I just want a Mac Pro
We all want a 'Mac Pro.'
Apple have had a decade and still haven't got it right for the demographic it inhabited.
To be fair, the Mac Pro grater's last spec under Jobs was underwhelming and wasn't as affordable as it previously was.
Under Cook, we got a nice innovation cul-de-sac which would have been better suited as a Mac Pro Mini at a mid-range tower price of £1350-£1750+ (BTO).
The G3s. Great tower. Access. Blistering speed. Actual GPU leading performance at the time. Affordable.
G4. Much the same. Slight price rise.
G5. Great industrial design. Price rise noticeable.
Trash Can? Entry price is no longer sub-£2k. It's £2.5k. A thermal cul-de-sac augmented by wired rats nest. And Apple nickle and dime the tower buyer for a kb and mouse. But they don't charge you extra for the power cable?
....and 6 years later?
£6k. For a spec you can easily get £1250-£1500 PC wise. Not mainstream. Over enginneered for what many tower buyers wanted.
It's just a joke. A beautiful joke.
Expressed in the tongue of the common vernacular...
Feel free to join in...if you miss the affordable Mac Tower..., *clears throat..., 'You don't know what you're doing...' *points finger in direction of Cuper Campus...