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In fairness S6 Edge was €1049 for 128gb when released too $1200... but yeah madness money, the only benefit is the iPhone will hold its money better if you resell later or trade up, but yeah crazy money nether the less.

Yeap, in the UK the IPhone 6S Plus 16gb is £619, I can import the 32gb Note 5 for £477. So around £150 less which is a significant saving.
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our apple web shop is just saying "coming soon" but it is also saying it for the watch too "coming on year 2015" :D :D i wonder how long it takes until some one is able to order iphone 6s... or the watch, im pretty sure people have already lost they interest in the watch here...
Having owned the note 5 the stuttering is noticeable. I picked up the moto x pure and also preordered the iPhone 6s to see which one I like most.
Not saying your wrong, but not tech review or website agrees with you. Alternatively, the moto x pure has been critized has been stated as fast but not blazing like the note 5 (forget which tech website, sorry).

Maybe it is the nature of touchwize animations that bother you? I use an alternative launcher and it is as smooth as can be. Don't get me wrong, nexus phones are the smoothest phones,.period, even topping the iPhone.
Not everyone is in the USA.

If your in Europe the price has increased and we are paying more now than EVER before.

€1079 for 128gb 6S Plus is $1225
€969 for 64gb is $1100
€859 for 16gb is $1000

They are unarguably very high ...

Question--have the prices in Euros actually gone up year over year? Same for the UK--has the price for you in GBP increased year over year?

I ask because the prices for iPhones here in the US has been flat since, long as I can remember, probably back to the iPhone 3G.

Yes, iPhones are frickin' expensive regardless but incorporating current exchange rates is next to meaningless--you're paying whatever the local price is. The strength of USD has fluctuated a ton over the past 5-10 years but that doesn't matter because I'm not paying for my phone in GPB or Euros. Unless you're planning on converting your currency and buying it in another country, the exchange rates like mentioned above don't matter.

Now if Apple has been continuously bumping up the price of the iPhone in the local currency year-over-year, regardless of the strength of the currency, then yeah, I have a big problem with that.

And no, not picking on you MRU, just using your post for reference--probably should've quoted post a few spots about yours.
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This from a company that has more cash reserves than any company in the world.

Irrelevant. Every for-profit corporation on the planet would trade spots with Apple in a second if they could. Apple is not a charity and has no obligation to provide a product or service at a less than market value price.

This is simply market demand--they're charging what people will pay. Apple will lower their prices when people stop buying so many of them. So if you want to bitch about their pricing strategy, stop buying iPhones. Until then, anyone here who buys one has zero right to complain.
Question--have the prices in Euros actually gone up year over year? Same for the UK--has the price for you in GBP increased year over year?

I ask because the prices for iPhones here in the US has been flat since, long as I can remember, probably back to the iPhone 3G.

Yes, iPhones are frickin' expensive regardless but incorporating current exchange rates is next to meaningless--you're paying whatever the local price is. The strength of USD has fluctuated a ton over the past 5-10 years but that doesn't matter because I'm not paying for my phone in GPB or Euros. Unless you're planning on converting your currency and buying it in another country, the exchange rates like mentioned above don't matter.

Now if Apple has been continuously bumping up the price of the iPhone in the local currency year-over-year, regardless of the strength of the currency, then yeah, I have a big problem with that.

And no, not picking on you MRU, just using your post for reference--probably should've quoted post a few spots about yours.

Yeah they have generally gone up each year here. Definitely the increase is getting greater it seems each year. Normally it was around maybe €30 and this year leap is between €40-80 on 6S and €70-90 on the 6S Plus
Sure, but if you only needed 32 GB, you get short-changed. With their current tiers you either have to make due with less storage or step up to 64GB. Yes, it's the same price as previous 32GB models but if Apple had properly revised their storage tiers, you'd actually save $100.

You can look at the glass half empty or half full. I look at it half full. My first iPhone was the 4 at 16 gigs. But the storage was not enough. So I got my iPhone 5 with 32 gigs. That was plenty for my needs. With the iPhone 6, Apple gave me 64 gigs for the same price as a 32 gig. Double the gigs for the same price. How am I paying more? I am actually paying less considering the gigs doubled.
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Not everyone is in the USA.

If your in Europe the price has increased and we are paying more now than EVER before.

€1079 for 128gb 6S Plus is $1225
€969 for 64gb is $1100
€859 for 16gb is $1000

They are unarguably very high ...

That is because the value of the Euro had dropped in exchange for the dollar. When the Euro was at 1.30 to the dollar you were probably paying less. Now the Euro is at 1.10 to the dollar.
You can look at the glass half empty or half full. I look at it half full. My first iPhone was the 4 at 16 gigs. But the storage was not enough. So I got my iPhone 5 with 32 gigs. That was plenty for my needs. With the iPhone 6, Apple gave me 64 gigs for the same price as a 32 gig. Double the gigs for the same price. How am I paying more? I am actually paying less considering the gigs doubled.

You're not...but the point is you could be paying less..they're essentially forcing you to move up.
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You're not...but the point is you could be paying less..they're essentially forcing you to move up.
Exactly. It's nothing more than a ploy to make aargwe profit off of each iPhone purchase, becasue more people will get the larger iPhones.

It's like the base model is barebones with little ability to fully take advantage of the iPhone fesurees and eco system.

If Samsung, for example, did this...there would be a outcry. Apple shouldn't be imune to that.
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Exactly. It's nothing more than a ploy to make aargwe profit off of each iPhone purchase, becasue more people will get the larger iPhones.

It's like the base model is barebones with little ability to fully take advantage of the iPhone fesurees and eco system.

If Samsung, for example, did this...there would be a outcry. Apple shouldn't be imune to that.
They've been doing it for years. Anyone who's bought laptops and desktops off them over the years will remember the BTO option almost forced upon you due to measly RAM offerings. Then they used to charge a fortune for an upgrade.. I mean 3-4 times the off-the-shelf price. Even old non BTO PowerMac and MacPro towers would arrive with very specific RAM chip requirements which resellers would then just whack up prices so you couldn't win. Only in the last 4-5 years have Apple's RAM upgrades at the point of order been remotely affordable (they're still scalping).

I think they are stretching the 16gb over the edge now. Then again people who think they're saving from buying storage outright will likely pay anyway via iCloud subs. Unless you don't do many pics, videos, or have many apps.

But yes, if Samsung tried this, they'd be taking hits from all sides.
Question--have the prices in Euros actually gone up year over year? Same for the UK--has the price for you in GBP increased year over year?

I ask because the prices for iPhones here in the US has been flat since, long as I can remember, probably back to the iPhone 3G.

Yes, iPhones are frickin' expensive regardless but incorporating current exchange rates is next to meaningless--you're paying whatever the local price is. The strength of USD has fluctuated a ton over the past 5-10 years but that doesn't matter because I'm not paying for my phone in GPB or Euros. Unless you're planning on converting your currency and buying it in another country, the exchange rates like mentioned above don't matter.

Now if Apple has been continuously bumping up the price of the iPhone in the local currency year-over-year, regardless of the strength of the currency, then yeah, I have a big problem with that.

And no, not picking on you MRU, just using your post for reference--probably should've quoted post a few spots about yours.
I seem to remember the price going up by $50 when at&t lost exclusivity and they began selling unlocked models followed by Verizon.
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