Enjoyed a few glasses of St-Emilion Grand Cru with a colleague I have a lot of time for.
I discovered a terrific Belgian beer on tap called l’Abbaye d’Affilgem. Top fermented, golden brownish tone with a good head and a bit on the strong side (6.7 %). Only had one - but was well satisfied with it.
Belgian monks must have been the happiest in Medieval Europe.
Strong ginger syrup recommendation? Must have a fiery kick and not all sweet.
A couple of bottles of good ole US of A Bud’s followed by a few Jim Beam’s.
Off all week on annual leave. Bored all ready. Not good at being off....
Well, then, find something to do that interests you. Reading, music, wine courses, coffee sampling, travel, dining out, whatever floats your boat.
Will do. Am trying my best but find myself just drinking too much (as I just wrote that I have to say that old age comes to us all eventually. Just took a huge gulp of my Jim Beam and coke only to find out I’d forgotten to put the coke in! Whey hey!)
Have a trip planned to Apple to look for a new MacBook and later in the week am booked into a nice hotel. Am visiting my brother and his young son. I just like routine. The thought of retirement frightens me, although at least 10 years off. What the hell do you do all day?!!
Now, where’s that coke?....
Will do. Am trying my best but find myself just drinking too much (as I just wrote that I have to say that old age comes to us all eventually. Just took a huge gulp of my Jim Beam and coke only to find out I’d forgotten to put the coke in! Whey hey!)
Have a trip planned to Apple to look for a new MacBook and later in the week am booked into a nice hotel. Am visiting my brother and his young son. I just like routine. The thought of retirement frightens me, although at least 10 years off. What the hell do you do all day?!!
Now, where’s that coke?....
Ballast Point Brewing Company - "Victory At Sea" - an Imperial Porter with Coffee and Vanilla.
Coincidentally, I bought Ballast Point today. Did not know it was available in your part of the world, Sceptical. Did you enjoy it?
Sometimes, they want to free up storage - and this has happened with me: Something extraordinary will appear from the vaults, (a stunning wine, or cognac) and they will say to me - this dates from the 1990s - we'll give it to you at the price we bought it for then, which is not, of course, the price of which it would retail now. (Which is how I came by some cognac above XO level).