I don't really know how to explain this, but is anyone else finding Yosemite extremely difficult to look at?
I'm not sure if it's the fonts, or the bright colours and lack of contrast, or what- but I can't stand using it for more then an hour at a time. My eyes feel incredibly strained afterwards, assuming I don't get a full blown headache. I have had no such problems under 10.8 (and I stare at the computer for well over 8 hours a day, with several short breaks in-between).
Don't get me wrong, I want to like Yosemite. I think there's some relevant stuff in there, and I like the idea of a flatter UI. I've just... Well, never experienced anything like this in the 20+ years I've been using computers (all the way from DOS to OS/2 Warp, BeOS, Solaris, AIX, various incarnations of Linux, Mac OS 7 to Mac OS X, and Windows 3.1 to Windows 7). I know some systems take a while to get used to and I'm fine with that, but every time I boot into Yosemite for a few hours I come away from it feeling like someone has been prodding my eyes with chopsticks or something.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain that using a computer shouldn't be physically taxing?