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I woke up this morning and saw the updated app and got excited to download it and install it. And I saw the pause feature and that is what I was most excited about. Did some configuration and took off on a 30 mile bike ride. Our group usually stops for breakfast and I have to remember to pause the app but today I didn't and it stopped recording when we stopped. Great.

I noticed that it recorded some time when I was walking around at times. I set the "Resume" sensitivity to "Low" and left Pause sensitivity to STD. Question, when you are on the cycling option, what do you use to start the clock moving again. Can it be set to moving at a greater speed than walking? Anyways thanks for the pause feature. I'll continue to play with it. Makes life much better. I enjoy the app and will need to play with all the new features.
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Another quicky...I’ve found the “Estimated Time” which works in conjunction with a “fixed length” workout.

Is it possible to explain how it estimates the time??

Is it as simple as using the overall average pace so far in a distance x pace calculation OR does it do something clever like use more recent pace work out the time for the remaining distance and add to the time already taken??

Not sure if this makes sense...but for example if I’m running a marathon and there’s 10k to go, I want the estimated time to be based on my pace maybe over the last kilometre or so rather than the average pace I’ve maintained for the previous 30ish k?

(I realise using overall average pace the estimated time would gradually home in to be accurate the closer to the end I got, but knowing the expected time based on the pace I’ve invariably faded to would be more useful from a running point of view).

At the moment the estimated fields are quite simple and use the average pace over the workout so far. I will probably refine that in the future and maybe allow you to choose a rolling pace type window, but I have started simple.

The one exception is for intervals where it uses the average pace for the previous interval of a particular type. This is so that it will handle the different pace for slow and fast intervals for example.

A side effect of this is if you create an interval schedule with say 26 x 1 mile intervals then the pace used to calculate the estimated time will change on each mile boundary to use the average pace over the previous mile. It's not exactly what you want but it is slightly closer.
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I woke up this morning and saw the updated app and got excited to download it and install it. And I saw the pause feature and that is what I was most excited about. Did some configuration and took off on a 30 mile bike ride. Our group usually stops for breakfast and I have to remember to pause the app but today I didn't and it stopped recording when we stopped. Great.

I noticed that it recorded some time when I was walking around at times. I set the "Resume" sensitivity to "Low" and left Pause sensitivity to STD. Question, when you are on the cycling option, what do you use to start the clock moving again. Can it be set to moving at a greater speed than walking? Anyways thanks for the pause feature. I'll continue to play with it. Makes life much better. I enjoy the app and will need to play with all the new features.

Glad that the auto-pause is working well for you. The algorithm uses a distance filter, so it will resume if you are seen to have moved by more than a certain distance. When you adjust the sensitivity you are varying the distance: less sensitive means you have to move further for it to consider you to have restarted.

It is done this way to handle the inaccuracies of GPS. It is very difficult to distinguish between slow and very slow when just using GPS positioning, especially with a poor signal that can jump around. So the algorithm is designed to detect whether you have stopped or not, rather than whether you are going slower than a certain pace.
I just updated the app and it looks great thank you. I had two questions:

1) there are two backup features (screens and profiles). I kind of understand what they are, but I ma not sure what to do with the saved files as I can't see any Restore buttons anywhere! am I missing something? I am now terrified of uninstalling the app for fear of losing all my recorded workouts since I am not sure if they are backed up anywhere.

2) the app update was done when my watch was switched off and the I switched it back on, it did not updat. I cat get it to update and I have now installed it from the IOS app but can't reinstall it anymore - the install progress icons spins forever and nothing happens. Any ideas how to fix that? I looked at the user guide and found nothing on the subject.

Many many thanks again for the great app.
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I just updated the app and it looks great thank you. I had two questions:

1) there are two backup features (screens and profiles). I kind of understand what they are, but I ma not sure what to do with the saved files as I can't see any Restore buttons anywhere! am I missing something? I am now terrified of uninstalling the app for fear of losing all my recorded workouts since I am not sure if they are backed up anywhere.

2) the app update was done when my watch was switched off and the I switched it back on, it did not updat. I cat get it to update and I have now installed it from the IOS app but can't reinstall it anymore - the install progress icons spins forever and nothing happens. Any ideas how to fix that? I looked at the user guide and found nothing on the subject.

Many many thanks again for the great app.

Glad you like the new version!

