Yes, exactly. Its the GPU and max ram right now that is the main issue with M chips. The performance of M1 is very good for most but the GPU is really bad. So that needs to be fixed in the next chip Apple shows us. Ideally, I would love M2 and M2X (basically skip M1X entirely) but we may not be this lucky.
On the other hand, M2 is just about ready (just like A15) so we can expect products with it this fall. M2X (as a variant of M2) should theoretically be about ready also as its just the same architecture with more cores etc. so Don't see a reason why we could not see it in fall or spring event.
M1X is at this point a little pointless unless they anticipate delay for everything so in that case it could make sense.
Still strange to see that M2 will most likely show up before or around the same time as M1X if we do get it.
Why have next gen next to an old gen with more cores/gpus? Why not just apply it to the next and have M2 and M2X together.
M2 for Macbook, Mac Mini
M2X for Macbook Pro and iMac
What I'm most curious to see is the GPU story. I know that teraflops aren't a perfect measure of GPU capability but I believe the 2017 iMac 580 Pro was around 4-5 flops. The M1 is around 2.5 I believe. This lines up with the M1 Metal score of 21,700 vs 41,500 for my system.
Assuming the GPU really does scale linearly, I would need the 16-core model just to break even with my current system (which I believe will be the standard configuration unless they market it as "Pro"). So I'll have to spring for either the 32-core or 64-core system to see a meaningful upgrade. Since I like to keep my computers for 5+ years I like to buy the higher-mid tier.