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Irrelevant. Every for-profit corporation on the planet would trade spots with Apple in a second if they could. Apple is not a charity and has no obligation to provide a product or service at a less than market value price.

This is simply market demand--they're charging what people will pay. Apple will lower their prices when people stop buying so many of them. So if you want to bitch about their pricing strategy, stop buying iPhones. Until then, anyone here who buys one has zero right to complain.
What did i say that was not relevant? what did I say that was complaining in any way? Everyone has been complaining about Samsung's pricing this year. I think you were one of them. So why does Apple get a pass?
IMHO both have overpriced phones.
Also i get that Apple like all companies are in business to make money. I haven't said anything different. So I don't know why you would say that.
What did i say that was not relevant? what did I say that was complaining in any way? Everyone has been complaining about Samsung's pricing this year. I think you were one of them. So why does Apple get a pass?
IMHO both have overpriced phones.
Also i get that Apple like all companies are in business to make money. I haven't said anything different. So I don't know why you would say that.

The only meaning that can be taken from this response...

This from a company that has more cash reserves than any company in the world. this post...

Not everyone is in the USA.

If your in Europe the price has increased and we are paying more now than EVER before.

€1079 for 128gb 6S Plus is $1225
€969 for 64gb is $1100
€859 for 16gb is $1000

They are unarguably very high ... that Apple should be charging less because they have so much money in the bank. If that wasn't your meaning, you should choose your words more carefully.

And I haven't complained that Samsung's prices are too high, but rather they are charging too much for their devices to realize they sales they expect...huge difference. It's all about consumer demand. Apple can charge the prices they do because people will pay them. Samsung, not so much, and their year over year over year decrease is flagship sales and profits are all the proof thats needed. If Apple starts to see diminished sales in the coming years, then maybe we'll see them lower their prices.

It's not for me to judge whether the price any of these OEMs charge is too high...that threshold will vary with every individual. And the cumulative decision of all consumers will determine if any company is charging too much for their product.
The only meaning that can be taken from this response... this post... that Apple should be charging less because they have so much money in the bank. If that wasn't your meaning, you should choose your words more carefully.

And I haven't complained that Samsung's prices are too high, but rather they are charging too much for their devices to realize they sales they expect...huge difference. It's all about consumer demand. Apple can charge the prices they do because people will pay them. Samsung, not so much, and their year over year over year decrease is flagship sales and profits are all the proof thats needed. If Apple starts to see diminished sales in the coming years, then maybe we'll see them lower their prices.

It's not for me to judge whether the price any of these OEMs charge is too high...that threshold will vary with every individual. And the cumulative decision of all consumers will determine if any company is charging too much for their product.
Sorry but I did choose my words very carefully and stand behind them. Then my original reply was not to you or anything you posted.
Prices for Apple iphones was going up I posted
jamezr said:
This from a company that has more cash reserves than any company in the world.[\quote]
Pretty short post considering the replies from you on it.
Apple has insane cash reserves. Was a price increase really warranted from a company that is arguably the most profitable in the world? I think it is a valid point to make.
Sorry but I did choose my words very carefully and stand behind them. Then my original reply was not to you or anything you posted.
Prices for Apple iphones was going up I posted

Pretty short post considering the replies from you on it.
Apple has insane cash reserves. Was a price increase really warranted from a company that is arguably the most profitable in the world? I think it is a valid point to make.

So you think Apple is obligated to give people a break because they've already made more than enough money? You're entitled to your opinion but I'm sure Apple's, or any other corporate shareholders are grateful you're not in charge of those decisions.
So you think Apple is obligated to give people a break because they've already made more than enough money? You're entitled to your opinion but I'm sure Apple's, or any other corporate shareholders are grateful you're not in charge of those decisions.
They have done it before. They have forgone price increases in their products. They have arguable the best warranty/repair policies in the business. Costing them millions in repairs they probably did not need to make. But creating immense customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
Then those shareholders you speak you actually think they want 200 BILLION in cash reserves or maybe that revenue RETURNED to the shareholders? I know what i would want.
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Apple could also do more for the world? They have the red producte charity...but that money could be put to good use.

I know Google is seen has a villain by some here, but they are charitable as well. You can disregard Google fiber, Android phone, etc...programs bring good technology to people who can't afford it. But you cant disregard the good the companies they own do. They own life sciences, a biotech company that I constantly work with. That company does more good for the world than comparable tech companies.

