I still hope in "hello"... for a new iMac
Interesting post. Well, you never know. Apple kept the exact nature of the Mac Pro and Pro Display very quiet indeed.
It could be the 27 inch redesign lands 1st with the 23 inch to follow.
There is always hope.
oh yeah, I agree with you, three computers in 9 years is nuts, but as I said the iMac I currently own and I bought used from eBay when I moved to the US, has developed the dreaded screen blemish on the left bottom corner, so I don’t want to keep it anymore and live with it, I’d like to sell it as soon as possible as it still has some value. My first iMac I bought while living overseas also had this issue and no, I do not smoke and I do not purposely fill up my room with toxic fumes and dust, it is plain bad design from Apple and I got the short end of the stick twice.
Now, when I buy my 3rd iMac I will pay extra for Apple care because of the way these machines are designed and they attract dust inside the screen or whatever other reason.
If you sell to a 2nd hand buyer, be up front with it and get what you can. Or you can probably trade it in at an Apple re-seller when the new iMac launches which must be pretty close now. 4 weeks or less.
My iMac's screen has no blemish in 7.3 years (I've been paranoid about screen burn and so have screensaver settings on an aggressive setting...) and yet I can't use the Mac partition because safe mode won't let me into the Mac partition but I can get into Windows, ironically, on Bootcamp.
And yes. That's the achilles heel of the iMac. Throwing away perfectly good screen or hard drive or ram or gpu when one bit of that 'glommed' together design. To me, it's a design weighted in favour of Apple. You can't just replace the defective element. Or in the case of laptops...which are glued together now. Same issue. Something goes wrong you have an expensive repair. Again, weighted in Apple's favour.
Yes. Apple care. Would seem to be prudent. But if Apple's kit is as good as their marketing claims it is...why not offer a 2 or 3 year warranty, eh?
About a month ago, I was browsing online to get a good deal on a 2019 27" iMac because the one I have right now (Late 2015 27") and I bought from eBay in 2017, has developed a small issue on the screen so I wanted to sell as soon as possible before the value goes down more. I spent almost 2 weeks and then suddenly it hit me. I was that close to buying my third iMac in a period 9 years and it would look exactly the same as the other two. And there, I decided it is just not worth it, sure the 2019 has very good specs and value for money compared to what I had before but I just can't buy the same design for the third time and that is also why I'm even considering getting the iMP which I will probably only use 30% of its overall power as I don't do any heavy professional video or 3-D work, I'm just desperate to get something different even something as simple as a different color. Why are iPads, MacBooks and Mac mini offer the beautiful space grey option and the iMac doesn't? Like, why is it so hard to offer color options especially as the iMP shares the same case as the 27" iMac.
I also skipped iPhone XS and iPhone 11 because I didn't see any value to what they offer compared to the X that I own currently and and they look almost the same. iPhone 12? I will be the first in line to get it because finally the design goes back to the iconic 4 series which is so much better than the generic rounded and slippery design of the 6-11.
So now, either I will be looking for a very good deal on a used iMP or wait for a potential redesign down the line.
The 2019 model was ok. But a very 'lazy' iMac update with aggressive BTO to get to a good spec eg. £3560 for the 8 core with the ram and ssd and the GPU. So I didn't bother in the end. I withdrew my custom.
Same on the iPhones. I've got one. it works. I've given apple £2k for phones. A 'phone.' It's 'just' a phone. So I haven't bought anything in years.
Same with iPads. Apple are so incremental in what they do whilst reaping massive profits so I thought I won't buy an iPad again until it's bigger and light years ahead in speed and design. eg. iPad 3 vs iPad 12.9 A12z (but I want the A14X...) so I didn't buy that either. That and the iPad bend issue. I went to the store to press on the 12.9'er and that's far too much bend for my taste. *seems like that could be problematic.* The 11 incher is far more rigid.
If you want value you have to look outside of the Apple's ecosphere right now. Their success has blinded them.
I'm hoping the iMac restores the 'value' equation. I'll just wait for each device until I feel it's progressed enough in tech'. Just a 'bit faster', a swing on the pantry door and a kick of the backside for my wallet will not do. At all.
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