The way to restore the screens and profiles is to open them and share them to WorkOutDoors. However this may not be possible due to a bug in iOS 13 that sometimes prevents files being shared to apps. I have got around this for GPX routes by adding an Import button, but I still need to do the same for screen and profile files.

Sorry about that - it will be in the next release (along with use of the series 5 compass). Apple are releasing iOS 13.1 in 3 days so I am hoping that they will have fixed the bug anyway. Although I and several other developers have been telling them about it for over 3 months to no effect so I am not optimistic!

In terms of generally backing up workouts etc so that you do not lose them, I usually recommend using iTunes File Sharing to copy them to a folder on a computer, from where you can copy them back if necessary:

The inability to install the watch app sounds like an iOS / watchOS issue. The app has no control over installation. I suggest rebooting both the iPhone and the watch to see if that helps. Apologies for the standard IT response!
I had a similar issue updating the app on the watch. Cancel the installation (uninstalls the app from the watch), restart both devices, install on watch again. Worked für me. It’s defiantly an iOS watchOS issue as I had this for other apps as well.
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Thanks @cfc and @philipp_chris, I had seen this installation issue before so I suspected it was probably an iOS watch issue.

what did freak me out and fill me with dread though was the prospect of reinstalling the iOS app now that I have about 1 years worth of workouts, routes, and general other customization. Was not sure either how a restore would play with health ? Would restore data be written into health gain ? Is it synced ?
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Thanks @cfc and @philipp_chris, I had seen this installation issue before so I suspected it was probably an iOS watch issue.

what did freak me out and fill me with dread though was the prospect of reinstalling the iOS app now that I have about 1 years worth of workouts, routes, and general other customization. Was not sure either how a restore would play with health ? Would restore data be written into health gain ? Is it synced ?

Uninstalling the WorkOutDoors iPhone app should not affect the workouts already in Apple's Health system (although I wouldn't put anything past iOS 13!). However it will lose them from the WorkOutDoors iPhone app because you will lose the data for the app (like with any iOS app). So if you do specifically uninstall the iPhone app then it is worth using iTunes File Sharing to back up everything first.
You don’t need to uninstall the iOS app, just the watch app. If you uninstall the iOS app, don’t hit the delete healt data button!
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Thanks for the tip @philipp_chris I managed to fix it in the end after realizing another
was failing to install and was clogging up the queue (@cfc made me realize this in his last post). Fixed that and WOD came on fine.

what a great update by the way! The improved watch ui is a real pleasure to use @cfc

thanks for the info on backing up @cfc, I understand now. And if you ever implement more backup features, making them a “one button only for backup + one button only for restore” thing would be amazing (backing up has so far produced 1 file for screens and 9 files for profiles. And then there are dozens of recorded activities and dozens of routes).
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I love the new design of the watch app!

Just a question. What does the "Extra accurate GPS" option do? I tried to find it in the manual but to no success.

Also, even with auto pause set to low sensitivity my workout was paused when walking under an overpass, then resumed in the short gap before the next overpass where it was paused again. I didn't expect that. I hadn't walked more than 3-4 meters in when it paused (about half way through). Can anything be done to help with this? Maybe some other settings that may affect it? Not a huge problem, just a bit annoying.
I just did my first workout with the new app, new iOS and new WatchOS, and for the first time in months, the GPS accuracy was terrible. I've went from 6m average accuracy to 26m average accuracy on the same route. Phone was in airplane mode and the Watch was rotated to put the antenna upwards.

After the run I enabled the Extra accurate GPS and will test next week.

Visually, the WoD app is much nicer to look at. The visual overhaul is impressive. It's not quite NRC level of amazing branding, but it's now extremely respectable and modern look. Very very good job! (and of course it's streaks ahead of the NRC app!). I need to investigate the new settings.
I just did my first workout with the new app, new iOS and new WatchOS, and for the first time in months, the GPS accuracy was terrible. I've went from 6m average accuracy to 26m average accuracy on the same route. Phone was in airplane mode and the Watch was rotated to put the antenna upwards.

After the run I enabled the Extra accurate GPS and will test next week.

Visually, the WoD app is much nicer to look at. The visual overhaul is impressive. It's not quite NRC level of amazing branding, but it's now extremely respectable and modern look. Very very good job! (and of course it's streaks ahead of the NRC app!). I need to investigate the new settings.

Glad you like the new version. I tried to tidy up the look as well as add lots of new features.