We can set here and argue all day about companies and individuals obligations to the poor (take a philosophy class....the arguments can be extreme in ones obligation.) But, Apple being the powerful entity that it is, could do a lot of good and still be larger than the next riches company (Google, Microsoft, etc).

I guess this could apply to a lot of companies, but there is no way around the Apple tax...which i think jamezr is pointing out. The Apple tax is negligible on products like the macbook pro, but the iPhone, Apple watch, macbook, and new Apple TV....all prices higher than they need to be. They could be a bit cheaper, allow more people to afford them, and still make tons of money.
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The 6s / iPad Air 2 should be the new iPhone 4s / iPad 2 as far as longevity goes

As far as the apple tax goes, getting harder for me to swallow due to 16gb still being the minimum. I have always bought 16gb because the storage pricing makes me want to puke but 16gb in 2015 is such a shame. Apple isn't alone here though, samsung pricing has been crazy as of late too, but you can always wait for a sale for samsung(all of android for that matter), no iPhone sales ever.
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Apple could also do more for the world? They have the red producte charity...but that money could be put to good use.

I know Google is seen has a villain by some here, but they are charitable as well. You can disregard Google fiber, Android phone, etc...programs bring good technology to people who can't afford it. But you cant disregard the good the companies they own do. They own life sciences, a biotech company that I constantly work with. That company does more good for the world than comparable tech companies.

We can set here and argue all day about companies and individuals obligations to the poor (take a philosophy class....the arguments can be extreme in ones obligation.) But, Apple being the powerful entity that it is, could do a lot of good and still be larger than the next riches company (Google, Microsoft, etc).

I guess this could apply to a lot of companies, but there is no way around the Apple tax...which i think jamezr is pointing out. The Apple tax is negligible on products like the macbook pro, but the iPhone, Apple watch, macbook, and new Apple TV....all prices higher than they need to be. They could be a bit cheaper, allow more people to afford them, and still make tons of money.

I'll make this my final reply so as to not further derail the thread.

Let's face it, none of us have a clue what the true motives any of these corporations. We don't know why they store huge cash reserves, why they invest in certain technologies, what they they're researching for the future or what involvement they have in any charitable work or the community, etc, etc. I do think it's very naive to assume any of them would trade profits for the 'well being of mankind' if push came to shove. If any of these companies were in jeopardy of losing money, what do you think the first things to go would be? Not any of the money making enterprises.

Regardless of any of this, when it comes to product pricing, we all have one very simply way to voice our approval or disapproval--with our wallets. Do you feel a company's product pricing is unfair? Don't buy their products. Nothing will impact a company quicker than the prospects making less money. ;)
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I'll make this my final reply so as to not further derail the thread.

Let's face it, none of us have a clue what the true motives any of these corporations. We don't know why they store huge cash reserves, why they invest in certain technologies, what they they're researching for the future or what involvement they have in any charitable work or the community, etc, etc. I do think it's very naive to assume any of them would trade profits for the 'well being of mankind' if push came to shove. If any of these companies were in jeopardy of losing money, what do you think the first things to go would be? Not any of the money making enterprises.

Regardless of any of this, when it comes to product pricing, we all have one very simply way to voice our approval or disapproval--with our wallets. Do feel a company's product pricing is fair? Don't buy their products. Nothing will impact a company quicker than the prospects making less money. ;)
Agree completely.

I am not blind. The good, I mentioned, that google does will directly benefit them in the future. It's not a good Samaritan type act. It's the nature of Google's product, but people can and will benefit from it...but no its not a selfless act.

Again I agree with you.
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I will say I'm quite curious to see how sales go for Apple this year, especially oversees (do they ever break out sales by territory?) considering pricing there seems to be higher than ever. I have no investment in Apple setting some new sales record--doesn't benefit me or improve my iPhone and to be honest, I'd like Apple to see a touch of adversity to see how they react.

And on a completely unrelated note, the giddy little kid in me is going a bit nuts as this was just delivered to my home. Yes, I am a complete dork. :p

I will say I'm quite curious to see how sales go for Apple this year, especially oversees (do they ever break out sales by territory?) considering pricing there seems to be higher than ever. I have no investment in Apple setting some new sales record--doesn't benefit me or improve my iPhone and to be honest, I'd like Apple to see a touch of adversity to see how they react.

And on a completely unrelated note, the giddy little kid in me is going a bit nuts as this was just delivered to my home. Yes, I am a complete dork.

