
I dunno. Still rather hit up beach reads during the summer. I get a sort of attention deficit during this time of year. I like to be outside, and I like to do things in my studio or in my kitchen that are sort of half-baked experiments indulged in with abandon and often launched on weekends. Think messes to pick up later when I get to it around Tuesday... or Thursday... clearing the decks for the next round, that was yesterday. Today it's been mischief day all day.
So maybe in the summer I'm a better candidate for checking out movies rather than TV series.