And requirements for providing EV charge options (for apartments) might exist (at least in CA), I do not know but I’m guessing that unless the builder of apartments/flats are forced to do so, they won’t as it costs them money.Yes for those that can’t charge at home things are more difficult. You mention garages, but of course a drive is perfectly adequate as well. My car never gets in the garage as it’s full of other things.
But in the UK at least they are no longer building apartments (or flats as we call them) without provision for parking and charging.
There are also various council run schemes where cars can be charged on the road (charging posts or gullies for people to run cables from their house to the road).
With most people having a commute of less than 20 miles per day, it’s one 15-20 charge stop a week.
Also in the UK a lot of those living in buildings with no car parking often don’t own cars. Those sort of houses are most likely in cities with good public transport etc.
In CA for all I know, every new single family home has to have solar and I think that is in place for several years already, there should also be a requirement to put a 240 circuit/outlet in to prep for EVs (and let’s not start another 110/240V here