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There are any number of third party terminal programs, starting with the 20+ year old xterm. Pick one that allows you to select a font.

There is no way to turn off the blur on a retina screen. Even if you turn off the font smoothing in your terminal settings the screen is still multiplying the pixels and it results in eye strain.

I work in an environment which requires me to have multiple terminals doing ssh and this has been a huge issue for me. We recently got a Mac pro and the only reason it wasn't returned was that it is possible to turn font smoothing COMPLETELY off in a terminal window on a 1:1 pixel display (LG34UM95). We also have a 15" rMBP and it is useless for anything except watching videos or photos because of the way the display handles text.

There are also some other issues we have noticed from running a PC and the Mac Pro through the same display (and with the same calibration) and overall it seems OS X is not as good at rendering the screen graphics or handling jpg. It's subtle but it's there.

I don't share the opinion that Yosemite looks better on retina and I have found it to actually be less legible than running it 1:1. I feel that you are going to have to have a significantly higher display DPI to get solid text and a much better scaling system to handle the 1:1 graphics on web pages. It's all kind of half baked right now.
I can only assume you missed the point entirely. I was saying anyone who used a computer before the year 2000 or so has ALREADY SEEN A FLAT INTERFACE BEFORE. How can something be "new" when it's been done to death before? HENCE my comment about people under the age of 25 since they have an excuse, at least (i.e. they've quite possibly never seen all the two dimensional GUIs from the 1980s and 1990s. Just because YOU happen to LIKE two-dimensional, that in no way changes my point that it's NOT "NEW" or "SHEEK". It's more like OLD and I'VE BEEN THERE, DONE THAT BEFORE. If you can't comprehend that idea, oh well. I'll try and not lose sleep over it. It has NOTHING to do with whether some people PREFER two-dimensional and everything to do with the previous comment that it's "NEW" and "NOW". Well, I guess the two thousand teens are the new 1980s then because I've seen this look and it's not new.

Now OSX V1.0 was NEW. NO ONE had ever seen the AQUA interface on ANY computer before. It was not only new, it was ground-breaking and trend-setting. Now it's just copying what everyone else is doing. In case some haven't noticed, Microsoft has ALSO gone "flat". Since when has it been a good thing to look like Windows? OSX should be its own OS and stop worrying about what's in fashion. Apple should SET fashion, IMO not follow it and it USED to do that. Sadly, Johnny Ive is not Steve Jobs and neither is Tim Cook. They are traditional business people that can follow someone like Jobs and do a good job when reigned in, but clearly without those controls, they just follow what they think is trendy. Is there money in that? Sure, but it's not the same Apple. Even Apple in the '80s didn't go bankrupt. It took 15 years without Jobs before they started to approach that point. So I wouldn't base current sales that are based on Jobs ideas (e.g. iPhone, iPad and uni-case notebooks) on future ones when those ideas have reached their saturation point. I simply think copying what everyone else is doing is the WRONG DIRECTION.

Worse yet, Yosemite has key functional problems (e.g. harder to read text on some monitors, etc.) that Mavericks does not have. That's not only the wrong direction, but going backwards. Apple should listen to its users feedback and fix the damn problems. Those are far worse than just the "look".

Very well put, Magnus - I fully agree. Sad to see how today's Apple became just another box mover without a true vision (you know, one that goes beyond the number of sold units).
I keep seeing it posted that "it's just the same people posting over and over" in this thread.

This thread has about 265,000 reads right now. Am I the only one that thinks, maybe, that number is a little high for it to be the same few handful of people posting over and over again? There are entire cities that don't have 265,000 people in them. The shear count is, IMHO, telling. The negativity in the App Store is telling.

Graphically, someone at Apple should start recognizing this change wasn't good.
I keep seeing it posted that "it's just the same people posting over and over" in this thread.

This thread has about 265,000 reads right now. Am I the only one that thinks, maybe, that number is a little high for it to be the same few handful of people posting over and over again? There are entire cities that don't have 265,000 people in them. The shear count is, IMHO, telling. The negativity in the App Store is telling.

Graphically, someone at Apple should start recognizing this change wasn't good.

Very good points.
If someone is not falling down on knees before anything that Apple does, then "it was not made for you, you troll, go get something else or its the same handful of people in MR and not the whole world etc.".
I wait for the time when these type of primitive pseudo arguments disappear.
If someone is not falling down on knees before anything that Apple does, then "it was not made for you, you troll, go get something else or its the same handful of people in MR and not the whole world etc.".
I wait for the time when these type of primitive pseudo arguments disappear.

Yes, much more annoying than the "people who like Yosemite have no clue what a proper UI should look like, Apple has completely lost it, Ive *****s on everything Steve Jobs spent years to build" tune... I too wait for the time when this type of primitive pseudo arguments disappear. [trolls flying everywhere!]

