I believe not. (N.B.: IANAL, nor do I play one on TV, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.) The relevant US Code has been posted once-or-twice in this or one of the other on-device CSAM threads.Okay, serious question:
Could Apple enable End to End Encryption without scanning at all? Could they get in trouble for hosting such images if there's no way for them to know if the images are there?
They are obliged to do something about it if it comes to their attention. They are not required to actively seek it out.
IOW: They do not, and can not, know what's in their customers' private data stores. What a concept.It's like Schrodinger's cat... the photos are both non-existing and existing at the same time. You can't tell because you can't get in to see them.
I liken it to automobiles and their manufacturers. The auto manufacturers know their products are used to facilitate no end of crime. Speeding, drug trafficking, driving while impaired, child abduction, gun-running, bank robbery, etc. Apple doing this would be like auto manufacturers installing all kinds of illegal-behavior-detecting-and-reporting stuff in their cars. "But if you don't do anything illegal, you have nothing about which to worry," right?