Unfortunately there is not much the app can do about the accuracy - it is just supplied by watchOS so maybe there is something different in watchOS 6. I am not seeing issues but I usually take my phone with me. I will try without it next time.
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Since the update, runs contain “lengths” when viewed in the Apple Activity app?!

This is what Apple always call laps in the Activity app. For some reason they seem to assume that laps are only created by swimming workouts and therefore call them lengths. I have tried to limit the confusion by making it so that WorkOutDoors only adds lap events when the user adds manual laps, so I assume that is what you did?

I figured that auto-laps can be handled as splits by the end-system, but if the user creates manual laps then I need to store that data in Apple's health system, even if their apps describe them as lengths. Otherwise the manual laps cannot be recreated by external systems that get the workout via Apple's system.
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@workoutdoors I just want to thank you for such an awesome app!! It’s great, fantastic! All i’ve ever missed to run on an Apple Watch is now on your app!

That’s great to hear! Many thanks for posting.
This is what Apple always call laps in the Activity app. For some reason they seem to assume that laps are only created by swimming workouts and therefore call them lengths. I have tried to limit the confusion by making it so that WorkOutDoors only adds lap events when the user adds manual laps, so I assume that is what you did?

I figured that auto-laps can be handled as splits by the end-system, but if the user creates manual laps then I need to store that data in Apple's health system, even if their apps describe them as lengths. Otherwise the manual laps cannot be recreated by external systems that get the workout via Apple's system.

Two observations regarding this.

By default the option „only send laps if manually created“ is disabled, so also auto generated laps are send.

In German it’s actually called „Runden“ which means laps
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Two observations regarding this.

By default the option „only send laps if manually created“ is disabled, so also auto generated laps are send.

In German it’s actually called „Runden“ which means laps

Thanks - that is interesting about it being different in other languages. I may leave the default for that option to be disabled then (even though I meant it to be enabled). If that field makes sense for a large proportion of users then I will leave it in by default. But if some users are annoyed by the "lengths" name then they at least have the option of removing it.
This is what Apple always call laps in the Activity app. For some reason they seem to assume that laps are only created by swimming workouts and therefore call them lengths. I have tried to limit the confusion by making it so that WorkOutDoors only adds lap events when the user adds manual laps, so I assume that is what you did?

I figured that auto-laps can be handled as splits by the end-system, but if the user creates manual laps then I need to store that data in Apple's health system, even if their apps describe them as lengths. Otherwise the manual laps cannot be recreated by external systems that get the workout via Apple's system.
The mix auto-lap/manual-lap is not perfect ...
Last time, I ran, I have used manal laps and leave auto-lap on. I have auto-laps every one km and manual laps that can be interrupted my auto laps ... Maybe I have missed something.
Isn't it possible to do like Apple workout app: you have splits every km (or mile) and laps in a different area ?
For me, auto lap in WOD is only here to have pace split/km
manual laps, auto laps, intervals ... it's a bit confusing some times ...
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The mix auto-lap/manual-lap is not perfect ...
Last time, I ran, I have used manal laps and leave auto-lap on. I have auto-laps every one km and manual laps that can be interrupted my auto laps ... Maybe I have missed something.
Isn't it possible to do like Apple workout app: you have splits every km (or mile) and laps in a different area ?
For me, auto lap in WOD is only here to have pace split/km
manual laps, auto laps, intervals ... it's a bit confusing some times ...

If you want both then you could use intervals. If you are not using a schedule then you can manually start new intervals with a shortcut to the "New Interval" command. That way you can analyse both splits and intervals in the iPhone app. It is also useful for splitting hikes into uphill / downhill etc whilst still getting auto-laps.
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OK ...
I didn't know I can manually start intervals. I thought it was always "planned" intervals.
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OK ...
I didn't know I can manually start intervals. I thought it was always "planned" intervals.

Sorry - it is probably not clear. They should probably be called "segments" when not running an interval schedule but I wanted to be able to use the same display in the iPhone app for analysing them. Essentially they work very similarly to laps, so between them you can split the workout in 2 different ways if you wish.
I have changed my settings, I think it will be way better for my usage !
Thanks a lot !
We can do everything with you app, but there are so many features that it's not always easy ...
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I have changed my settings, I think it will be way better for my usage !
Thanks a lot !
We can do everything with you app, but there are so many features that it's not always easy ...

Thanks. I will improve the user guide when I get the time - it definitely needs it!
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