I’m curious what you’re cautious about? What could your FaceID data actually be used for? Are you thinking something along the lines of a Mission Impossible plot where somebody pretends to be you and ruins your life?
MAYBE. Honestly, I can’t say I know the specific concern. Call it a hunch based on the trajectory of current technology, companies, governments, and crime. We’ve seen that we give up information and power for the sake of convenience and entertainment, and find out after the fact that nefarious people can and are doing (or will do) things with it that we didn’t imagine. What worries me way more than Face ID is what companies like “23 and Me” are doing with obtaining people’s DNA—I feel like that opens up dangerous doors on another scale. Like I said before, I may be erring on the side of paranoia, I hope I am, but to me that’s better than erring the other way.