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Well, like I and others have said, there's the option of having it delivered to your work or held at a local hub. And of course, for some camping requires time off work too. If you're just talking about going at 6am and leaving at 8am, I don't think that really qualifies as "camping". That's just waiting in line. I take "camping" to mean the people who wait over night. I don't know if it's still a thing, but don't people camp outside of Apple Stores for like 24 hours or more?

I guess I always remember back in the day there were problems with preorders if you tried to deliver to an address other than the billing address and/or you never knew if the option to hold at the hub would become available? I just remember these things being very risky to try on preorders back in the day because there was a chance your order might get cancelled/held up causing massive delays, but maybe things have changed? Or maybe it's ordering from carriers that is the problem?
Last year I camped at the Verizon store over night. Only 5 people in line but it was November, cold and not many people to talk to so boring. This year it should be warmer, thinking about camping at Apple. Who else??

This makes no sense to me when you can have it delivered to the comfort of your home with no hassles. I always thought those campers were oddballs with their priorities out of wack.
Errrr no I have a life! I’ll order online if I want one, the easy way where I don’t freeze on some highstreet pavement for a couple of days, with onlookers looking at me thinking I’m actually nuts.

Apple are not making this an experience, they are making it a giant ad campaign at your expense! It helps to sell more iPhones as it portrays their popularity. All Apple cares about is your ££££ or $$$$.
And sitting at home with the door open all day is a life? Lol. Where I am it’s not cold in Sept it’s warm.
I guess I’m just not enough of an apple fan to understand this “I can’t wait” attitude. Does waiting a few weeks, or even a month, really impact your life that much? I’ll be ordering 2 xs + phones when I can and I can wait until whenever. I’ve spent 2 years with my 7 plus, I can wait a bit for the new phone without spending time outside or taking time off work to wait online or whatever.
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You obviously don’t know anything about the experience Apple provides on launch days.

I camped out for the first few iPhones. The Apple stores always treated you well and it was a social experience for me. That feeling of anticipation as you finally got your turn to go into the store was great.
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You obviously don’t know anything about the experience Apple provides on launch days.

Of course. They make you feel special for having the privilege of being among the first to give them $1000 for the thing that’s slightly better than the other thing that you already have in your hand! :p:D

But seriously, I get it. It’s about the hype, and the social aspect. It’s an event that you can’t experience sitting at home. But most people just think that it’s a bit excessive and inconvenient, especially since online ordering makes actually waiting at a store unnecessary to receive the phone at or near launch day. Plus when you order online you’re guaranteed to get the exact model you want. I’ve heard of people camping out and still having to settle for a colour or capacity that wasn’t even what they wanted, especially at carrier stores that might not even get certain models on launch day!

For me, ordering online is actually it’s own thrill. Tracking the package. Knowing that every hour an item that is specifically designated as mine is making its way closer. Seeing that it’s out for delivery. In my case I have family members at home to accept it, so I get the notification that it’s been safely delivered. Then knowing that it’s waiting for me as soon as I get home! That’s much better than hours waiting outside a store.
Why are some of you so judgmental about something so completely harmless?

Though I haven’t done it for new phones I love camping and do a lot of off the beaten path backpacking and camping (just did an arctic safari this past summer). I am not surprised at all camping outside and waiting for your coveted new phone is fun and thrill for many.
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Why are some of you so judgmental about something so completely harmless?

Though I haven’t done it for new phones I love camping and do a lot of off the beaten path backpacking and camping (just did an arctic safari this past summer). I am not surprised at all camping outside and waiting for your coveted new phone is fun and thrill for many.

Most people would probably say that camping in nature is a richer experience than camping on a sidewalk. Although, to be honest, I find a new phone more exciting than nature!
For me, ordering online is actually it’s own thrill. Tracking the package. Knowing that every hour an item that is specifically designated as mine is making its way closer. Seeing that it’s out for delivery. In my case I have family members at home to accept it, so I get the notification that it’s been safely delivered. Then knowing that it’s waiting for me as soon as I get home! That’s much better than hours waiting outside a store.
Exactly what I feel.

In most cases the ones waiting overnight grab the phone handover the dosh and then get themselves back to their home or cave and proceed to enjoy the unboxing etc etc all by themselves.
I prefer ordering online and meeting the mailman at the door.
I was just wondering if the upcoming iPhone Xs release is going to be like an iPhone 4 or iPhone 5 launch, with large lines and waits. Now that the X has matured a bit and with several improved models, I think the lines will be there.

Not if they price it at 999 and 1200 their won’t be! Who am I kidding of course their wi
And sitting at home with the door open all day is a life? Lol. Where I am it’s not cold in Sept it’s warm.

