How do you know that Apple is even allowed to use that Swiss clock beyond iOS 6? Perhaps their settlement was confined to just the iPads that already shipped with it (without permission). $20 million sounds like a lot, but the Swiss rail company did have the upper hand in the negotiations once it became clear that
Apple infringed their intellectual property.
I still don't get how a few rectangular lines represents "intellectual property" (it's not exactly using building blocks we haven't seen before; in fact it's ONLY building blocks, but then I never thought it looked that great to begin with) or how there's even such a thing as "intellectual property" in the first place (e.g. patents are only supposed to be granted if it's something new and unique not based entirely upon block shapes we've seen before, but "copyrights" allow pretty much ANYTHING by comparison).
We would have never attained language if this idea of "intellectual property" existed back in the stone ages with people fighting over who owns what word. Until society moves beyond petty GREED driving everything we do, we will continue to languish in a world that hasn't progressed much since the middle of the 20th Century (save computers and HDTV, the latter of which got delayed almost two decades due to competing nonsense and HD video discs almost didn't go anywhere either for the same reason).
Perhaps that is why you don't see a future ANYTHING like Back To The Future 2 predicted for 2015 (frankly 2015 looks almost EXACTLY like 1985 except for those two things) because we don't do anything but sue anymore. It is perhaps no coincidence that lawyers were abolished in that future. I'm guessing if they made a sequel to explain WHY that future didn't happen (after the events of BTTF 3), it would have something to do with lawyers not being abolished due to something that got changed.
I weep for the future. We could have had a man on Mars by now if it weren't for humans fighting each other over everything (wars, litigation, it's all the same crap on different playing fields), causing over 50% of the budget to be put into defense instead of research. And what research is done is to make money, not to do things like CURE diseases (no money in that which is why there was no Ebola vaccine made 20 years ago, but the moment people get scared it could happen here, WHAM, we suddenly have a vaccine in less than a year). GREED is the root of all evil.
But we worry about Apple infringing "intellectual property" with a stupid simulated clock face buried in a preference pane. Yeah, that's what's important.
Just wait and see how clock face litigation goes when the Apple Watch comes out.

(that's where a clock face might actually matter to sales)