One thing that I have been thinking of asking for several years: the workouts are typically titled "Saturday Morning Cycle" or similar, which is fine, as the date and time of each is shown below the title.
However, when exporting the track to a GPX file, the default GPX file name is just "Saturday Morning Cycle.gpx" which results in many GPX files with the same name which are difficult to tell which GPX file is which workout date (as opposed to the GPX file creation date). Is is possible to add the workout date/time to the GPX filename?
I realize one can manually change the Workout title, but that is an extra (and unreliable) step.
For example, GPX files exported from GAIA GPS app have the following typical default filename (which is not the best format, but gives the idea):
Something like this would be great:
Saturday Morning Cycle 2021-12-25_1405.gpx
Thanks for the app!