That's why I said this thread wasn't really significative. Ranting/venting all the time is not constructive. It just gives the thread more replies, views, and bias.

For the record, just because I'm back to Yosemite doesn't mean I "love" everything about it. Although this time, it does work flawlessly for me.
The looks of yosemite is something you could expect from the soviet-union....damn boring to the death. I expect more than just a flat book like UI. Stupidest thing apple has done is hiring Ivy. Boot him sooner than later...we do not need him and his boring flatnes....
Yes, much more annoying than the "people who like Yosemite have no clue what a proper UI should look like, Apple has completely lost it, Ive *****s on everything Steve Jobs spent years to build" tune... I too wait for the time when this type of primitive pseudo arguments disappear. [trolls flying everywhere!]

That's why I said this thread wasn't really significative. Ranting/venting all the time is not constructive. It just gives the thread more replies, views, and bias.

For the record, just because I'm back to Yosemite doesn't mean I "love" everything about it. Although this time, it does work flawlessly for me.

What is much and what is more annoying is relative.
Expressing an opinion on a new UI style can hardly be "ranting, complaining". These are opinions contrary to the quasi arguments of "go, get something else etc.". And this is a difference.
What concerns the Ive-gate. I belong to those who share the view that Ive got way too much power in the field of design. He is a unique, extremely talented designer. An industrial and not a software "designer"/engineer. (Ce n'est pas la même chose!)
What is much and what is more annoying is relative.
Expressing an opinion on a new UI style can hardly be "ranting, complaining". These are opinions contrary to the quasi arguments of "go, get something else etc.". And this is a difference.
What concerns the Ive-gate. I belong to those who share the view that Ive got way too much power in the field of design. He is a unique, extremely talented designer. An industrial and not a software "designer"/engineer. (Ce n'est pas la même chose!)

I agree. Yet I trust Apple will address (at least some of) the most vitriolic complaints about Yosemite in future releases. They will adjust. They proposed something radically (not sure it's the right word) new and they will refine it from now on. Ive may be a stubborn guy, I'm sure he and his team are very much aware of people's reaction. After all Aqua took years of adjustements before getting to the 10.6-10.9 standard. When the first version of OS X came out, it was barely useable - by "it" I mean Aqua.

...are you french? ;)
I agree. Yet I trust Apple will address (at least some of) the most vitriolic complaints about Yosemite in future releases. They will adjust. They proposed something radically (not sure it's the right word) new and they will refine it from now on. Ive may be a stubborn guy, I'm sure he and his team are very much aware of people's reaction. After all Aqua took years of adjustements before getting to the 10.6-10.9 standard. When the first version of OS X came out, it was barely useable - by "it" I mean Aqua.

...are you french? ;)

Morpheo, are you sure that Ive and his team do know about the user reactions? Do they really care or take it into account? (The pessimistic part of me asks this academic question).

Lived in Suisse romande for many years. And I am a "fanboy" of French history and culture, btw ;)
Morpheo, are you sure that Ive and his team do know about the user reactions? Do they really care or take it into account?

Well, I'm not sure, but I like to think they do. :) I'm curious about what's in store for 10.11. A new UI is certainly not to be expected, a continuation of Yosemite most definitely, and subtle changes and some refinements? We'll see... I'd love to have more than one system font (not counting on that one though!) - retina crowd would still be happy, and non-retina would rejoice too:p


Stupidest thing apple has done is hiring Ivy. Boot him sooner than later...we do not need him and his boring flatnes....

Really? Look at what he's done for Apple for more than 20 years. One could argue that designing Yosemite may not be his greatest achievement, but in retrospect, hiring him wasn't exactly a bad thing...


Lived in Suisse romande for many years. And I am a "fanboy" of French history and culture, btw ;)

Been living in Montreal for too l...*cough* many years too - but home will always be somewhere else. :)
I agree. Yet I trust Apple will address (at least some of) the most vitriolic complaints about Yosemite in future releases. They will adjust. They proposed something radically (not sure it's the right word) new and they will refine it from now on. Ive may be a stubborn guy, I'm sure he and his team are very much aware of people's reaction. After all Aqua took years of adjustements before getting to the 10.6-10.9 standard. When the first version of OS X came out, it was barely useable - by "it" I mean Aqua.

...are you french? ;)

Thing is, if they're so good at knowing what works. Changing to something new with so many problems shouldn't take a long time to get back there. Yet this is showing a very, very slow process.

They should be at a stage where they've pleased the majority. Not kissing Apple's backside no matter what they come out with.


Really? Look at what he's done for Apple for more than 20 years. One could argue that designing Yosemite may not be his greatest achievement, but in retrospect, hiring him wasn't exactly a bad thing...

