My 2 ipad 2s run just fine on ios 9. better than ios 8 and better than ios 7. Whether or not you are exhibiting hypersensitivity(is the other end of "does not bother") of performance toward your devices is another matter. As an owner of two ipads 2s I am happy, and what I expected, apple to support their hardware for a more than reasonable lifespan. Core functionality updates, security fixes and app updates. Means my ipad 2 (or 4s) does so much more than equivalent tablets (or phones) of 2011. I still see an iphone 4s or two: how many of these have you seen from 2011?
- galaxy preval
- htc thunderbold
- htc inspire
- motoral atrix
- galaxy sii
- htc evo
- optimus
- droid bionic
- iphone 4s/4
Tablets in 2011:
- HTC Flyer
- Amazon Kindle Fire
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
- ASUS Eee Pad Transformer
- Toshiba Thrive
- B&N Nook Color
- Motorola Xoom
- BlackBerry PlayBook
- HP TouchPad
- Apple iPad 2
One reason I choose to invest in apple devices, my ios devices of that era have almost the same functionality as devices released for ios 10.