A mysterious tweet. Intel teases more Xe Graphics news, but then removes tweet It took some time to find traces of the tweet, but here it is – a tweet posted 3 hours ago and then removed. Intel tweet with Xe Graphics teaser (now removed) In the tweet, Intel promises to deliver more details on […]
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Interesting read for those who want an 'idea' of what the Mac line up might (!) look like after AS is complete.
Consolidation of the laptop and iMac line.
24 and 32 iMac sizes.
1 chip consumer. 2 chip prosumer. Or certainly more cores.
And the Mac Mini will certainly do no worse out of the transition.
Whilst those worrying about the Mac Pro..., they seem bullish that core density will handle workloads.
Starting at the consumer level. Then optimising for professional level.
And yes. The iMac24, MB13 and Air are essentially the same thing. So launching a consumer laptop and a consumer desktop at the same time shouldn't be that difficult.
More like the old product grid. Thank Jobs.
Whatever the next intel model is, and whenever it’s announced, it would be great if Apple could give some idea of longevity of support. Simply saying “years” at WWDC was not enough. It would give the intel buyers some confidence. The AS buyers will wait anyway, so what harm could it do to have some transparency for the undecideds?
Yes. They were asked, point blank, and still didn't give a straight answer other than 'years.'
I'd expect a handful of years before the gap between Intel and AS becomes archaically embarrassing. Maybe get an OS release or two (Big Sur and...) and after that...deprecated support. As in your machine will 'work.'
Me, being cynical with Apple, we can look at their last transition for answers.
I think they'll happily sell you an Intel iMac now?
Knowing full well the iMac 24 will equal it or bury it later.
And 'exclusives' now or later to Big Sur that will, by design, age and put pressure on the installed base of Intel Macs. You know...the killer feature that only works on the co-processor on ARM. ie. A killer codec for 4k streams where an AS Mac Mini can stream 3x4k streams...but the Intel Mac Mini can stutter one. Or...an AS Mini with gaming performance at 1080p smooth as butter whereas the Intel Mini can lag and stutter with its games etc. Doing 3d work with an AS mini...but lag fest with the Intel mini. Pro' or game work that was the province of higher Intels will come down to AS consumer Macs.
I don't think this is that remarkable. Things have really stagnated in cpus and gpus over the last 5+ years. That's what happens when you have 'two monopolies' entrenched in cpus and gpus.
We're at the cusp of things really getting moving again, tech' wise. A 1.5 trillion company getting into 'traditional' computing will really shake up the competition. No doubt. They're about to get hit by a brick.
Out with the old. In with the new.
Apple, in that regard? Predictable. They'll sell you today for high coin. They'll sell you again later for high coin.
'Latest and greatest.'