That might be that I was a bit quick there, I just got a bit outraged by the looks...when you buy a mercedes/audi/BMW like, you expect to get a feel of premium, not discount. When you buy a mac or iPad etc you expect a premium feeling towards the product, the UI is now far from that. I have worked on macs on and off since 92-93 and always preferred Apple products than ordinary PC's. Because of the looks and the easy way of getting to the point. Now I am not sure what to think and do next time I going to invest in a computer piece. There are Linux version that matches OS X now. Then pay the extra money seems a bit waste ATM.
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… functional problems (e.g. harder to read text on some monitors, etc.) that Mavericks does not have. …

Yes …

… I use Firefox and Thunderbird (but even there I had to do some busy work to get Firefox to look like it used to …

On Mavericks I make increasing use of Thunderbird, less use of Mail.

A few hours ago I tried Thunderbird on Yosemite. If I'm not mistaken, the OS made it uncomfortable to read many elements of the UI of the app. I should probably blame Apple's choice of system font.

Then, Mail. Yosemite made it relatively difficult to identify conversations at a glance, and so on.

Related: Yosemite hard to look at? – yes.

I had a flashback to when I disliked Firefox for its celebration of garishness ("… Over 300,000 designs …"); for areas of uncleanliness in its default theme (a pair of buttons with one larger than the other); and so on.

How naïve I was, in those days. I imagined that Apple would, in the future, continue to demonstrate respectable logic, and expertise, in its refinement of the UI/UX for Mac hardware.


Back to Mavericks, I'm happy.
I'm genuinely afraid that Jony Ive may start dictating to kernel engineers how the operating system really ought to work - a man who, by his own admission, doesn't really know that much about computers.

…it's getting scary people.
I'm genuinely afraid that Jony Ive may start dictating to kernel engineers how the operating system really ought to work - a man who, by his own admission, doesn't really know that much about computers.

…it's getting scary people.

It is, ZVH. First we saw how the OSX was shaped to Ive's needs to match his Bauhaus industrial design style, then the new MacBook with one port in order to become small and thin. What's next?
The end is nigh for Mavericks.
10.9 use dropped off a cliff around the vernal equinox, and Yosemite use shot up like a bat out of hell.
Currently 60%Y 25%M
Resistance is futile.
I've got my UI modded enough so it doesn't hurt to look at.
It is, ZVH. First we saw how the OSX was shaped to Ive's needs to match his Bauhaus industrial design style, then the new MacBook with one port in order to become small and thin. What's next?

MacBook Pro gets stripped of dedicated graphics and USB 3 ports and made even thinner and more performance sacrifices...? MacBook Air gets discontinued...? iPods get discontinued...?
MacBook Pro gets stripped of dedicated graphics and USB 3 ports and made even thinner and more performance sacrifices...? MacBook Air gets discontinued...? iPods get discontinued...?

Oh, well. And MacBook users will have a choice to buy an iPad with a keyboard or a Pro that is transformed to a stripped off Air. What a prospective in the name of "lighter, thinner and whatever".
The end is nigh for Mavericks.
10.9 use dropped off a cliff around the vernal equinox, and Yosemite use shot up like a bat out of hell.
Currently 60%Y 25%M
Resistance is futile.
I've got my UI modded enough so it doesn't hurt to look at.

That looks extremely suspicious to me. I wonder if Apple found out which sites GoSquared was monitoring for data and then started hitting them with a lot of Yosemite systems to skew the data. A +10% jump for Yosemite and a simultaneous -10% jump for Mavericks is just a little hard to believe over such a short period of time.

Meanwhile, over at the App Store:

5 star ratings: 942
1 star ratings: 1078
… Mavericks is not available as an upgrade …

… 10.9 use dropped off a cliff around the vernal equinox, and Yosemite use shot up …

That looks extremely suspicious to me.

Agreed. Screenshot attached, and until there's an acceptable explanation for that change, around 25th March 2015, I must doubt the value of what's reported by GoSquared …


  • 2015-04-04 20-55-19 screenshot.png
    2015-04-04 20-55-19 screenshot.png
    210.7 KB · Views: 125
Some thoughts

Just my opinion:
What Tim Cook and J. Ive needed was a wireless capable jump drive home station for their iPhone. Preferably with a keyboard and some sort of screen, if possible. Welcome to Yosemite, which is nothing more then a place for iPhone users to store pictures, finish projects started on the iPhone, and manage the Apps while the iPhone is charging. It would also be practical it the interfaces looked similar. So you see, form follows function. They expect you’ll get used to the font, it is just a peripheral device after all, 34,000 iPhones sold a day. The new 12 inch MacBook is a perfect mate for the iPhone.
The apple watch, contains a smaller less capable version of Yosemite that can be worn. A lesser interface that the iPhone can use wirelessly to call the wearers attention to Apps on the iPhone that require or might need their attention. It can also tell time.
Something else I found is that if you try to project Yosemite onto an average screen with an average projector, corporate budgets what they are, it is unreadable, too much white and small type.
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