View attachment 581451
Yeah....I really want that. You should post s review.
I will say I'm quite curious to see how sales go for Apple this year, especially oversees (do they ever break out sales by territory?) considering pricing there seems to be higher than ever. I have no investment in Apple setting some new sales record--doesn't benefit me or improve my iPhone and to be honest, I'd like Apple to see a touch of adversity to see how they react.

And on a completely unrelated note, the giddy little kid in me is going a bit nuts as this was just delivered to my home. Yes, I am a complete dork. :p

View attachment 581451
I think if they did have sales that did but match previous years it would get buried. But they have had record breaking year after year. I don't see that changing.

Nice new toy!!! Lets us know how you like it!!!
Yes tbay please post a review!! That looks awesome.

At risk of completely derailing this thread...I'll quickly reply.

I plugged in the charging base (inductive, of course--come on Apple, take note ;)) and placed BB-8 on it. It's hysterical--he almost immediately comes to life, various lights start flickering and his head starts looking around, making little noises, almost curiously. Call out his name--the head spins to face you. My boys are gonna love this.

The real fun begins after a full charge and I start to torment my 2 dogs. :D
At risk of completely derailing this thread...I'll quickly reply.

I plugged in the charging base (inductive, of course--come on Apple, take note ;)) and placed BB-8 on it. It's hysterical--he almost immediately comes to life, various lights start flickering and his head starts looking around, making little noises, almost curiously. Call out his name--the head spins to face you. My boys are gonna love this.

The real fun begins after a full charge and I start to torment my 2 dogs. :D
OMG......please please start a new thread with pics and a video of your dogs with it! :)
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I will say I'm quite curious to see how sales go for Apple this year, especially oversees (do they ever break out sales by territory?) considering pricing there seems to be higher than ever. I have no investment in Apple setting some new sales record--doesn't benefit me or improve my iPhone and to be honest, I'd like Apple to see a touch of adversity to see how they react.

And on a completely unrelated note, the giddy little kid in me is going a bit nuts as this was just delivered to my home. Yes, I am a complete dork. :p

View attachment 581451
reports are it's set to hit 10 million pre orders.
I will say I'm quite curious to see how sales go for Apple this year, especially oversees (do they ever break out sales by territory?) considering pricing there seems to be higher than ever. I have no investment in Apple setting some new sales record--doesn't benefit me or improve my iPhone and to be honest, I'd like Apple to see a touch of adversity to see how they react.

And on a completely unrelated note, the giddy little kid in me is going a bit nuts as this was just delivered to my home. Yes, I am a complete dork. :p

View attachment 581451
I very much doubt the 6S will sell as well as its predecessor but the S cycle rarely does I don't think. They'll do well though no doubt, they usually do. I've heard 10 million too which is a healthy amount.
I very much doubt the 6S will sell as well as its predecessor but the S cycle rarely does I don't think. They'll do well though no doubt, they usually do. I've heard 10 million too which is a healthy amount.
I think they've done enough to warrant higher sales than last year, but really they can only out due themselves for so long.

The big question is how will apple react when sales stop growing and either stagnate or regress? Do they lower their prices? Or simply make an OMG killer phone? Or really introduce a lower end model?

Samsung has already responded by making the best phones they've ever made, significantly improving in both hardware and software, which I believe has helped at least slow down their regression. We'll see what apple does soon enough.
I think they've done enough to warrant higher sales than last year, but really they can only out due themselves for so long.

The big question is how will apple react when sales stop growing and either stagnate or regress? Do they lower their prices? Or simply make an OMG killer phone? Or really introduce a lower end model?

Samsung has already responded by making the best phones they've ever made, significantly improving in both hardware and software, which I believe has helped at least slow down their regression. We'll see what apple does soon enough.
Suppose until that happens we won't know

Samsung have improved a lot with the phones yet sales remain poor. So I'm guessing until apple sales decrease then Samsung will remain lower than expected
I will say I'm quite curious to see how sales go for Apple this year, especially oversees (do they ever break out sales by territory?) considering pricing there seems to be higher than ever. I have no investment in Apple setting some new sales record--doesn't benefit me or improve my iPhone and to be honest, I'd like Apple to see a touch of adversity to see how they react.

And on a completely unrelated note, the giddy little kid in me is going a bit nuts as this was just delivered to my home. Yes, I am a complete dork.

View attachment 581451
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