I can understand the guilt after the fallout, however his point is still valid, the problem is the people who only read the sound bites and article title and it spins out of control. I seriously doubt most responders even read the entire post.
He stated in the "original" article and I quote;
"The problem seems to be quite simple: they’re doing too much, with unrealistic deadlines.
We don’t need major OS releases every year. We don’t need each OS release to have a huge list of new features. We need our computers, phones, and tablets to work well first so we can enjoy new features released at a healthy, gradual, sustainable pace."
This is a fair appraisal and I think deep down we all know its true.
I agree, and we also don't need to have existing features "temporarily removed" from iWork applications while they promise they are working to make them "greater" - that is an asinine marketing strategy! You can't "temporarily" remove features from software that users rely on for productivity and expect users to be happy about it and remain dependent and loyal.
If they haven't yet figured out how to make some existing features of their applications work with Yosemite, then it was premature to release Yosemite.
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