Why would I be sat at home with the door open? I’d order one off the internet and go and pick it up Fromm supermarket down the road from my work, because it’s a Waitrose which is part of the John Lewis group, so I buy from a well renowned department store, pick up after work from the supermarket.
Or I just get it delivered, I don’t have to sit outside a store on the pavement for two days, just to purchase an electronic device... it’s not life changing.
You obviously don’t know anything about the experience Apple provides on launch days.

Yep me and about 99.99999999999% of the population who order online apparently! Sorry but a T-shirt and Starbucks would be NO incentive whatsoever to stand in line for days. SMH
Tbh no, last year with the iPhone X Verizon let everyone do in store pick up online and people didn’t know so they were out of luck because everyone did the in store pick up option.
They have this thing called the internet now. You can reserve your phone from the comfort of a nice warm bed and have it delivered right to your front door. ;):D

At my age, this is the way I do it, but I can see the appeal of waiting in line and interacting with others who are also excited about the new phone. It's probably just as crazy to get up at 3 am to pre-order and get the phone day one like I do.
Of course. They make you feel special for having the privilege of being among the first to give them $1000 for the thing that’s slightly better than the other thing that you already have in your hand! :p:D

But seriously, I get it. It’s about the hype, and the social aspect. It’s an event that you can’t experience sitting at home. But most people just think that it’s a bit excessive and inconvenient, especially since online ordering makes actually waiting at a store unnecessary to receive the phone at or near launch day. Plus when you order online you’re guaranteed to get the exact model you want. I’ve heard of people camping out and still having to settle for a colour or capacity that wasn’t even what they wanted, especially at carrier stores that might not even get certain models on launch day!

For me, ordering online is actually it’s own thrill. Tracking the package. Knowing that every hour an item that is specifically designated as mine is making its way closer. Seeing that it’s out for delivery. In my case I have family members at home to accept it, so I get the notification that it’s been safely delivered. Then knowing that it’s waiting for me as soon as I get home! That’s much better than hours waiting outside a store.
You’re still camping to buy online lol You know you can’t wake up at 9am to order an iPhone on launch day. No you’re up at 3am in some places and having to put that order in as fast as u can is stressful. I’d rather wait in line, hangout, eat, and get what I want. ‍♂️
Disney vacation with kids was enough to deter any type of waiting or lineup experience for the rest of your life.

I pre order, hold at facility and pickup on way to work with no need for lines or that sort.

Otherwise i would if i had friends with me, back in 3gs iphone 4 era that was fun.
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Why i have to camp :D

preorder and pickup easiest way..””

I think people who plan to camp must be

1/ newbie iphone user
2/ mafia = buying multi iphone sell out
3/ facebook Likes
Why i have to camp :D

preorder and pickup easiest way..””

I think people who plan to camp must be

1/ newbie iphone user
2/ mafia = buying multi iphone sell out
3/ facebook Likes

I could go the other way with this, though it's purely for fun:

I think people who don't camp are:

1/ Lacking social skills
2/ Lazy
3/ Posting a bazillion times in an iPhone preorder thread.

The whole sense of camping comes from
the iPhone has always been that one predominate device that everybody wants to have every year, therefore you have those who are very strong enthusiast that lineup hours, sometimes days before to have this device. It Really isn't inuncommon, I just think it takes a very dedicated and devoted iPhone fan to want to do that. I personally have no interest in that, but understand everybody is different.
I did camp twice 5/6
6S/7/8 preorder pickup :D

waiting inline smell fart :eek: >>dont play that again :)
The whole sense of camping comes from
the iPhone has always been that one predominate device that everybody wants to have every year, therefore you have those who are very strong enthusiast that lineup hours, sometimes days before to have this device. It Really isn't inuncommon, I just think it takes a very dedicated and devoted iPhone fan to want to do that. I personally have no interest in that, but understand everybody is different.

Agreed, back in the day the iPhone was the largest product release out there, so it was natural people were camping.

I've always done launch day preorders, and its always sucked sitting around waiting. Last year was the only exception where I went to the store a couple hours before they opened, only because I knew a 64 GB silver 8 was probably the dead last model when it came to demand. I did expect more people to be lined up though for the X, but I was like 10th in line and by the time the store opened there were maybe 30 people in line.
2019 coming >> no one doing that
all have ipad/iphone/pc >> click or touch and

if apple doing that way again they pay more money hired employee in that day , alot saving for apple >> and less trouble + crowd+ all stuff :cool:
You’re still camping to buy online lol You know you can’t wake up at 9am to order an iPhone on launch day. No you’re up at 3am in some places and having to put that order in as fast as u can is stressful. I’d rather wait in line, hangout, eat, and get what I want. ‍♂️
Stressful? To order a mass produced consumer electronic device? Really?
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