Let me end this discussion, right here, right now. The iMac was just not a professional look...
The iBook was just not a professional look.
The Blue and White G3 was just not a professional look.
Aqua was just not a professional look
Do you see what I'm saying?
If you want a professional look buy a ThinkPad, or a ThinkStation from Lenovo. If you just want to complain, we here you, and we don't care. Get it? Apple does not care what you think as you do not represent the product they are selling.
If you still want to complain, sit down and watch this.
People have been complaining about Apple not having a professional look every time since Apple stopped making beige and black boxes. Your argument is old and no one cares what you think anymore, we've heard it ever since 1997. There are adults who were 1 year old when people like you started complaining about the direction Steve Jobbs and Johny Ives were taking Apple in. Yes I read those complaints when they first introduced the iMac and PowerBook in MacWorld magazine way back in the late 90s well before this forum existed.
You are resoundingly wrong. Apple has never once had a professional look since 1997.... And if you want that kind of professional look go buy a can of Pepsi off of John Sculley. Apple never has and never will be competitive in terms of professional looks. They are out stripped 10 to 1 in terms of workstations with professional looks in reality, Apple doesn't know how to do professional looks nor should they.
Professional looks are not what Apple does. If you want to live your life in a straight jacket then buy yourself a workstation running Windows 8 and leave everyone else who wants to buy a Mac alone.
--> The door is that way, don't let it hit your arse on the way out...