It’s to simplistic to state it this way.It IS whining, what action are y’all doing to stop/voice you guys don’t like it? Are y’all selling your iPhones right this second? Most aren’t, are y’all making petitions? I haven’t seen a single post about one in here. it’s all bark in these posts and no bite. And yes I understand the implications of what it brings.
First, let’s drop the stigma that it’s all just “whining”. You don’t have to put labels on people just because you disagree, it makes any given argument weaker, not stronger.
Second, the poll is very clear, there is an option for those who do like to sell their iPhone because of this CSAM, others won’t but are concerned.
Again, respect each others opinion, it’s not “whining” it’s just not your opinion.
like I’ve said, I’m in between. I like my iPhone and will not sell it because of this, but I do agree with the critics when they point out the potential dangers of CSAM.
For instance, Apple is stating that a scan will only occur within the Foto apps when things are uploaded to the cloud. If you don’t want this you can put of this functionality. But foto’s is extremely integrated within iOS and from the foto app you can easily do everything with your foto’s. So in practice it’s not really an option to turn it off.
Then you have Apple stating that they will not agree with demands from governments towards Apple stating that they should filter on other signs as well. I don’t thing Apple will refuge such demands if, for instance, China, creates a law stating Apple should comply. Apple will nit stop selling iPhones in China to make a stand.
They, Apple, all-ready have put their iCloud servers for the Chinese customers on China territory. Also by law from the Chinese government.
Meaning, Apple could state that they won’t do anything else besides scanning for explicit unwanted pictures of child abuse but history learns that a company can easily be forced to change policy when loosing big sales are on the table for discussion.
So to conclude, it’s not all just “whining” what people do, there are legitimate reasons for concerns.