This isn't ideal with the app's business model of a one-off payment.
Hey. I have read many of your posts here and I am wondering if you maybe considered switching to subscription based model? As a core model or, even better, as an add-on?
I'd solve a lot of the problems you were describing: tiles downloading payment, hiring UX designer etc.
I remember you saying "if the app gets popular enough". Today however it is missing features to be a go-to app for workouts (especially for people who expect Garmin-like experience).
From my wishlist:
- navigation with directions, rerouting and ETA+distance: must-have
- importing structured workouts (might be via watchletics, i don't mind): must-have
- automatic effort rating to use apple's training load - should-have
- better UX - nice-to-have
As for the price. I paid for AWU2 about 900 EUR. My previous Fenix was about same price tag. Runna subscription is 120 USD a year. TrainAsOne costs 10 GBP monthly.
Your app: i don't even remember, 10 EUR once like 5 years ago?
Maybe this is only my opinion, but I really don't mind paying for something that is really good and useful for me.
And I believe your app selling point is it is good, not cheap. You will never be cheaper than default free app. But for now, your app is totally unique as nobody offers good workout tracking + mapping on Apple Watch. Apple is pushing it's own maps, which is nowhere near to OSM, so it won't be a real alternative in next few years anywhere beside some most popular locations.
Just my 2 cents.
And I just tipped with "very generous tip", which I'd like to pay in subscription model when app will support what I listed above 🙂